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抑制剂 & 化合物









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Cat. No. Product Name
L8800 药物片段库

1119 compounds
1119 种药物片段分子,是FBDD 方法新药筛选的有力工具;
L4200 FDA 上市药物库

1729 compounds
1729 个FDA 批准药物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L2151 化疗药物库

48 compounds
48 个肿瘤化疗药物,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L1000 上市药物库

2808 compounds
2808 个上市药物化合物集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L9200 药物功能重定位化合物库

4630 compounds
4630 种全球上市药物和临床药物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选,是老药新用、新的药物靶点筛选和细胞诱导的有效工具。
L2150 抗癌药物库

3080 compounds
3080 个具有抗癌活性小分子的独特集合,生物活性已经临床前实验证实,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L4210 NMPA中国上市药物库

1270 compounds
1270 个 NMPA 中国上市药物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L2110 抗癌上市药物库

1779 compounds
1779 个具有抗癌活性小分子的独特集合,所有化合物都经过了严格的临床前研究和临床试验,由FDA、EMA 或NMPA 批准上市,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选。
L5800 药物代谢杂质库

197 compounds
197 种药物异构体/代谢产物的特有集合,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2152 靶向治疗药物库

119 compounds
119 个肿瘤靶向治疗药物,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L1010 FDA上市及药典收录分子库

3158 compounds
3158 个上市及药典分子集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L6160 Ro5类药天然产物库

2703 compounds
2703 种符合 RO5原则的天然产物单体集合,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L9210 儿童药物库

972 compounds
972 种儿童药物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选
L5510 肝脏毒性化合物库

1001 compounds
1001 个肝脏毒性化合物的特有集合,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选,是毒理学研究的良好工具;
L1020 EMA 上市药物库

657 compounds
L5610 Golden骨架库

10000 compounds
多样性好,从160万个小分子中挑选而出,10000 个化合物,5000种骨架结构;
LF9000 半胱氨酸靶向共价抑制剂库

3400 compounds
It contains over 3,400 potential covalent modifiers.
L5600 Mini骨架库

5000 compounds
多样性好,从一百多万个小分子中挑选而出,5000 个化合物代表5000 种骨架结构;
L9410 共价抑制剂库

1920 compounds
1920 种小分子的独特集合,包含已发现的共价抑制剂以及包含某些共价反应基团常见弹头的分子,如氯乙酰基,2-氯丙酰基,丙烯酰基,1-丙-2-炔基,1-丁-2-炔基,酮羰基,二硫键等,可以用于共价抑制剂药物研发;
DF4000 Smart共价片段化合物库

511 compounds
ChemDiv’s Smart Library of Covalent Fragments contains 799 compounds
LF1000 多样性核心预制库

50000 compounds
For your convenience, there are Diversity Sets of 5,000, 10,000, 15,000, and 20,000 compounds with no structure overlap.
L6900 稀有天然产物库

693 compounds
693 种稀有天然产物的集合,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
VM1400 多样性核心库Part2

25920 compounds
L4900 心血管毒性化合物库

131 compounds
131 种心血管毒性化合物的独特集合,可用于毒理学研究;
DF1000 片段化合物库

11269 compounds
ChemDiv’s Fragments Library contains 11,269 compounds.
L7820 高溶解性微型片段化合物库

1081 compounds
高溶解性微型片段化合物库由 1081 个低分子量片段组成。
L7830 高溶解性片段药效团化合物库

985 compounds
高溶解性片段药效团库包含985 个片段小分子。
BN1100 二代高端片段化合物库

1139 compounds
The 2nd Generation Premium Fragment Library contains 1166 compounds.
L9230 ReFRAME 相关化合物库

3210 compounds
3210 化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选
L1500 GPCR靶点分子库

1940 compounds
1940 种与 G 蛋白及其耦联受体相关的生物活性小分子化合物,所有小分子都具有良好的生物和药理活性,部分是 FDA 批准的上市药物;
L1580 GPCR库Plus

338 compounds
338 种GPCR 靶向、结构新颖的化合物;
L7840 高溶解性卤化片段化合物库

796 compounds
高溶解性卤化片段库包含796 个卤化片段化合物。
L6010 天然产物库

3840 compounds
3840 种天然产物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L9100 磷酸酶抑制剂化合物库

79 compounds
79 种已知活性的磷酸酶抑制剂的集合,可用于化合物筛选、化学基因组学、药理分析等方面;
L4020 NO PAINS 化合物库

9384 compounds
TargetMol NO PAINS 化合物库包含 9384 个剔除了PAINS 的小分子活性化合物,可用于新药研发,信号通路研究,老药新用等研究。
L2570 人代谢物化合物库

4454 compounds
4454 种人代谢物的独特集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L4150 新颖已知活性精选库

989 compounds
989 种百里挑一的活性化合物;
L9850 口服活性化合物库

2427 compounds
2427 种口服活性化合物独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选
L1800 抗感染化合物库

2938 compounds
2938 种具有抗感染活性的化合物的特有集合,包括抗细菌、抗真菌、抗巨细胞病毒、抗HIV、抗SARS、抗流感等活性;
L4010 已知活性化合物库

22555 compounds
22555 个已知活性化合物的集合,可用于高通量筛选、高内涵筛选、细胞诱导和靶点确认;
L4600 植物来源化合物库

3048 compounds
3048 个植物来源天然产物的独特集合,来自277类植物的精心之选;
L4000 经典已知活性库

14439 compounds
14439 个已知活性化合物的集合,可用于高通量筛选、高内涵筛选、细胞诱导和靶点确认;
L3400 临床期小分子药物库

3404 compounds
3404 个临床期化合物集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L4510 抗寄生虫库

419 compounds
419 种具有抗寄生虫活性的小分子化合物;
L2200 酪氨酸激酶分子库

1016 compounds
1016 种酪氨酸激酶抑制剂的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L6110 生物碱类天然产物库

500 compounds
500 种生物碱类天然产物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L1710 抗COVID-19化合物库

1133 compounds
1133 种对SARS-CoV-2有抑制作用或潜在抑制作用的化合物集合,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L2300 离子通道库

931 compounds
931 种与离子通道相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于离子通道相关的疾病和药物研究,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L6700 抗癌天然产物库

1772 compounds
1772 种已知活性天然产物的独特集合,是肿瘤药物开发、抗癌先导化合物筛选等领域的有力工具,可用于HTS 和HCS。
L2500 人内源代谢化合物库

499 compounds
499 种内源性生物活性化合物的独特集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L1700 抗病毒库

1040 compounds
1040 种具有抗病毒活性的化合物的特有集合,是筛选新型抗病毒药的有效工具;可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L6000 高通量筛选天然产物库

4533 compounds
4533 种天然产物的独特集合,是药物开发、药理研究、干细胞分化、指纹图谱研究、质量研究等领域的有力工具,可用于HTS 和HCS;
L9840 抗阿尔茨海默症化合物库

986 compounds
986 种阿尔茨海默症相关的化合物集合,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L4520 抗菌活性库

904 compounds
904 种具有抗菌活性的化合物,是抗菌药物研发的有力工具;
L9900 药用辅料化合物库

182 compounds
182 种 FDA 批准药品中的非活性成分集合
L4710 非甾体类抗炎化合物库

530 compounds
530 种非甾体类的抗炎相关化合物,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L7800 高溶解性片段库

2728 compounds
2728 种片段分子合集,数量适中,是 FBDD 方法新药筛选的有力工具。
L6810 中药单体化合物库

2755 compounds
2755 种中药来源的单体化合物,是药物开发、药理研究等领域的有力工具;
L5700 精选片段库

246 compounds
246 个片段小分子的独特集合,可用于基于片段的筛选和药物发现(FBDD);
L2190 抗肺癌化合物库

1702 compounds
1702 种与肺癌相关的化合物,可以用于抗肺癌药物研发和药理研究;
L4400 抗生素库

692 compounds
692 个具有抗菌活性化合物的独特集合,是医药研究的优良工具库和药物筛选的有效载体;
L5300 线粒体靶向库

812 compounds
812 种具有潜在或确定线粒体靶向活性的化合物,以促进针对线粒体的药物研究;
L9830 抗帕金森病化合物库

857 compounds
857 种帕金森病相关的化合物集合,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L8100 细胞周期化合物库

677 compounds
677 种细胞周期相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L6600 胃肠炎天然产物库

219 compounds
219 种胃肠炎相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L8000 干细胞分化化合物库

1197 compounds
1197 种干细胞分化信号通路相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L9600 多肽分子库

791 compounds
791 种多肽类分子,可用于多肽药物开发及信号转导通路和作用机制研究;
L5900 血脑屏障通透化合物库

509 compounds
509 个 CNS-Penetrant 生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L7870 可溶性羧酸片段化合物库

1806 compounds
可溶性羧酸片段库包含 1806 个化合物
L6030 天然产物衍生物虚筛化合物库

163000 compounds
L2180 抗肿瘤库Plus

1468 compounds
1468 种抗肿瘤相关、结构新颖的化合物;
L1400 MAPK 抑制剂库

365 compounds
365 种与MAPK 信号通路相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L3600 细胞因子抑制剂库

604 compounds
604 个与细胞因子紧密相关的化合物集合,是高通量、高内涵筛选的良好载体;
CB1100 EXP多样性库

50000 compounds
For hit finding across different targets, against novel targets, or for the discovery of new chemical series against existing targets, ChemBridge offers up to 150,000 DIVERSet Library compounds in economical, pre-plated format. The DIVERSet Libraries are suitable for biochemical assays, phenotypic and other cell based assays, and assays using model organisms such as bacteria, yeast, c. elegans, zebrafish, or arabidopsis. DIVERSet Libraries have been used across many disease areas resulting in hu...
L5200 抗代谢疾病化合物库

1544 compounds
1544 个代谢疾病相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2193 抗肝癌化合物库

1787 compounds
1787 种与肝癌相关的化合物,可以用于抗肝癌药物研发和药理研究;
LF9100 丝氨酸靶向共价抑制剂库

2700 compounds
Over 2,700 small-molecule screening compounds in the library.
L1900 抗糖尿病库

683 compounds
683 种生物活性小分子化合物;
L9300 大环化合物库

210 compounds
210 种活性已知的大环化合物,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L1600 激酶抑制剂库

2720 compounds
2720 种激酶抑制剂/调节剂的独特集合,用于特定靶向激酶,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L6800 中国药典收录天然产物库

2051 compounds
2051 种中国药典收录的天然产物,是药物开发、药理研究等领域的有力工具;
L9240 农药化合物库

270 compounds
DF4500 多样性核心库Part1

50000 compounds
L4500 抗真菌库

252 compounds
252 个抗真菌活性化合物的独特集合,包含作用于真菌相关靶点的化合物和临床中用于真菌类疾病的药物,是相关疾病药物筛选的有效工具。
L8700 铁死亡化合物库

779 compounds
779 种与铁死亡通路相关的化合物,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L2610 神经递质受体化合物库

1513 compounds
1513 种与神经递质受体相关的化合物,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
DO1200 药物靶点库

53200 compounds
L2510 脂代谢化合物库

492 compounds
492 个脂代谢相关的化合物集合,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L6730 抗病毒中药单体化合物库

268 compounds
268 种具有抗病毒活性的中药单体集合,是药物开发、药理研究的有效工具;
L4660 神经疾病库Plus

1246 compounds
1246 种神经系统相关、结构新颖的化合物;
L5500 毒性化合物库

262 compounds
262 个细胞毒性化合物的特有集合,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选。
L6710 中药抗炎分子库

1246 compounds
1246 种具有抗炎活性或靶向炎症相关靶点的中药单体集合,是药物开发、药理研究的有效工具;
L6610 抗感染天然产物库

1060 compounds
1060 个抗感染相关的天然产物集合,是药物开发、药理研究的有效工具;
L6100 天然多酚类化合物库

635 compounds
635 个天然多酚化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2010 高选择性抑制剂库

575 compounds
L2501 人内源代谢化合物库 Plus

1283 compounds
L6020 天然产物单体化合物库

16627 compounds
16627 种精选天然产物集合,结构多样,遍布多种动植物与微生物;
L1510 核受体化合物库

531 compounds
531 个核受体作用化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L1100 蛋白酶抑制剂库

343 compounds
343 种已知的小分子蛋白酶抑制剂的特有集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L2191 抗乳腺癌化合物库

1939 compounds
1939 种与乳腺癌相关的化合物,可以用于抗乳腺癌药物研发和药理研究;
L9610 环肽库

80 compounds
80 种环肽分子,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L7600 趋化因子抑制剂库

59 compounds
59 种趋化因子或其受体抑制剂的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L6001 Mini真菌代谢天然产物筛选库

L9001 食品添加剂化合物库

425 compounds
L9810 抗纤维化化合物库

1180 compounds
1180 种潜在的抗纤维化分子,是研究纤维化的有效工具,可以用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L3500 组蛋白修饰化合物库

469 compounds
469 个组蛋白修饰相关的小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2170 肿瘤免疫治疗小分子化合物库

449 compounds
449 种靶向肿瘤免疫治疗靶点的小分子,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选,是研究肿瘤免疫治疗的有力工具;
L6150 天然产物共价化合物库

583 compounds
L2192 抗胰腺癌化合物库

2238 compounds
2238 种与胰腺癌相关的化合物,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L2630 神经元分化化合物库

672 compounds
672 种与神经元分化相关的化合物,可以用于神经系统疾病药物研发
L2160 抗癌活性化合物库

3188 compounds
3188 种具有抗肿瘤活性的化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2100 抗癌化合物库

7234 compounds
7234 种肿瘤相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L6300 药食同源库

1290 compounds
1290 个药食同源化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L6620 抗寄生虫天然产物库

253 compounds
253 个抗寄生虫相关的天然产物集合,是药物开发、药理研究的有效工具;
L8200 抗衰老化合物库

3279 compounds
3279 个抗衰老化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L2800 5-羟色胺分子库

268 compounds
268 种生物活性小分子化合物,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L6230 苗药化合物库

534 compounds
L3700 JAK-STAT 化合物库

252 compounds
252 个 JAK/STAT 靶点相关的小分子化合物的独特集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L4800 血管生成库

1353 compounds
1353 个高潜力的抑制或促进血管生成的小分子集合,可用于药物靶点开发、血管生成机理研究的高通量筛选,高内涵筛选;
L2195 抗前列腺癌化合物库

2070 compounds
2070 种与前列腺癌相关的化合物,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选
L4100 TGF-β/Smad靶点化合物库

184 compounds
184 个 TGF-β/Smad 靶点相关的小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L8110 细胞重编程化合物库

1813 compounds
1813 种重编程信号通路相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选
DO2200 共价抑制剂库CD

12000 compounds
L1720 核苷类化合物库

334 compounds
334 种核苷类化合物,包括核苷酸、核苷酸类似物及衍生物等,适用于抗病毒、抗肿瘤、抗真菌、抗抑郁等药物的研发;
L7500 凝血与抗凝化合物库

144 compounds
144 个化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L2140 癌细胞分化化合物库

406 compounds
406 个诱导肿瘤细胞分化化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L1110 微管靶向化合物库

142 compounds
142 种靶向微管的分子集合,用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L7900 成骨分子库

317 compounds
317 种成骨相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2130 抗癌细胞代谢库

1268 compounds
1268 种癌细胞代谢相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于肿瘤相关的研究以及抗肿瘤药物的筛选,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2540 肠道微生物代谢化合物库

614 compounds
614 种肠道微生物代谢物的集合,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L1310 细胞骨架化合物库

759 compounds
759 种细胞骨架相关的化合物,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L6400 海洋天然产物库

144 compounds
144 种海洋来源的单体化合物,是药物开发、药理研究等领域的有力工具;
L4700 免疫/炎症分子化合物库

4720 compounds
4720 种具有抗炎症活性的化合物的特有集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L5100 含氟化合物库

574 compounds
574 个含氟化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L3100 造血毒性小分子库

101 compounds
101 种生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2521 糖酵解化合物库

555 compounds
555 种糖酵解相关的活性化合物,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选
L9500 表型筛选靶点鉴定库

1796 compounds
1796 种靶点明确的已知活性化合物,适合表型筛选;
L4300 Wnt/Hedgehog/Notch 通路化合物库

237 compounds
237 个Wnt & Hedgehog & Notch 靶点相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于相关通路的研究及药物的筛选,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选。
L7110 抗高血压化合物库

678 compounds
678 种高血压相关的小分子,用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L7100 抗肥胖化合物库

2247 compounds
2247 个抗肥胖化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L6210 藏药化合物库

747 compounds
747 种藏药来源的天然产物分子集合,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L6220 蒙药化合物库

950 compounds
950 种蒙药来源的天然产物分子集合,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L9400 PPI抑制剂库

485 compounds
485 种已知活性的 PPI 相关的抑制剂,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L6500 微生物天然产物库

685 compounds
685 种微生物来源的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2194 抗结直肠癌化合物库

1545 compounds
1545 种与结直肠癌相关的化合物,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L1610 FDA 上市激酶抑制剂库

263 compounds
L6200 瑶药化合物库

221 compounds
221 种瑶药来源的天然产物分子集合,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L9000 细胞凋亡化合物库

1760 compounds
1760 种与凋亡相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,多用于研究肿瘤发生发展机制和抗癌药物筛选等。可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L1300 PI3K/Akt/mTOR 化合物库

420 compounds
420 种与PI3K/Akt/mTOR 相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于PI3K/Akt/mTOR 相关研究以及高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2196 抗卵巢癌化合物库

1867 compounds
1867 种与卵巢癌相关的化合物,可以用于抗卵巢癌药物研发和药理研究
L2550 谷氨酰胺代谢化合物库

565 compounds
565 种谷氨酰胺代谢相关的分子,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L6820 烟草单体化合物库

747 compounds
L6740 抗结直肠癌中药单体化合物库

382 compounds
382 种抗结直肠癌相关的中药单体集合,是药物开发、药理研究的有效工具;
L6720 抗COVID-19中药单体库

1147 compounds
根据抗新冠肺炎疫情过程中应用于临床治疗的中药方剂,收集了1147 种相关中药来源的单体化合物,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选,是抗新冠病毒药物研发的良好工具;
L8500 HIF-1化合物库

1336 compounds
1336 个HIF-1相关小分子的独特集合,可用于缺血性疾病、癌症等相关领域的药物开发和药理研究;


Cat.No: L8800
Compounds: 1119
FDA 上市药物库
Cat.No: L4200
Compounds: 1729
Cat.No: L2151
Compounds: 48
Cat.No: L1000
Compounds: 2808
Cat.No: L9200
Compounds: 4630
Cat.No: L2150
Compounds: 3080
Cat.No: L4210
Compounds: 1270
Cat.No: L2110
Compounds: 1779
Cat.No: L5800
Compounds: 197
Cat.No: L2152
Compounds: 119
Cat.No: L1010
Compounds: 3158
Cat.No: L6160
Compounds: 2703
Cat.No: L9210
Compounds: 972
Cat.No: L5510
Compounds: 1001
EMA 上市药物库
Cat.No: L1020
Compounds: 657
Cat.No: L5610
Compounds: 10000
Cat.No: LF9000
Compounds: 3400
Cat.No: L5600
Compounds: 5000
Cat.No: L9410
Compounds: 1920
Cat.No: DF4000
Compounds: 511
Cat.No: LF1000
Compounds: 50000
Cat.No: L6900
Compounds: 693
Cat.No: VM1400
Compounds: 25920
Cat.No: L4900
Compounds: 131
Cat.No: DF1000
Compounds: 11269
Cat.No: L7820
Compounds: 1081
Cat.No: L7830
Compounds: 985
Cat.No: BN1100
Compounds: 1139
ReFRAME 相关化合物库
Cat.No: L9230
Compounds: 3210
Cat.No: L1500
Compounds: 1940
Cat.No: L1580
Compounds: 338
Cat.No: L7840
Compounds: 796
Cat.No: L6010
Compounds: 3840
Cat.No: L9100
Compounds: 79
Cat.No: L4020
Compounds: 9384
Cat.No: L2570
Compounds: 4454
Cat.No: L4150
Compounds: 989
Cat.No: L9850
Compounds: 2427
Cat.No: L1800
Compounds: 2938
Cat.No: L4010
Compounds: 22555
Cat.No: L4600
Compounds: 3048
Cat.No: L4000
Compounds: 14439
Cat.No: L3400
Compounds: 3404
Cat.No: L4510
Compounds: 419
Cat.No: L2200
Compounds: 1016
Cat.No: L6110
Compounds: 500
Cat.No: L1710
Compounds: 1133
Cat.No: L2300
Compounds: 931
Cat.No: L6700
Compounds: 1772
Cat.No: L2500
Compounds: 499
Cat.No: L1700
Compounds: 1040
Cat.No: L6000
Compounds: 4533
Cat.No: L9840
Compounds: 986
Cat.No: L4520
Compounds: 904
Cat.No: L9900
Compounds: 182
Cat.No: L4710
Compounds: 530
Cat.No: L7800
Compounds: 2728
Cat.No: L6810
Compounds: 2755
Cat.No: L5700
Compounds: 246
Cat.No: L2190
Compounds: 1702
Cat.No: L4400
Compounds: 692
Cat.No: L5300
Compounds: 812
Cat.No: L9830
Compounds: 857
Cat.No: L8100
Compounds: 677
Cat.No: L6600
Compounds: 219
Cat.No: L8000
Compounds: 1197
Cat.No: L9600
Compounds: 791
Cat.No: L5900
Compounds: 509
Cat.No: L7870
Compounds: 1806
Cat.No: L6030
Compounds: 163000
Cat.No: L2180
Compounds: 1468
MAPK 抑制剂库
Cat.No: L1400
Compounds: 365
Cat.No: L3600
Compounds: 604
Cat.No: CB1100
Compounds: 50000
Cat.No: L5200
Compounds: 1544
Cat.No: L2193
Compounds: 1787
Cat.No: LF9100
Compounds: 2700
Cat.No: L1900
Compounds: 683
Cat.No: L9300
Compounds: 210
Cat.No: L1600
Compounds: 2720
Cat.No: L6800
Compounds: 2051
Cat.No: L9240
Compounds: 270
Cat.No: DF4500
Compounds: 50000
Cat.No: L4500
Compounds: 252
Cat.No: L8700
Compounds: 779
Cat.No: L2610
Compounds: 1513
Cat.No: DO1200
Compounds: 53200
Cat.No: L2510
Compounds: 492
Cat.No: L6730
Compounds: 268
Cat.No: L4660
Compounds: 1246
Cat.No: L5500
Compounds: 262
Cat.No: L6710
Compounds: 1246
Cat.No: L6610
Compounds: 1060
Cat.No: L6100
Compounds: 635
Cat.No: L2010
Compounds: 575
人内源代谢化合物库 Plus
Cat.No: L2501
Compounds: 1283
Cat.No: L6020
Compounds: 16627
Cat.No: L1510
Compounds: 531
Cat.No: L1100
Compounds: 343
Cat.No: L2191
Compounds: 1939
Cat.No: L9610
Compounds: 80
Cat.No: L7600
Compounds: 59
Cat.No: L6001
Compounds: Inquiry
Cat.No: L9001
Compounds: 425
Cat.No: L9810
Compounds: 1180
Cat.No: L3500
Compounds: 469
Cat.No: L2170
Compounds: 449
Cat.No: L6150
Compounds: 583
Cat.No: L2192
Compounds: 2238
Cat.No: L2630
Compounds: 672
Cat.No: L2160
Compounds: 3188
Cat.No: L2100
Compounds: 7234
Cat.No: L6300
Compounds: 1290
Cat.No: L6620
Compounds: 253
Cat.No: L8200
Compounds: 3279
Cat.No: L2800
Compounds: 268
Cat.No: L6230
Compounds: 534
Cat.No: L3700
Compounds: 252
Cat.No: L4800
Compounds: 1353
Cat.No: L2195
Compounds: 2070
Cat.No: L4100
Compounds: 184
Cat.No: L8110
Compounds: 1813
Cat.No: DO2200
Compounds: 12000
Cat.No: L1720
Compounds: 334
Cat.No: L7500
Compounds: 144
Cat.No: L2140
Compounds: 406
Cat.No: L1110
Compounds: 142
Cat.No: L7900
Compounds: 317
Cat.No: L2130
Compounds: 1268
Cat.No: L2540
Compounds: 614
Cat.No: L1310
Compounds: 759
Cat.No: L6400
Compounds: 144
Cat.No: L4700
Compounds: 4720
Cat.No: L5100
Compounds: 574
Cat.No: L3100
Compounds: 101
Cat.No: L2521
Compounds: 555
Cat.No: L9500
Compounds: 1796
Wnt/Hedgehog/Notch 通路化合物库
Cat.No: L4300
Compounds: 237
Cat.No: L7110
Compounds: 678
Cat.No: L7100
Compounds: 2247
Cat.No: L6210
Compounds: 747
Cat.No: L6220
Compounds: 950
Cat.No: L9400
Compounds: 485
Cat.No: L6500
Compounds: 685
Cat.No: L2194
Compounds: 1545
FDA 上市激酶抑制剂库
Cat.No: L1610
Compounds: 263
Cat.No: L6200
Compounds: 221
Cat.No: L9000
Compounds: 1760
PI3K/Akt/mTOR 化合物库
Cat.No: L1300
Compounds: 420
Cat.No: L2196
Compounds: 1867
Cat.No: L2550
Compounds: 565
Cat.No: L6820
Compounds: 747
Cat.No: L6740
Compounds: 382
Cat.No: L6720
Compounds: 1147
Cat.No: L8500
Compounds: 1336
Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
T4661 PKG drug G1

PKA Tyrosine Kinase/Adaptors
PKG drug G1 靶向作用于PKG Iα。它通过 C42 PKGIα 非依赖性机制,促进血管舒张以及血压降低。
T23757 Ascorbic acid, rutoside drug combination

Rutinoscorbin,Rutascorbin,Ruta C 60,Cerutin

Others Others
Ascorbic acid, rutoside drug combination is used for treating diabetic retinopathy.
T15058 DBCO-amine

ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related
DBCO-amine 是一种可切割的 ADC 接头,用于合成抗体-药物偶联物。
T15098 Deruxtecan

Others; Drug-Linker Conjugates for ADC Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Deruxtecan 是一种 ADC 药物-接头偶联物,由 DX-8951 (DXd) 的衍生物和马来酰亚胺-GGFG 肽接头组成,用于合成 DS-8201 和 U3-1402。
T9014 SKI-178

Apoptosis; S1P Receptor Apoptosis; GPCR/G Protein
SKI-178 是一种鞘氨醇激酶-1(SphK1)和 SphK2抑制剂,以 CDK1 依赖性方式诱导人急性髓性白血病细胞凋亡。

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Fmoc-3VVD-OH 是一种可降解的 ADC 连接剂,用于合成抗体-药物偶联物。
T16218 N-Boc-PEG5-bromide

Others; PROTAC Linker; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others; PROTAC
N-Boc-PEG5-bromide 是 PROTAC 的 linker,属于 PEG 类和 Alkyl/ether 类.它也是可降解的 ADC 连接桥,用于抗体药物结合物的合成。
T8547 DCBA

Drug Metabolite Metabolism
DCBA 是驱虫剂 N-N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) 的代谢物。尿液中 DCBA 的浓度是评估 DEET 暴露程度的指标。
T17389 AMAS

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
AMAS 是一种不可裂解的异双功能交联剂,具有 NHS 酯和马来酰亚胺基团,可实现含胺和巯基分子的共价结合。
T15179 DTSSP Crosslinker

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
DTSSP Crosslinker 是一种可降解的 ADC linker,可用于合成抗体-药物偶联物 (ADCs)。
T13621 CNDAC hydrochloride

Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog; Others; Drug Metabolite Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Metabolism; Others
CNDAC hydrochloride 是一种核苷类似物,是沙帕他滨的代谢物。
T3540 IMR-1A

Gamma-secretase; Drug Metabolite Metabolism; Neuroscience; Proteases/Proteasome; Stem Cells
IMR-1A 是 IMR-1 的酸代谢物。IMR-1A 是 Notch 抑制剂,IC50=0.5 μM。IMR-1A 相对于 IMR-1 的效力提高了 50 倍。
T4346 SPDB

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
SPDB 是一种可降解的 ADC 连接剂,可用于合成抗体偶联药物。它是一个与 DM4 偶联物相连的小片段,利用二硫键与抗体偶联。
T15176 DSS Crosslinker

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
DSS Crosslinker 是一种不可切割的 ADC 连接剂,用于合成抗体-药物偶联物。
T18723 Succinic anhydride

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Succinic anhydride 中的环状酸酐和不可裂解的 ADC 接头。它可以与化合物 4 反应,将前药连接到靶向多肽的胺或羟基 1 基团。
T14933 Cetaben

Others Others
Cetaben 是不依赖 PPARα 的过氧化物酶体增殖物。它可有效降低胆固醇和甘油三酸酯的浓度,是一种非纤维化降血脂药。
T37514 Hydroxy Dimetridazole

Drug Metabolite Metabolism
Hydroxy Dimetridazole 是Dimetridazol 的羟基化代谢产物。Dimetridazol 是一种硝基咪唑类药物,可用于对抗原生动物感染。
T0150 Hydroxyhexamide


Potassium Channel; Drug Metabolite Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism
Hydroxyhexamide ((±)-Hydroxyhexamid) 是Acetohexamide 的活性代谢物, 可用作降血糖药。
T12490 Pitavastatin lactone

Others; HMG-CoA Reductase Metabolism; Others
Pitavastatin lactone 是 Pitavastatin 在人体中的主要代谢产物。Pitavastatin 是 HMG-CoA 还原酶竞争性抑制剂。
T13131 Tert-Buthyl Pitavastatin

HMG-CoA Reductase Metabolism
tert-Buthyl Pitavastatin 是 Pitavastatin 的代谢产物。其中Pitavastatin 是HMG-CoA 还原酶抑制剂。
T15171 DSG Crosslinker

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
DSG Crosslinker 是用于合成抗体偶联药物的 linker,可降解。
T6741 SPDP

SPDP Crosslinker

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
SPDP 是一种短链交联剂,用于通过 NHS 酯和吡啶基二硫醇反应基团与半胱氨酸巯基形成可切割(可还原)的二硫键,实现胺与巯基的共轭。它是一种可降解的 ADC 连接剂,可用于合成抗体偶联药物。
T17693 Boc-Val-Cit-PAB

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Boc-Val-Cit-PAB 是一种可切割的 ADC 接头,用于抗体-药物偶联物的合成。
T4989 Fosfomycin Tromethamine

Antibacterial; Antibiotic Microbiology/Virology
Fosfomycin tromethamine 是一种能透过血脑屏障的广谱抗生素,不可逆地抑制细胞壁合成的早期阶段。它对多种细菌具有杀菌活性,包括耐多药、广泛耐药和耐全药细菌。
T18479 NH-bis(C1-Boc)


Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Boc-NH-C6-Br 是一种不可切割的接头,用于抗体-药物偶联物。
T18867 Val-Cit-PAB-MMAE

Drug-Linker Conjugates for ADC Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related
Val-Cit-PAB-MMAE 是 ADC 的药物-接头偶联物。它包含 ADC 接头(肽 Val-Cit-PAB)和有效的微管蛋白抑制剂 MMAE。
T15175 DSP Crosslinker

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
DSP Crosslinker 是一种可降解的 ADC 连接剂,用于合成可用于合成抗体偶联药物。
T8924 MFCD28987368

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
MFCD28987368 是一种可以被降解的 ADC linker,可用于抗体偶联药物 (ADC)的合成。
T10138 4-Desmethoxy Omeprazole

Drug Metabolite Metabolism
4-Desmethoxy Omeprazole 是 Omeprazole 的活性代谢物。Omeprazole 是质子泵抑制剂。Omeprazole 竞争性抑制 CYP2C19 活性,Ki=2 - 6 μM。Omeprazole 还抑制革兰氏阴性菌和革兰氏阳性菌生长。
T18308 MC-Gly-Gly-Phe

ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related
MC-Gly-Gly-Phe 是一种用于抗体-药物偶联物的可切割接头。
T17952 Fmoc-Gly-Gly-OH

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Fmoc-Gly-Gly-OH 是一种可切割的 ADC 接头,用于合成抗体-药物偶联物。
T18728 Sulfo-SMCC sodium

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Sulfo-SMCC sodium 是一种异双功能、不可裂解的 ADC 交联剂,带有 N-羟基琥珀酰亚胺酯和马来酰亚胺基团,分别与伯胺和巯基反应。
T17983 Fmoc-Val-Cit-PAB-MMAE

Others; Drug-Linker Conjugates for ADC Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Fmoc-Val-Cit-PAB-MMAE 由 ADC 接头 (Fmoc-Val-Cit-PAB) 和强效微管蛋白抑制剂 (MMAE) 组成。 它是一种用于 ADC 的药物-接头偶联物。
T9344 3-Amino-2-oxazolidinone

Others; Endogenous Metabolite Metabolism; Others
3-Amino-2-oxazolidinone 是一种呋喃唑烷酮的代谢物 (metabolite),可用作检测呋喃唑烷酮残留的一个指标。
T16045 Methotrexate metabolite


Antifolate; Drug Metabolite Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; Metabolism
Methotrexate metabolite (DAMPA) (DAMPA)是 Methotrexate 的活性代谢物。Methotrexate 具有拮抗叶酸 (folic acid) 的作用,被用作免疫抑制剂。
T18868 Val-Cit

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Val-Cit 是一种可切割的 ADC 接头,用于合成抗体-药物偶联物。
T22278 BOC-Dap-NE

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Boc-Dap-NE 是一种二肽,用作一种可降解的 ADC 连接剂,可用于合成抗体偶联药物。
T37600 Dasatinib N-oxide

Others; Bcr-Abl Angiogenesis; Cytoskeletal Signaling; Others; Tyrosine Kinase/Adaptors
Dasatinib N-oxide 是 Dasatinib 的一种次要代谢物。Dasatinib 是口服有效的Src/Bcr-Abl 抑制剂。
T17372 Ald-Ph-NHS ester

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Ald-Ph-NHS ester 是用于抗体-药物偶联的不可切割接头。
T16031 McMMAF

Maleimidocaproyl monomethylauristatin F

Microtubule Associated; Drug-Linker Conjugates for ADC Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Cytoskeletal Signaling
McMMAF 是一种保护基团共轭的 MMAF。它是一种具有马来酰亚胺基己酰基接头(MC 接头)的 MMAF 衍生物, MMAF 是一种有效的微管蛋白聚合抑制剂。它可与抗体或其他蛋白质或生物聚合物结合。
T4678 Fmoc-Val-Cit-PAB

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Fmoc-Val-Cit-PAB 是一种可降解的抗体-药物偶联的连接剂。
T18540 Phe-Lys(Trt)-PAB

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Phe-Lys(Trt)-PAB 是一种组织蛋白酶可裂解的 ADC 接头,用于合成抗体-药物偶联物。
T16225 N-Hydroxysulfosuccinimide sodium

ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related
N-Hydroxysulfosuccinimide sodium 是一种不可降解的 ADC 连接剂,用于合成抗体-药物偶联物。
T17691 Boc-Val-Cit-OH

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Boc-Val-Cit-OH 是一种可切割的 ADC 接头,用于合成抗体-药物偶联物。
T8722 iKIX1

Antifungal Microbiology/Virology
iKIX1 是一种 Pdr1 依赖性基因激活。 它在体外和在播散性和泌尿道光滑念珠菌感染的动物模型中使耐药的光滑念珠菌对唑类抗真菌剂重新敏感。它可研究多药耐药性和光滑念珠菌感染。
T17213 Val-cit-PAB-OH

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Val-cit-PAB-OH 是可降解ADC 连接剂。
T38953 Azido-C6-OH

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Azido-C6-OH 是可降解的 ADC linker,可用于合成抗体偶联药物。
T3131 Fosfomycin calcium

Phosphomycin calcium salt,Fosmicin,磷霉素钙

Antibacterial; Antibiotic Microbiology/Virology
Fosfomycin calcium (Phosphomycin calcium salt) 是一种能透过血脑屏障的广谱抗生素,不可逆地抑制细胞壁合成的早期阶段。它对多种细菌具有杀菌活性,包括耐多药、广泛耐药和耐全药细菌。
T17692 Boc-Val-Cit-PAB-PNP

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
Boc-Val-Cit-PAB-PNP 是一种可切割的 ADC 接头,用于合成抗体-药物偶联物。
T18318 MC-Val-Ala-PAB-PNP

Others; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; Others
MC-Val-Ala-PAB-PNP 是一种用于合成抗体偶联药物的 linker,可降解。


PKG drug G1
Cat.No: T4661
Target: PKA
Ascorbic acid, rutoside drug combination
Cat.No: T23757
Synonym: Rutinoscorbin,Rutascorbin,Ruta C 60,Cerutin
Target: Others
Cat.No: T15058
Target: ADC Linker
Cat.No: T15098
Target: Others, Drug-Linker Conjugates for ADC
Cat.No: T9014
Target: Apoptosis, S1P Receptor
Cat.No: T22334
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T16218
Target: Others, PROTAC Linker, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T8547
Target: Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T17389
Target: Others, ADC Linker
DTSSP Crosslinker
Cat.No: T15179
Target: Others, ADC Linker
CNDAC hydrochloride
Cat.No: T13621
Target: Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog, Others, Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T3540
Target: Gamma-secretase, Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T4346
Target: Others, ADC Linker
DSS Crosslinker
Cat.No: T15176
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Succinic anhydride
Cat.No: T18723
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T14933
Target: Others
Hydroxy Dimetridazole
Cat.No: T37514
Target: Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T0150
Synonym: 乙酸己脲,(±)-Hydroxyhexamid
Target: Potassium Channel, Drug Metabolite
Pitavastatin lactone
Cat.No: T12490
Target: Others, HMG-CoA Reductase
Tert-Buthyl Pitavastatin
Cat.No: T13131
Target: HMG-CoA Reductase
DSG Crosslinker
Cat.No: T15171
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T6741
Synonym: SPDP Crosslinker
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T17693
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Fosfomycin Tromethamine
Cat.No: T4989
Target: Antibacterial, Antibiotic
Cat.No: T18479
Synonym: 亚氨基二乙酸二异丁酯
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T18867
Target: Drug-Linker Conjugates for ADC
DSP Crosslinker
Cat.No: T15175
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T8924
Target: Others, ADC Linker
4-Desmethoxy Omeprazole
Cat.No: T10138
Target: Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T18308
Target: ADC Linker
Cat.No: T17952
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Sulfo-SMCC sodium
Cat.No: T18728
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T17983
Target: Others, Drug-Linker Conjugates for ADC
Cat.No: T9344
Target: Others, Endogenous Metabolite
Methotrexate metabolite
Cat.No: T16045
Synonym: DAMPA,甲喋呤杂质E
Target: Antifolate, Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T18868
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T22278
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Dasatinib N-oxide
Cat.No: T37600
Target: Others, Bcr-Abl
Ald-Ph-NHS ester
Cat.No: T17372
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T16031
Synonym: Maleimidocaproyl monomethylauristatin F
Target: Microtubule Associated, Drug-Linker Conjugates for ADC
Cat.No: T4678
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T18540
Target: Others, ADC Linker
N-Hydroxysulfosuccinimide sodium
Cat.No: T16225
Target: ADC Linker
Cat.No: T17691
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T8722
Target: Antifungal
Cat.No: T17213
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T38953
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Fosfomycin calcium
Cat.No: T3131
Synonym: Phosphomycin calcium salt,Fosmicin,磷霉素钙
Target: Antibacterial, Antibiotic
Cat.No: T17692
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T18318
Target: Others, ADC Linker
Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
T13539 Allopurinol riboside

Others; Endogenous Metabolite; Parasite; Drug Metabolite Metabolism; Microbiology/Virology; Others
Allopurinol riboside 是别嘌醇的代谢产物,具有抗寄生虫作用。 Allopurinol riboside 竞争性抑制嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶对肌苷的作用,Ki 为 277 μM。
Fr13756 Isonicotinic acid

Endogenous Metabolite; Drug Metabolite Metabolism
Isonicotinic acid 是 Isoniazid 的代谢产物。Isoniazid 通过肼解转化为 Isonicotinic acid。 Isoniazid 向 Isonicotinic acid 的生物转化可以通过细胞色素 P450 酶催化。
T8115 Menthofuran

Others Others
Menthofuran 是一种天然产品。
TN4660 Niranthin

Anti-infection; HBV; PAFR; Topoisomerase DNA Damage/DNA Repair; GPCR/G Protein; Microbiology/Virology
Niranthin 是一种木脂素,具有广泛的药理活性。它是L. donovaniIB 拓扑异构酶的非竞争性抑制剂,可用于研究耐药利什曼病的治疗。
TN6512 Tectol

Transferase; Parasite Metabolism; Microbiology/Virology
Tectol 是从Lippia sidoides 中分离的,对人白血病细胞株 HL60 和 CEM 具有显著的抑制作用。它是法尼基转移酶抑制剂,在人和布氏锥虫的IC50分别为 2.09 和 1.73 μM。它具有抗疟原虫活性,是一种中等活性的生长抑制剂,IC50 为 3.44±0.20μM。
TN1740 Homoeriodictyol


5-HT Receptor; transporter; Sodium Channel; Drug Metabolite GPCR/G Protein; Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism; Neuroscience
Homoeriodictyol 是 Eriocitrin 的代谢物,属于黄酮类。Eriocitrin 是强效抗氧化剂。
T9784 Docosanedioic acid 

PROTAC Linker; ADC Linker Antibody-drug Conjugate/ADC Related; PROTAC
Docosanedioic acid 可以作为ADC linker 或PROTAC linker,用于合成抗体偶联药物或合成 PROTAC。
T8175 DL-Laudanosine


Others; Drug Metabolite Metabolism; Others
DL-Laudanosine (Laudanosine) 是 Atracurium 和 Cisatracurium 的代谢物,它能够透过血脑屏障,引起兴奋和癫痫。
T12095 Monomethyl fumarate

GPR; Drug Metabolite Endocrinology/Hormones; GPCR/G Protein; Metabolism
Monomethyl fumarate 是 Dimethyl fumarate 的活性代谢产物。Monomethyl fumarate 是一种 GPR109A 激动剂。Monomethyl fumarate 是一种 GPR109A 激动剂具有用于多种神经保护途径和其他视网膜疾病模型的潜力。
T4820 Maleimide


Others Others
Maleimide (2,5-Pyrroledione) 可用于制备荧光探针,主要用于硫醇分析物的特异性检测。它也可用于制备用于癌症研究的抗体-药物偶联物 (ADC)。
T4000 (±)-Equol


Estrogen Receptor/ERR; Estrogen/progestogen Receptor; Drug Metabolite Endocrinology/Hormones; Metabolism
(±)-Equol ((R,S)-Equol) 是 equol 的外消旋体。它对 ERα 和 ERβ 的 EC50s of 分别为 200 和 74 nM。Equol 是大豆异黄酮黄豆苷和大豆黄素的代谢产物。
T8262 Fosfomycin sodium

Fosfomycin Disodium,磷霉素钠

Antibacterial; Antibiotic Microbiology/Virology
Fosfomycin sodium 是一种能透过血脑屏障的广谱抗生素,不可逆地抑制细胞壁合成的早期阶段。它对多种细菌具有杀菌活性,包括耐多药、广泛耐药和耐全药的细菌。
TN1742 Homovanillyl alcohol


TNF; Drug Metabolite Apoptosis; Metabolism
Homovanillyl alcohol 是羟基酪醇的生物代谢物。Hydroxytyrosol 是存在于原始橄榄油和葡萄酒中的酚类化合物。它能够保护红细胞免受氧化损伤,并对心血管具有保护作用。
T2149 Vinburnine


Others; Drug Metabolite Metabolism; Others
Vinburnine (Eburnalritardo) 是一种长春花生物碱,是长春胺的代谢物和是血管扩张剂。
T8149 Dobutamine hydrochloride

盐酸多巴酚丁胺,Dobutamine (hydrochloride)

Adrenergic Receptor GPCR/G Protein; Neuroscience
Dobutamine hydrochloride (Dobutamine(hydrochloride)) 是一种合成的儿茶酚胺,可作用于肾上腺素能受体α1-AR、β1-AR 和β2-AR,是一种选择性的 β1-AR 受体激动剂,对 α1-AR 和 β2-AR 作用相对较弱。它能够增加心输出量,矫正低灌注。
T16338 Norgestimate metabolite Norelgestromin

17-Deacetyl norgestimate,17-Deacylnorgestimate,甲基孕酮

Drug Metabolite Metabolism
Norgestimate metabolite Norelgestromin (17-Deacylnorgestimate) 是norgestimate 的一种活性代谢物。它是用于避孕贴片的甾体孕激素,与雌激素乙炔雌二醇结合使用。
T7174 Urolithin A


Apoptosis; Reactive Oxygen Species; DNA/RNA Synthesis; Endogenous Metabolite; Autophagy; Drug Metabolite Apoptosis; Autophagy; Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Immunology/Inflammation; Metabolism; NF-κB
Urolithin A 是一种鞣花酸的肠道微生物代谢产物,可诱导自噬和凋亡,抑制细胞周期进程,抑制DNA 合成,具有抗炎、抗增殖和抗氧化的特性。
T6293 Mycophenolate Mofetil

TM-MMF,吗替麦考酚酯,RS 61443

Apoptosis; Dehydrogenase; Drug Metabolite Apoptosis; Metabolism
Mycophenolate Mofetil (TM-MMF) 是 Mycophenolic acid 的吗啉乙酯前药。它通过抑制肌苷一磷酸脱氢酶抑制从头嘌呤合成,显示出选择性淋巴细胞抗增殖作用。
T8183 Deslanoside

洋地黄,去乙酰西地兰,Desacetyllanatoside C,Deacetyllanatoside C

ATPase; Drug Metabolite Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism
Deslanoside (Desacetyllanatoside C) 是一种快速作用的强心苷,可抑制Na-K-ATPase 膜泵,导致细胞内钠和钙浓度增加。它用于研究充血性心力衰竭和因折返机制引起的室上性心律失常,并在研究慢性心房颤动时控制心室率。
T0983 Penicillamine

青霉胺,d-penicillamin,Dimethyl Cysteine,D-青霉胺,Artamine,D-(-)-Penicillamine

Antibiotic Microbiology/Virology
Penicillamine (Artamine) 是一种 penicillin 的代谢降解产物,是一种螯合剂,可作用于威尔逊氏病。
T0617 Nicotinamide N-oxide

Nicotinamide-N-oxide,Nicotinamide 1-oxide,N-氧代烟酰胺,烟酰胺-N-氧化物,1-oxynicotinamide

c-Myc; Endogenous Metabolite; CXCR; Drug Metabolite Autophagy; Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; GPCR/G Protein; Immunology/Inflammation; Metabolism
Nicotinamide N-oxide (Nicotinamide 1-oxide) 是生物体内烟酰胺分解代谢物,是高效选择性CXCR2受体拮抗剂。
T4710 3-Methoxytyramine hydrochloride

3-O-methyl Dopamine hydrochloride,3-O-methyl Dopamine hydrochloride),3-O-甲基多巴胺盐酸盐

Others; Endogenous Metabolite; Drug Metabolite Metabolism; Others
3-Methoxytyramine hydrochloride (3-O-methyl Dopamine hydrochloride) 是多巴胺的无活性代谢物,能够活化痕量胺相关受体1 。
T5320 Tulipalin A


Others; Drug Metabolite Metabolism; Others
Tulipalin A (α-methylene-γ-butyrolactone) 是来源于郁金香鳞茎的有毒糖苷。Tulipalin A 是引起过敏性接触皮炎的致敏性致敏物 (causative allergen),在低剂量影响免疫细胞的功能,例如 Jurkat T 细胞。
T17143 Toyocamycin


Apoptosis; Others; IRE1; Antibiotic; Antifungal Apoptosis; Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; Microbiology/Virology; Others
Toyocamycin (Vengicide) 是放线菌类产生的腺苷类似物,为 X 盒结合蛋白 1 (XBP1) 抑制剂,抑制 IRE1α 诱导的 ATP 依赖性 XBP1 mRNA 的断裂,IC50值为 80 nM。它还诱导凋亡。
T13808 p-Coumaric Acid Ethyl Ester

对香豆酸乙酯,Ethyl (E)-p-hydroxycinnamate,Ethyl trans-4-hydroxycinnamate

Others; Drug Metabolite Metabolism; Others
p-Coumaric Acid Ethyl Ester (Ethyl (E)-p-hydroxycinnamate) 是 p-Coumaric acid 的乙酯形式。p-Coumaric Acid 是一种免疫抑制剂, 能够用于自身免疫性炎性疾病 (如类风湿关节炎) 的研究。
T3797 Isosilybin

Isosilybinin,Isosilibinin,异水飞蓟宾,Silymarin,Silybin B,Q-100795

P450 Metabolism
Isosilybin (Isosilibinin) 是一种类黄酮,来源于乳蓟;能够抑制CYP3A4诱导(IC50:74 μM)。
T3212 Digoxigenin


Others Others
Digoxigenin, a therapeutic drug belonging to the group of cardiac glycosides, is widely used in the management of congestive heart failure and other cardiac diseases
T3669 Curcumenol


P450 Metabolism
Curcumenol ((+)-Curcumenol) 提取具有药用价值的 Curcuma zedoaria,是高效的 CYP3A4抑制剂(IC50=12.6 μM),具有神经抗肿瘤、保护、抗炎、和保肝的作用。它在 LPS 刺激的 BV-2 小胶质细胞中,抑制 Akt 介导的 NF-κB 活化及 p38 MAPK 信号通路。
TWO2771 2-Adamantanol


Others Others
2-Adamantanol (2-Hydroxyadamantane) 用于合成抗过敏药物Mizolastine。
T1468 Lornoxicam

Ro 13-9297,Chlortenoxicam,TS110,氯诺昔康

COX; Endogenous Metabolite Immunology/Inflammation; Metabolism; Neuroscience
Lornoxicam (Chlortenoxicam) 是一种新型非甾体抗炎药,是高活性 COX-1 和 COX-2 抑制剂,IC50 分别为 5 和 8 nM。
T3327 Artemotil


CXCR; CCR; Parasite Autophagy; GPCR/G Protein; Immunology/Inflammation; Microbiology/Virology
Artemotil (SM-227) 是一种新型的速效抗疟药,可研究耐Plasmodium falciparum 的恶性疟原虫疟疾,IC50值为 1.61 nM。
T6S2243 Alisol A 24-acetate

Alisol A 24-monoacetate,Alisol A monoacetate,泽泻醇A24-醋酸酯

Others Others
Alisol A 24-acetate (Alisol A monoacetate) 是一种天然产物。
T5567 Tetradecanedioic acid


Others; Endogenous Metabolite Metabolism; Others
Tetradecanedioic acid (Tetradecanedicarboxylate) 是一种长链脂肪酸,属于内源性代谢物的一种。它能够作为有机阴离子转运多肽介导的药物-药物相互作用的候选生物标志物。
T3820 Iridin


Others Others
Iridin (Lridin) 是抑制异黄酮化合物,从Iris milesii 中提取得到。
T10147 4-Hydroxymephenytoin


Others; Drug Metabolite Metabolism; Others
4-Hydroxymephenytoin ((+/-)-4'-Hydroxymephenytoin) 是抗癫痫药 mephenytoin 的代谢产物。Mephenytoin 是 CYP2C19的配体。
T7936 Benzopinacole

Others Others
Benzopinacole 是一种抗阿米巴药物,可作为中间体合成多种化合物。
T0681 Rifampicin

Rifamycin AMP,利福平,Rimactane,Rifampin

Influenza Virus; DNA/RNA Synthesis; Antibacterial; Antibiotic; Antifection Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Microbiology/Virology
Rifampicin (Rifamycin AMP) 是广谱抗生素,可抵抗细菌病原体以及具有抗流感病毒活性。
T4S0647 Butylphthalide


Others Others
Butylphthalide (3-Butylphthalide) 是一种抗脑缺血药物,最初分离自芹菜种中,对中风动物模型有效。
T2959 Ginsenoside Rh2

20(S)-Rh2,20S-Ginsenoside Rh2,人参皂苷Rh2,20(S)-Ginsenoside Rh2,人参皂苷 Rh2

Apoptosis; EGFR; Caspase; Endogenous Metabolite Angiogenesis; Apoptosis; JAK/STAT signaling; Metabolism; Proteases/Proteasome; Tyrosine Kinase/Adaptors
Ginsenoside Rh2 (20(S)-Ginsenoside Rh2) 诱导caspase-8和caspase-9活化。它以多途径方式诱导癌细胞凋亡。
T1381 Milbemycin oxime

Others; Antibiotic; Parasite Microbiology/Virology; Others
Milbemycin oxime 是一种大环内酯,具有广谱抗寄生虫活性。它由 Milbemycin A4 和 A3 组成。它可结合谷氨酸门控的氯离子通道,可作用于肠道线虫,肺和心脏蠕虫。
T22286 Cyanosafracin B

Cyanoquinonamine,氰基番红菌素 B,CBR28-1

Others Others
Cyanosafracin B (Cyanoquinonamine) 是一种合成 Phthalascidin Pt-650 及 Ecteinascidin ET-743 的起始原料。
T0254 Probucol


Virus Protease; ABC; Lipid Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Metabolism; Microbiology/Virology
Probucol (DH-581) 是一种抗高脂血症药物,可通过增加 LDL 分解代谢率来降低血液中的胆固醇水平。
T4S0051 Coptisine sulfate

Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase (IDO) Metabolism
Coptisine Sulfate 是一种从黄连中分离到的生物碱,是非竞争性的IDO 抑制剂,Ki=为 5.8 μM,IC50=6.3 μM。
T3S2381 Perillene


Others; Antibacterial Microbiology/Virology; Others
Perillene (3-Isohexenylfuran) 是促进肠蠕动的药物中的活性成分,它对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌具有很强的抗药性。
T1285 Anethole trithione


Others; AChR Neuroscience; Others
Anethole trithione (Anetholtrithion) 是硫杂环胆碱,是一种胆汁分泌刺激剂,可增强唾液分泌并增加 mAChR 受体,用于口干症的研究。
TN3967 Epieriocalyxin A

ERK; BCL; ROS; Caspase; DNA/RNA Synthesis; JNK Apoptosis; Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Immunology/Inflammation; MAPK; Proteases/Proteasome
Epieriocalyxin A 可以抑制 Caco-2 结肠癌细胞的生长。它可能是未来结肠癌治疗的潜在药物。
TQ0152 Dalfopristin


Antibacterial; Antibiotic Microbiology/Virology
Dalfopristin (RP54476) 是一种半合成的链霉素抗生素。 Quinupristin/Dalfopristin (Q/D) 用于治疗耐多药粪肠球菌感染。
TN1296 5-Feruloylquinic acid

5-O-Feruloylquinic acid,5-FQA,5-O-阿魏酰奎尼酸

Tyrosinase; Sirtuin Chromatin/Epigenetic; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Proteases/Proteasome
5-Feruloylquinic acid (5-FQA) 表现出抗氧化作用和酪氨酸酶抑制作用。
T3021 Bulleyaconitine A

草乌甲素,Bulleyaconi cine A

Sodium Channel Membrane transporter/Ion channel
Bulleyaconitine A (Bulleyaconi cine A) 是一种分离自乌头属植物的抗炎活性化合物,也可用于缓解疼痛的研究。
T5132 9-dihydro-13-acetylbaccatin III

13-乙酰基-9-羟基巴卡丁 III,13-Acetyl-9-dihydrobaccatin III,9-DHAB III

Apoptosis Apoptosis
9-dihydro-13-acetylbaccatin III (9-DHAB III) 是一种制备紫杉醇类似物的中间体。
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Allopurinol riboside
Cat.No: T13539
Target: Others, Endogenous Metabolite, Parasite, Drug Metabolite
Isonicotinic acid
Cat.No: Fr13756
Target: Endogenous Metabolite, Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T8115
Target: Others
Cat.No: TN4660
Target: Anti-infection, HBV, PAFR, Topoisomerase
Cat.No: TN6512
Target: Transferase, Parasite
Cat.No: TN1740
Synonym: 高胜草酚,高圣草酚
Target: 5-HT Receptor, transporter, Sodium Channel, Drug Metabolite
Docosanedioic acid 
Cat.No: T9784
Target: PROTAC Linker, ADC Linker
Cat.No: T8175
Synonym: Laudanosine,DL-劳丹素
Target: Others, Drug Metabolite
Monomethyl fumarate
Cat.No: T12095
Target: GPR, Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T4820
Synonym: 马来酰亚胺,2,5-Pyrroledione
Target: Others
Cat.No: T4000
Synonym: Equol,(±)-雌马酚,(R,S)-Equol
Target: Estrogen Receptor/ERR, Estrogen/progestogen Receptor, Drug Metabolite
Fosfomycin sodium
Cat.No: T8262
Synonym: Fosfomycin Disodium,磷霉素钠
Target: Antibacterial, Antibiotic
Homovanillyl alcohol
Cat.No: TN1742
Synonym: 高香草醇,4-羟基-3-甲氧基苯乙醇
Target: TNF, Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T2149
Synonym: Eburnalritardo,L-Eburnamonine,长春布宁,Vincamone,(-)-Eburnamonine,(-)-Vincamone
Target: Others, Drug Metabolite
Dobutamine hydrochloride
Cat.No: T8149
Synonym: 盐酸多巴酚丁胺,Dobutamine (hydrochloride)
Target: Adrenergic Receptor
Norgestimate metabolite Norelgestromin
Cat.No: T16338
Synonym: 17-Deacetyl norgestimate,17-Deacylnorgestimate,甲基孕酮
Target: Drug Metabolite
Urolithin A
Cat.No: T7174
Synonym: 尿石素A,3,8-二羟基-6H-二苯并[B,D]吡喃-6-酮
Target: Apoptosis, Reactive Oxygen Species, DNA/RNA Synthesis, Endogenous Metabolite, Autophagy, Drug Metabolite
Mycophenolate Mofetil
Cat.No: T6293
Synonym: TM-MMF,吗替麦考酚酯,RS 61443
Target: Apoptosis, Dehydrogenase, Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T8183
Synonym: 洋地黄,去乙酰西地兰,Desacetyllanatoside C,Deacetyllanatoside C
Target: ATPase, Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T0983
Synonym: 青霉胺,d-penicillamin,Dimethyl Cysteine,D-青霉胺,Artamine,D-(-)-Penicillamine
Target: Antibiotic
Nicotinamide N-oxide
Cat.No: T0617
Synonym: Nicotinamide-N-oxide,Nicotinamide 1-oxide,N-氧代烟酰胺,烟酰胺-N-氧化物,1-oxynicotinamide
Target: c-Myc, Endogenous Metabolite, CXCR, Drug Metabolite
3-Methoxytyramine hydrochloride
Cat.No: T4710
Synonym: 3-O-methyl Dopamine hydrochloride,3-O-methyl Dopamine hydrochloride),3-O-甲基多巴胺盐酸盐
Target: Others, Endogenous Metabolite, Drug Metabolite
Tulipalin A
Cat.No: T5320
Synonym: α-methylene-γ-butyrolactone,2-Methylenebutyrolactone,2-甲烯基丁内酯
Target: Others, Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T17143
Synonym: 丰加霉素,Vengicide
Target: Apoptosis, Others, IRE1, Antibiotic, Antifungal
p-Coumaric Acid Ethyl Ester
Cat.No: T13808
Synonym: 对香豆酸乙酯,Ethyl (E)-p-hydroxycinnamate,Ethyl trans-4-hydroxycinnamate
Target: Others, Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T3797
Synonym: Isosilybinin,Isosilibinin,异水飞蓟宾,Silymarin,Silybin B,Q-100795
Target: P450
Cat.No: T3212
Synonym: 地谷新配基,异羟基洋地黄毒苷元
Target: Others
Cat.No: T3669
Synonym: (+)-Curcumenol,莪术醇
Target: P450
Cat.No: TWO2771
Synonym: 2-金刚烷醇,Adamantan-2-Ol,2-Hydroxyadamantane
Target: Others
Cat.No: T1468
Synonym: Ro 13-9297,Chlortenoxicam,TS110,氯诺昔康
Target: COX, Endogenous Metabolite
Cat.No: T3327
Synonym: SM-227,β-Arteether,Beta-Arteether,蒿乙醚,Arteether,(+)-Arteether
Target: CXCR, CCR, Parasite
Alisol A 24-acetate
Cat.No: T6S2243
Synonym: Alisol A 24-monoacetate,Alisol A monoacetate,泽泻醇A24-醋酸酯
Target: Others
Tetradecanedioic acid
Cat.No: T5567
Synonym: 十四烷二酸,Tetradecanedicarboxylate
Target: Others, Endogenous Metabolite
Cat.No: T3820
Synonym: 野鸢尾苷,Lridin
Target: Others
Cat.No: T10147
Synonym: (+/-)-4'-Hydroxymephenytoin
Target: Others, Drug Metabolite
Cat.No: T7936
Target: Others
Cat.No: T0681
Synonym: Rifamycin AMP,利福平,Rimactane,Rifampin
Target: Influenza Virus, DNA/RNA Synthesis, Antibacterial, Antibiotic, Antifection
Cat.No: T4S0647
Synonym: 丁基苯酞,3-Butylphthalide,3-n-Butylphathlide,3-n-Butylphthalide
Target: Others
Ginsenoside Rh2
Cat.No: T2959
Synonym: 20(S)-Rh2,20S-Ginsenoside Rh2,人参皂苷Rh2,20(S)-Ginsenoside Rh2,人参皂苷 Rh2
Target: Apoptosis, EGFR, Caspase, Endogenous Metabolite
Milbemycin oxime
Cat.No: T1381
Target: Others, Antibiotic, Parasite
Cyanosafracin B
Cat.No: T22286
Synonym: Cyanoquinonamine,氰基番红菌素 B,CBR28-1
Target: Others
Cat.No: T0254
Synonym: DH-581,普罗布考
Target: Virus Protease, ABC, Lipid
Coptisine sulfate
Cat.No: T4S0051
Target: Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase (IDO)
Cat.No: T3S2381
Synonym: 3-Isohexenylfuran,紫苏烯,Perillen
Target: Others, Antibacterial
Anethole trithione
Cat.No: T1285
Synonym: 茴三硫,Anetholtrithion
Target: Others, AChR
Epieriocalyxin A
Cat.No: TN3967
Target: ERK, BCL, ROS, Caspase, DNA/RNA Synthesis, JNK
Cat.No: TQ0152
Synonym: RP54476,达福普汀
Target: Antibacterial, Antibiotic
5-Feruloylquinic acid
Cat.No: TN1296
Synonym: 5-O-Feruloylquinic acid,5-FQA,5-O-阿魏酰奎尼酸
Target: Tyrosinase, Sirtuin
Bulleyaconitine A
Cat.No: T3021
Synonym: 草乌甲素,Bulleyaconi cine A
Target: Sodium Channel
9-dihydro-13-acetylbaccatin III
Cat.No: T5132
Synonym: 13-乙酰基-9-羟基巴卡丁 III,13-Acetyl-9-dihydrobaccatin III,9-DHAB III
Target: Apoptosis
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Cat. No. Product Name Species Expression System
TMPY-02062 SULT1A1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

HAST1/HAST2,PST,P-PST,ST1A1,STP,sulfotransferase family, cyt...

Human E. coli
Sulfate conjugation catalyzed by cytosolic sulfotransferase (SULT) enzymes. The SULTs are Phase II drug-metabolizing enzymes that catalyze the addition of a sulfuryl moiety to both endogenous compounds, including steroids and neurotransmitters, and certain xenobiotics, including N-hydroxy-2-acetylaminoflourine and phenolic compounds, like alpha-naphthol. SULTs may be involved in the individual genetic disposition, species differences, and organotropisms for toxicological effects of chemicals. Pa...
TMPY-05321 CYP3A4 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

P450C3,P450PCN1,CYPIIIA4,CP34,cytochrome P450 family 3 subfa...

Human E. coli
CYP3A4 is an important member of the cytochrome P450 enzyme superfamily, with 33 allelic variants. Human cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) is an important drug metabolizing enzyme involved in a number of drug-drug and food-drug interactions. Systemic inflammation has been linked to suppressed CYP3A4 activity.
TMPY-02271 TRXR1/TXNRD1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (aa 161-647, His)

thioredoxin reductase 1,TR1,TXNR,TR,TRXR1,GRIM-12

Human E. coli
Thioredoxin reductase 1 (TXNRD1) which is a selenocysteine-containing protein is overexpressed in many malignancies. TXNRD1 plays a key role in regulating cell growth and transformation, and protects cells against oxidative damage. We investigated the association between TXNRD1 polymorphisms and ATDH susceptibility. Moreover, TXNRD1 is an essential selenium-containing enzyme involved in detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and redox signaling. And genetic variations in TXNRD1 favor th...
TMPH-03139 MDR1 Protein, Plasmodium falciparum, Recombinant (His & SUMO)

Chloroquine resistance protein,MDR1,Multidrug resis...

Plasmodium falciparum E. coli
Energy-dependent efflux pump responsible for decreased drug accumulation in multidrug-resistant cells. MDR1 Protein, Plasmodium falciparum, Recombinant (His & SUMO) is expressed in E. coli expression system with N-6xHis-SUMO tag. The predicted molecular weight is 54.2 kDa and the accession number is P13568.
TMPK-01308 TAG-72 Protein, Canine, Recombinant (His)

mRNA-methyltransferase,mRNA (guanine-N(7))-methyltransferase...

Canine E. coli
The guanine-N7 methyltransferase domain of vaccinia virus mRNA capping enzyme is a heterodimer composed of a catalytic subunit and a stimulatory subunit. Cap (guanine-N7) methylation is an essential step in eukaryal mRNA synthesis and a potential target for antiviral, antifungal, and antiprotozoal drug discovery.
TMPK-00806 GHR/Growth Hormone R Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)


Human HEK293 Cells
Pegvisomant, a growth hormone receptor (GHR) antagonist, is a well-known drug that was designed to treat acromegaly. However, recent studies have indicated that the GHR is a "moonlighting" protein that may exhibit dual functions based on its localization in the plasma membrane and nucleus.
TMPK-01039 FcRH5/FcRL5 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)


Mouse HEK293 Cells
FcRH5 is a cell surface marker enriched on malignant plasma cells when compared to other hematologic malignancies and normal tissues. DFRF4539A is an anti-FcRH5 antibody-drug conjugated to monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE), a potent anti-mitotic agent. FcRH5/FcRL5 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His) is expressed in HEK293 mammalian cells with C-His tag. The predicted molecular weight is 53.7 kDa and the accession number is Q68SN8-1.
TMPK-00759 IgG1 Fc Protein, Human, Recombinant


Human HEK293 Cells
IgG1 is most abundant in serum among the four IgG subclasses (IgG1, 2, 3 and 4) and binds to Fc receptors (FcγR) on phagocytic cells with high affinity. Fc fragment is demonstrated to mediate phagocytosis, trigger inflammation, and target Ig to particular tissues.IgG1 Fc was reported has a novel role as a potential anti-inflammatory drug for treatment of human autoimmune diseases.
TMPK-00618 FcRH5/FcRL5 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

FcR-like protein 5,CD307,BXMAS1,FcRH5,IFGP5,CD307e,FcRL5

Human HEK293 Cells
FcRH5 is a cell surface marker enriched on malignant plasma cells when compared to other hematologic malignancies and normal tissues. DFRF4539A is an anti-FcRH5 antibody-drug conjugated to monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE), a potent anti-mitotic agent. FcRH5/FcRL5 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His) is expressed in HEK293 mammalian cells with C-His tag. The predicted molecular weight is 92.38 kDa and the accession number is AAK93971.
TMPK-01145 FcRH5/FcRL5 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi), Biotinylated

CD307,FcRL5,FcR-like protein 5,FCRH5MGC119593,DKFZp667F216,B...

Human HEK293 Cells
FcRH5 is a cell surface marker enriched on malignant plasma cells when compared to other hematologic malignancies and normal tissues. DFRF4539A is an anti-FcRH5 antibody-drug conjugated to monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE), a potent anti-mitotic agent. FcRH5/FcRL5 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi), Biotinylated is expressed in HEK293 mammalian cells with N-His-Avi tag. The predicted molecular weight is 94.19 kDa and the accession number is Q96RD9-1.
TMPK-00619 FcRH5/FcRL5 Protein (Primary Amine Labeling), Human, Recombinant (His), Biotinylated


Human HEK293 Cells
FcRH5 is a cell surface marker enriched on malignant plasma cells when compared to other hematologic malignancies and normal tissues. DFRF4539A is an anti-FcRH5 antibody-drug conjugated to monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE), a potent anti-mitotic agent. FcRH5/FcRL5 Protein (Primary Amine Labeling), Human, Recombinant (His), Biotinylated is expressed in HEK293 mammalian cells with C-His tag. The predicted molecular weight is 92.38 kDa and the accession number is AAK93971.
TMPK-00483 PCSK9 Protein, Cynomolgus, Recombinant (His)


Cynomolgus HEK293 Cells
Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) is an enzyme encoded by the PCSK9 gene in humans on chromosome 1.The first two PCSK9 inhibitors, alirocumab and evolocumab, were approved as once every two week injections, by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2015 for lowering LDL-particle concentrations when statins and other drugs were not sufficiently effective or poorly tolerated.
TMPJ-01426 SARS-CoV-2 NSP2 Protein (His)

SARS-CoV 2 nsp2,SARS-CoV 2 p65 homolog

SARS-CoV-2 E. coli
The positive-stranded RNA genome of the coronaviruses is translated from ORF1 to yield polyproteins that are proteolytically processed into intermediate and mature nonstructural proteins (nsps). SARS-CoV 2 polyproteins incorporate 16 protein domains (nsps). The putative non-structural protein 2 (nsp2) of SARS-CoV plays an important role in viral transcription and replication, and is an attractive target for anti-SARS drug development.
TMPK-00407 AXL Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi)

AXL oncogene,Axl,EC,Tyro7,UFO,ARK,EC 2.7.10,AI32364...

Human HEK293 Cells
Axl, a member of the TAM (Tyro3, Axl, Mer) family, and its inhibitors can specifically break the kinase signaling nodes, allowing advanced patients to regain drug sensitivity with improved therapeutic efficacy. Overexpression and activation of Axl receptor tyrosine kinase have been widely accepted to promote cell proliferation, chemotherapy resistance, invasion, and metastasis in several human cancers, such as lung, breast, and pancreatic cancers. AXL Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi) is e...
TMPK-01384 SARS PLpro/papain-like protease Protein (His)

Papain-like Protease,PL-PRO,Replicase polyprotein 1a,pp1a,PL...

SARS E. coli
The coronaviral proteases, papain-like protease (PLpro) and 3C-like protease (3CLpro), are attractive antiviral drug targets because they are essential for coronaviral replication. Although the primary function of PLpro and 3CLpro are to process the viral polyprotein in a coordinated manner, PLpro has the additional function of stripping ubiquitin and ISG15 from host-cell proteins to aid coronaviruses in their evasion of the host innate immune responses. SARS PLpro/papain-like protease Protein (...
TMPK-00472 AXL Protein, Cynomolgus, Recombinant (His)

Tyro7,JTK11,AI323647,AXL oncogene,EC,EC 2.7.10,UFO,...

Cynomolgus HEK293 Cells
Axl, a member of the TAM (Tyro3, Axl, Mer) family, and its inhibitors can specifically break the kinase signaling nodes, allowing advanced patients to regain drug sensitivity with improved therapeutic efficacy. Overexpression and activation of Axl receptor tyrosine kinase have been widely accepted to promote cell proliferation, chemotherapy resistance, invasion, and metastasis in several human cancers, such as lung, breast, and pancreatic cancers. AXL Protein, Cynomolgus, Recombinant (His) is ex...
TMPY-03458 Sorcin/SRI Protein, Human, Recombinant


Human Baculovirus Insect Cells
Sorcin was originally identified in multidrug-resistant cells. It is a calcium-binding protein. Sorcin modulates excitation-contraction coupling in the heart, contributes to calcium homeostasis in the heart sarcoplasmic reticulum. Sorcin is overexpressed in the multi-drug resistant chinese hamster ovary cell line CHRC5 and a variety of multidrug-resistant tumor cell lines, but overexpression is not a sufficient or necessary condition for the acquisition of the multidrug-resistant phenotype. Sorc...
TMPK-00954 Hyaluronidase 2/HYAL2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

LuCa-2,Hyaluronidase 2,LUCA2,HYAL2,Hyal-2,Hyaluronidase-2

Human HEK293 Cells
Hyaluronidases, a family of enzymes that are able to degrade hyaluronic acid (HA), are employed in medicine to increase drug diffusion and reverse the effects of HA filler injections. Hyaluronidases are able to dissolve subcutaneous nodules or to correct excessive quantities of injected filler. Upregulation of hyaluronidase 2 (HYAL2), one of somatic hyaluronidase (HAase), was demonstrated in granulation tissue during the healing of equine superficial digital flexor tendon injuries. Hyaluronidase...
TMPK-00410 AXL Protein (Primary Amine Labeling), Human, Recombinant (hFc), Biotinylated

ARK,EC,EC 2.7.10,Axl,JTK11,AXL oncogene,UFO,AI32364...

Human HEK293 Cells
Axl, a member of the TAM (Tyro3, Axl, Mer) family, and its inhibitors can specifically break the kinase signaling nodes, allowing advanced patients to regain drug sensitivity with improved therapeutic efficacy. Overexpression and activation of Axl receptor tyrosine kinase have been widely accepted to promote cell proliferation, chemotherapy resistance, invasion, and metastasis in several human cancers, such as lung, breast, and pancreatic cancers. AXL Protein (Primary Amine Labeling), Human, Rec...
TMPY-02442 ELK1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & GST)

ELK1, member of ETS oncogene family

Human Baculovirus Insect Cells
E twenty-six (ETS)-like transcription factor 1, also known as Elk1 or Member of ETS oncogene family (ELK1), is a member of the ETS oncogene superfamily which is characterized by a common protein domain that regulates DNA binding to target sequences. Elk1 is expressed in the nuclei of non-neuronal cells and function as a transcription activator. It plays important roles in various contexts, including long-term memory formation, drug addiction, Alzheimer's disease, Down syndrome, breast cancer, an...
TMPK-01158 Kallikrein 5/KLK5 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)

SCTE,KLKL2,KLK5,KLK-L2,Klnc,Kallikrein c

Mouse HEK293 Cells
The inhibition of kallikrein 5 (KLK5) has been identified as a potential strategy for treatment of the genetic skin disorder Netherton syndrome, in which loss-of-function mutations in the SPINK5 gene lead to down-regulation of the endogenous inhibitor LEKTI-1 and profound skin-barrier defects with severe allergic manifestations. To aid in the development of a medicine for this target, an X-ray crystallographic system was developed to facilitate fragment-guided chemistry and knowledge-based drug-...
TMPK-00725 Hyaluronidase 2/HYAL2 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)

Hyaluronidase-2,Hyal-2,Hyaluronidase 2,HYAL2

Mouse HEK293 Cells
Hyaluronidases, a family of enzymes that are able to degrade hyaluronic acid (HA), are employed in medicine to increase drug diffusion and reverse the effects of HA filler injections. Hyaluronidases are able to dissolve subcutaneous nodules or to correct excessive quantities of injected filler. Upregulation of hyaluronidase 2 (HYAL2), one of somatic hyaluronidase (HAase), was demonstrated in granulation tissue during the healing of equine superficial digital flexor tendon injuries. Hyaluronidase...
TMPK-00408 AXL Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi), Biotinylated

AXL oncogene,EC,AI323647,Axl,JTK11,ARK,EC 2.7.10,UF...

Human HEK293 Cells
Axl, a member of the TAM (Tyro3, Axl, Mer) family, and its inhibitors can specifically break the kinase signaling nodes, allowing advanced patients to regain drug sensitivity with improved therapeutic efficacy. Overexpression and activation of Axl receptor tyrosine kinase have been widely accepted to promote cell proliferation, chemotherapy resistance, invasion, and metastasis in several human cancers, such as lung, breast, and pancreatic cancers. AXL Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi), Bio...
TMPK-00875 CD96 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi), Biotinylated

TACTILE,CD96,DKFZp667E2122,CD96 molecule

Human HEK293 Cells
The receptors CD96 and TIGIT are expressed on the surface of T and natural killer (NK) cells, and recent studies suggest both play important inhibitory roles in immune function. CD96 has been shown to modulate immune cell activity in mice, with Cd96-/- mice displaying hypersensitive NK-cell responses to immune challenge and significant tumor resistance. The counterbalance between the putative inhibitory CD96 and TIGIT receptors and the activating receptor, CD226, offers unique strategies for imm...
TMPY-03267 Sorcin/SRI Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & GST)


Human Baculovirus Insect Cells
Sorcin was originally identified in multidrug-resistant cells. It is a calcium-binding protein. Sorcin modulates excitation-contraction coupling in the heart, contributes to calcium homeostasis in the heart sarcoplasmic reticulum. Sorcin is overexpressed in the multi-drug resistant chinese hamster ovary cell line CHRC5 and a variety of multidrug-resistant tumor cell lines, but overexpression is not a sufficient or necessary condition for the acquisition of the multidrug-resistant phenotype. Sorc...
TMPK-01352 SARS-CoV-2 PLpro/papain-like protease Protein (His & Avi)

Plpro,PL2-PRO,pp1a,nsp1,Replicase polyprotein 1a,Papain-like...

SARS E. coli
The coronaviral proteases, papain-like protease (PLpro) and 3C-like protease (3CLpro), are attractive antiviral drug targets because they are essential for coronaviral replication. Although the primary function of PLpro and 3CLpro are to process the viral polyprotein in a coordinated manner, PLpro has the additional function of stripping ubiquitin and ISG15 from host-cell proteins to aid coronaviruses in their evasion of the host innate immune responses. SARS-CoV-2 PLpro/papain-like protease Pro...
TMPY-06864 GLP1R Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi)

glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor

Human HEK293 Cells
Glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 receptor is encoded by GLP1R. GLP1R plays a critical role in mediating the biological actions of GLP1 in mammals and fish. The neuronal GLP1Rs mediate body weight and anorectic effects of liraglutide, but are not required for glucose-lowering effects. Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor (GLP1R) signaling has been shown to have antipsychotic properties in animal models and to impact glucose-dependent insulin release, satiety, memory, and learning in man. Glucagon-like p...
TMPJ-01145 ABCB5 Protein, Human, Recombinant (Trx)

ABCB5 P-gp,ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 5,ABCB5,...

Human E. coli
ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 5(ABCB5) is a plasma membrane-spanning protein. ABCB5 is principally expressed in physiological skin and human malignant melanoma. ABCB5 has been suggested to regulate skin progenitor cell fusion and mediate chemotherapeutic drug resistance in stem-like tumor cell subpopulations in human malignant melanoma. It is commonly over-expressed on circulating melanoma tumour cells. Furthermore, the ABCB5+ melanoma- initiating cells were demonstrated to express FL...
TMPY-03416 TNFAIP8 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

GG2-1,tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 8,SCCS2,S...

Human E. coli
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha-induced protein 8 (TNFAIP8) family is a newly identified protein with vital roles in maintaining immune homeostasis. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha-inducible protein 8 (TNFAIP8) is a TNF-alpha inducible anti-apoptotic protein with multiple roles in tumor growth and survival. by the creation of cellular autophagy events, TNFAIP8 promotes cell survival and drug resistance in prostate cancer cells. TNFAIP8 regulates Hippo pathway through interacting with LATS1 to prom...
TMPJ-00295 NgR Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (hFc)

Nogo-66 Receptor,Nogo Receptor,NgR,RTN4R,NOGOR,Reticulon-4 R...

Mouse HEK293 Cells
Nogo Receptor (NgR) is a glycosylphosphoinositol (GPI)-anchored protein that belongs to the Nogo recptor family. Human NgR is predominantly expressed in neurons and their axons in the central nervous systems. As a receptor for myelin-derived proteins Nogo, myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (OMG), NgR mediates axonal growth inhibition and may play a role in regulating axonal regeneration and plasticity in the adult central nervous system. NgR may be prop...
TMPJ-00922 DCK Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & T7)

DCK,Deoxycytidine Kinase

Human E. coli
Deoxycytidine Kinase (DCK) is a member of the DCK/DGK family. DCK exists as a homodimer and is localized to the nucleus. DCK is required for the phosphorylation of the deoxyribonucleosides deoxycytidine (dC), deoxyguanosine (dG), and deoxyadenosine (dA). DCK has broad substrate specificity, and does not display selectivity based on the chirality of the substrate. In addition, DCK is also an essential enzyme for the phosphorylation of numerous nucleoside analogs widely employed as antiviral and c...
TMPY-00648 UNC5A Protein, Human, Recombinant (hFc)

UNC5H1,unc-5 homolog A (C. elegans)

Human HEK293 Cells
The netrin-1 receptor Uncoordinated Phenotype-5A, or UNC5A, plays an important role in predicting response to DNA damage induced by chemotherapeutic drug and regulating cell death in bladder cancer. Moreover, UNC5A is cumulatively downregulated by the unfolding protein response (UPR) at the transcriptional level in vitro and at the translational level both in vitro and in vivo. Also, UNC5A is a novel transcriptional target of p53 and plays a role in p53-dependent apoptosis. UNC5A Protein, Human,...
TMPY-00999 UNC5A Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

unc-5 homolog A (C. elegans),UNC5H1

Human HEK293 Cells
The netrin-1 receptor Uncoordinated Phenotype-5A, or UNC5A, plays an important role in predicting response to DNA damage induced by chemotherapeutic drug and regulating cell death in bladder cancer. Moreover, UNC5A is cumulatively downregulated by the unfolding protein response (UPR) at the transcriptional level in vitro and at the translational level both in vitro and in vivo. Also, UNC5A is a novel transcriptional target of p53 and plays a role in p53-dependent apoptosis. UNC5A Protein, Human,...
TMPJ-01037 CXCR4 Protein, Human, Recombinant (hFc)


Human HEK293 Cells
C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4) is an alpha-chemokine receptor specific for stromal-derived-factor-1 (SDF-1 also called CXCL12), a molecule endowed with potent chemotactic activity for lymphocytes. This receptor is one of several chemokine receptors that HIV isolates can use to infect CD4+ T cells. CXCR4 stands out for its pleiotropic roles in both physiological and pathological conditions and it represents a crucial target in drug development. CXCL12 is the principal CXCR4 specific liga...
TMPY-02394 IMPA1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

IMPA,inositol(myo)-1(or 4)-monophosphatase 1,IMP

Human E. coli
IMPA1 (Inositol Monophosphatase 1) is a Protein Coding gene. This gene encodes an enzyme that dephosphorylates Myo-inositol monophosphate to generate free Myo-inositol, a precursor of phosphatidylinositol, and is, therefore, an important modulator of intracellular signal transduction via the production of the second messenger's myoinositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and diacylglycerol. Despite its many physiological functions, no clinical phenotype has been assigned to this gene dysfunction to date. Ad...
TMPY-02909 ASGR2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

HBXBP,ASGPR2,HL-2,asialoglycoprotein receptor 2,ASGP-R2,CLEC...

Human HEK293 Cells
ASGR2 is a subunit of the asialoglycoprotein receptor. Asialoglycoprotein receptor, also known as the Ashwell receptor, which is specific for desialylated (galactosyl-terminal) glycoproteins and is expressed exclusively in hepatic parenchymal cells. This receptor is a transmembrane protein that plays a critical role in serum glycoprotein homeostasis by mediating the endocytosis and lysosomal degradation of glycoproteins with exposed terminal galactose or N-acetylgalactosamine residues. ASGR2 is ...
TMPY-05693 SARS-CoV-2 Methyltransferase/ME Protein (His)

SARS-CoV-2 E. coli
Coronavirus encodes the 2’-O-MTase (2'O Methyltransferase) that is composed of the catalytic subunit nsp16 and the stimulatory subunit nsp10 and plays an important role in virus genome replication and evasion from innate immunity during viral infection. Nonstructural protein 16 (NSP16) / viral 2'O-methyltransferase (2'O-MTase) is highly conserved. The conserved 2'O-MTase activity is important for CoV pathogenesis and NSP16 is a conserved universal target for rapid live attenuated vaccine design ...
TMPY-06836 NR3C1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

GCCR,GRL,GR,nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1 ...

Human E. coli
NR3C1 (Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 3 Group C Member 1) is a Protein Coding gene. This gene encodes glucocorticoid receptor, which can function both as a transcription factor that binds to glucocorticoid response elements in the promoters of glucocorticoid responsive genes to activate their transcription, and as a regulator of other transcription factors. NR3C1 is a transcriptional regulator of many drug-metabolizing enzymes and anti-inflammatory molecules. NR3C1 polymorphisms associate with obesi...
TMPJ-01028 Claudin-18.2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (Twin strep & Flag)

Claudin 18.2,CLDN18,Claudin-18,CLDN18.2,Claudin-18.2

Human HEK293 Cells
Claudin-18 (CLDN18) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the CLDN18 gene. It belongs to the group of claudins. CLDN18 belongs to the large claudin family of proteins, which form tight junction strands in epithelial cells. CLDN18 plays a major role in tight junction-specific obliteration of the intercellular space, through calcium-independent cell-adhesion activity. CLDN18 has two isoform A1 and isoform A2. Human CLDN18.2 is highly expressed in a signifcant proportion of gastric and pancreat...
TMPY-02081 PDE2A Protein, Human, Recombinant (aa 215-900, His)

phosphodiesterase 2A, cGMP-stimulated,cGSPDE,PED2A4,PDE2A1,C...

Human Baculovirus Insect Cells
cGMP-dependent 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase, also known as cyclic GMP-stimulated phosphodiesterase and PDE2A, is a peripheral membrane protein that belongs to the cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase family and PDE2 subfamily. Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) comprise a family of enzymes that regulate the levels of cyclic nucleotides, key second messengers that mediate a diverse array of functions. Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) modulate signaling by cyclic nucleotides in diverse processes such as cardiac ...
TMPY-01099 GPT Protein, Rat, Recombinant (His)

Gpt1,ALAT,glutamic-pyruvate transaminase (alanine aminotrans...

Rat Baculovirus Insect Cells
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), also known as glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT), is a pyridoxal enzyme that belongs to the class-I pyridoxal-phosphate-dependent aminotransferase family, Alanine aminotransferase subfamily. Gpt / Gpt1 / ALT catalyzes the reversible interconversion of L-alanine and 2-oxoglutalate to pyruvate and L-glutamate and plays a key role in the intermediary metabolism of glucose and amino acids. Gpt / Gpt1 / ALT is expressed in the liver, kidney, heart, and skeletal musc...
TMPJ-00751 IgG4 hFc Protein, Human, Recombinant (aa 99-326)

IgG4 Fc,Ig γ-4 chain C region,Ig gamma-4 chain C region

Human HEK293 Cells
As a monomeric immunoglobulin that is predominately involved in the secondary antibody response and the only isotype that can pass through the human placenta, Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is synthesized and secreted by plasma B cells, and constitutes 75% of serum immunoglobulins in humans. IgG antibodies protect the body against the pathogens by agglutination and immobilization, complement activation, toxin neutralization, as well as the antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). IgG tetram...
TMPY-01893 Serpin A12 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

OL-64,serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade A (α-1 antiproteinas...

Human HEK293 Cells
Serpins are the largest and most diverse family of protease inhibitors. Most serpins control proteolytic cascades, certain serpins do not inhibit enzymes, but instead perform diverse functions such as storage (ovalbumin, in egg white), hormone carriage proteins (thyroxine-binding globulin, cortisol-binding globulin) and tumor suppressor genes (maspin). Most inhibitory serpins target chymotrypsin-like serine proteases. These enzymes are defined by the presence of a nucleophilic serine residue in ...
TMPY-02072 HSF1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

HSTF1,heat shock transcription factor 1

Human E. coli
Heat shock factor protein 1, also known as heat shock transcription factor 1, HSF1, and HSTF1, is a cytoplasm and nucleus protein that belongs to the HSF family. HSF1 is the major transcription factor of HSPs (heat shock proteins) in response to various stresses. Wild type HSF1 (heat shock transcriptional factor 1) is normally inactive. HSF1 / HSTF1 is a DNA-binding protein that specifically binds heat shock promoter elements (HSE) and activates transcription. In higher eukaryotes, HSF is unable...
TMPY-01742 Acetylcholinesterase Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)

Acre,Chrne,acetylcholinesterase (Yt blood group)

Mouse HEK293 Cells
Acetylcholinesterase, also known as ACHE, is an enzyme that degrades (through its hydrolytic activity) the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, producing choline and an acetate group. Acetylcholinesterase plays a crucial role in nerve impulse transmission at cholinergic synapses by rapid hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). ACHE appears to be a potential therapeutic target at muscle injuries including organophosphate myopathy. It is an externally oriented membrane-bound enzyme and ...
TMPY-02150 GADD45A Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & GST)

GADD45,growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible, alpha,growth ...

Human Baculovirus Insect Cells
GADD45A is a member of the GADD45 Family, and has been found to associate with several cytoplasmic and nuclear factors and has been implicated in several cellular functions, including MAPK signaling, cell cycle regulation, DNA repair and genomic stability, apoptosis, and immune responses. The GADD45 Family of genes is rapidly induced by different stressors, including differentiation-inducing cytokines, and there is a large body of evidence that their cognate proteins are key players in cellular ...
TMPY-01576 Artemin Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (hFc)


Mouse HEK293 Cells
Artemin (ARTN) is a member of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family of ligands, and its signaling is mediated via a multi-component receptor complex including the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored GDNF family receptors a (GFRa1, GFRa3) and RET receptor tyrosine kinase. The major mechanism of ARTN action is via binding to a non-signaling co-receptor. The major function of ARTN is to drive the molecule to induce migration and axonal projection from sympathetic neurons. It a...


SULT1A1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-02062
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
CYP3A4 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-05321
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
TRXR1/TXNRD1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (aa 161-647, His)
Cat.No: TMPY-02271
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
MDR1 Protein, Plasmodium falciparum, Recombinant (His & SUMO)
Cat.No: TMPH-03139
Species: Plasmodium falciparum
Expression System: E. coli
TAG-72 Protein, Canine, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-01308
Species: Canine
Expression System: E. coli
GHR/Growth Hormone R Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-00806
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
FcRH5/FcRL5 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-01039
Species: Mouse
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
IgG1 Fc Protein, Human, Recombinant
Cat.No: TMPK-00759
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
FcRH5/FcRL5 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-00618
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
FcRH5/FcRL5 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01145
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
FcRH5/FcRL5 Protein (Primary Amine Labeling), Human, Recombinant (His), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-00619
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
PCSK9 Protein, Cynomolgus, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-00483
Species: Cynomolgus
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
SARS-CoV-2 NSP2 Protein (His)
Cat.No: TMPJ-01426
Species: SARS-CoV-2
Expression System: E. coli
AXL Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-00407
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
SARS PLpro/papain-like protease Protein (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-01384
Species: SARS
Expression System: E. coli
AXL Protein, Cynomolgus, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-00472
Species: Cynomolgus
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
Sorcin/SRI Protein, Human, Recombinant
Cat.No: TMPY-03458
Species: Human
Expression System: Baculovirus Insect Cells
Hyaluronidase 2/HYAL2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-00954
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
AXL Protein (Primary Amine Labeling), Human, Recombinant (hFc), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-00410
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
ELK1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & GST)
Cat.No: TMPY-02442
Species: Human
Expression System: Baculovirus Insect Cells
Kallikrein 5/KLK5 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-01158
Species: Mouse
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
Hyaluronidase 2/HYAL2 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-00725
Species: Mouse
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
AXL Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-00408
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
CD96 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-00875
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
Sorcin/SRI Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & GST)
Cat.No: TMPY-03267
Species: Human
Expression System: Baculovirus Insect Cells
SARS-CoV-2 PLpro/papain-like protease Protein (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01352
Species: SARS
Expression System: E. coli
GLP1R Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPY-06864
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
ABCB5 Protein, Human, Recombinant (Trx)
Cat.No: TMPJ-01145
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
TNFAIP8 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-03416
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
NgR Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (hFc)
Cat.No: TMPJ-00295
Species: Mouse
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
DCK Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & T7)
Cat.No: TMPJ-00922
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
UNC5A Protein, Human, Recombinant (hFc)
Cat.No: TMPY-00648
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
UNC5A Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-00999
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
CXCR4 Protein, Human, Recombinant (hFc)
Cat.No: TMPJ-01037
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
IMPA1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-02394
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
ASGR2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-02909
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
SARS-CoV-2 Methyltransferase/ME Protein (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-05693
Species: SARS-CoV-2
Expression System: E. coli
NR3C1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-06836
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
Claudin-18.2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (Twin strep & Flag)
Cat.No: TMPJ-01028
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
PDE2A Protein, Human, Recombinant (aa 215-900, His)
Cat.No: TMPY-02081
Species: Human
Expression System: Baculovirus Insect Cells
GPT Protein, Rat, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-01099
Species: Rat
Expression System: Baculovirus Insect Cells
IgG4 hFc Protein, Human, Recombinant (aa 99-326)
Cat.No: TMPJ-00751
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
Serpin A12 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-01893
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HSF1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-02072
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
Acetylcholinesterase Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-01742
Species: Mouse
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
GADD45A Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & GST)
Cat.No: TMPY-02150
Species: Human
Expression System: Baculovirus Insect Cells
Artemin Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (hFc)
Cat.No: TMPY-01576
Species: Mouse
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
T12411 Perphenazine D8 Dihydrochloride

Others Others
Perphenazine D8 Dihydrochloride is the deuterium labeled Perphenazine, which is an antipsychotic drug.
T11891 Lumefantrine-d18

Benflumetol D18,苯芴醇 D18,Lumefantrine D18

Others Others
Lumefantrine D18 is an antimalarial drug, and is the deuterium labeled Lumefantrine.
TMIJ-0449 Dimetridazole-d3

Dimetridazole-d3 是 Dimetridazole 的氘代化合物。Dimetridazole 的 CAS 号为 551-92-8。Dmetridazole 是一种对抗原生动物感染的硝基咪唑类药物。
T40915 L-Aspartic acid 13C

L-Aspartic acid 13C is a 13C labeled L-Aspartic acid. L-Aspartic acid is is an amino acid, shown to be a suitable prodrug for colon-specific drug deliverly.
T31108 CTP-347

CTP347,CTP 347

CTP-347, a deuterated version of paroxetine, is potentially the best non-hormonal drug in its class for the treatment of hot flashes.
T12336 Oxaprozin D4

Wy-21743 D4

Others Others
Oxaprozin D4 is the deuterium labeled Oxaprozin, is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).
T13155 Tiaprofenic acid D3

Others Others
Tiaprofenic acid D3 is a deuterium-labeled Tiaprofenic acid. Tiaprofenic acid is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and treatment of rheumatic diseases.
T19183 Albendazole-d3

Albendazole D3

Others Others
Albendazole D3 is the deuterium-labeled Albendazole. Albendazole is used as a drug indicated for the treatment of a variety of worm infestations.
TMIJ-0207 (S)-Ketoprofen-d3

(S)-Ketoprofen-d3 是 (S)-Ketoprofen 的氘代化合物。(S)-Ketoprofen 的 CAS 号为 22161-81-5。S-(+)-Ketoprofen 抑制COX-1和COX-2的IC50值分别为 1.9 和 27 nM。
TMIJ-0037 Sarafloxacin-d8 Hydrochloride

Sarafloxacin-d8 Hydrochloride 是 Sarafloxacin Hydrochloride 的氘代化合物。Sarafloxacin Hydrochloride 的 CAS 号为 91296-87-6。Sarafloxacin hydrochloride是一种抗菌化合物。
TMIH-0496 Rifampicin-d8

Rifampicin-d8 是 Rifampicin 的氘代化合物。Rifampicin 的 CAS 号为 13292-46-1。Rifampicin是广谱抗生素,可抵抗细菌病原体以及具有抗流感病毒活性。
TMIH-0494 Rifampicin-d3

Rifampicin-d3 是 Rifampicin 的氘代化合物。Rifampicin 的 CAS 号为 13292-46-1。Rifampicin是广谱抗生素,可抵抗细菌病原体以及具有抗流感病毒活性。
TMIJ-0298 Flunixin-d3 (methyl-d3)

Flunixin-d3 (methyl-d3) 是 Flunixin 的氘代化合物。Flunixin 的 CAS 号为 38677-85-9。
TMID-0217 Norfluoxetine-d5 Hydrochloride

Norfluoxetine-d5 Hydrochloride 是 Norfluoxetine Hydrochloride 的氘代化合物。Norfluoxetine Hydrochloride 的 CAS 号为 57226-68-3。Norfluoxetine Hydrochloride 是氟西汀的活性代谢物。氟西汀是一种抗抑郁药。
TMIJ-0394 Hydroxy Ipronidazole-d3

Hydroxy Ipronidazole-d3 是 Hydroxy Ipronidazole 的氘代化合物。Hydroxy Ipronidazole 的 CAS 号为 35175-14-5。
TMID-0199 Rifampicin-13C-d3

Rifampicin-13C-d3 是 Rifampicin 的 13C 和氘代化合物。Rifampicin 的 CAS 号为 13292-46-1。Rifampicin是广谱抗生素,可抵抗细菌病原体以及具有抗流感病毒活性。
T38638 4-Trifluoromethylsalicylic acid-13C6

4-Trifluoromethylsalicylic acid-13C6,Desacetyl triflusal-13C6

4-Trifluoromethylsalicylic acid-13C6 是 13C 标记的 4-Trifluoromethylsalicylic acid,主要用于药物开发过程中的定量示踪剂。4-Trifluoromethylsalicylic acid 也是一种血小板聚集抑制剂。
TMIH-0130 Butylphthalide-d7


Butylphthalide-d7 是 Butylphthalide 的氘代化合物。Butylphthalide 的 CAS 号为 6066-49-5。Butylphthalide 是一种抗脑缺血药物,最初分离自芹菜种中,对中风动物模型有效。
TMIJ-0096 Buspirone EP Impurity A-d8

Buspirone USP Related Compound A-d8

Buspirone EP Impurity A-d8 是 Buspirone EP Impurity A 的氘代化合物。Buspirone EP Impurity A 的 CAS 号为 20980-22-7。2-(1-Piperazinyl)pyrimidine 用作抗焦虑药。
TMID-0015 Bendazac-d7

Bendazac-d7 是 Bendazac 的氘代化合物。Bendazac 的 CAS 号为 20187-55-7。Bendazac 是一种氧乙酸,具有抗过敏、抗炎、利胆和抗血脂作用。它能够阻断蛋白质变性,延缓白内障的发生过程。
TMIJ-0105 3-Butylphthalide-d9

3-Butylphthalide-d9 是 3-Butylphthalide 的氘代化合物。3-Butylphthalide 的 CAS 号为 6066-49-5。Butylphthalide 是一种抗脑缺血药物,最初分离自芹菜种中,对中风动物模型有效。
TMID-0198 Esmolol-d7 HCl

Esmolol-d7 HCl 是 Esmolol HCl 的氘代化合物。Esmolol HCl 的 CAS 号为 81161-17-3。Esmolol hydrochloride 是一种心脏选择性β受体阻滞剂,用于治疗心律失常和严重高血压。
TMID-0241 Olmesartan-d6 Acid

Olmesartan-d6 Acid 是 Olmesartan Acid 的氘代化合物。Olmesartan Acid 的 CAS 号为 144689-24-7。Olmesartan 是一种血管紧张素II受体 (AT1R) 拮抗剂,常用于研究高血压。
TMIJ-0102 Ropivacaine-d7

Ropivacaine-d7 是 Ropivacaine 的氘代化合物。Ropivacaine 的 CAS 号为 84057-95-4。Ropivacaine 是有效的钠通道阻断剂,通过可逆地抑制钠离子内流从而引起神经纤维脉冲传导阻滞。Ropivacaine 也是一种 K2P(双孔钾通道)TREK-1的抑制剂,在 COS-7 细胞膜上的 IC50值为 402.7 μM。Ropivacaine 可以用于神经性疼痛的缓解的相关研究。
TMIJ-0059 Moxifloxacin-d4

Moxifloxacin-d4 是 Moxifloxacin 的氘代化合物。Moxifloxacin 的 CAS 号为 151096-09-2。Moxifloxacin 是一种8-甲氧基喹诺酮类口服有效抗菌药物,用于急性细菌性鼻窦炎,慢性支气管炎的急性细菌性加重和感染性肺炎的研究。
TMID-0276 MAA-d3

MAA-d3 是 MAA 的氘代化合物。MAA 的 CAS 号为 519-98-2。4-Methylamino antipyrine 是 Metamizole 的活性代谢产物,可用于疼痛和发烧的研究。Metamizole 是吡唑啉酮类非甾体抗炎药,可抑制COX。
TMIH-0290 Ketorolac-d5-P1

Ketorolac-d5-P1 是 Ketorolac 的氘代化合物。Ketorolac 的 CAS 号为 74103-06-3。Ketorolac 是非甾体抗炎剂,是非选择性的COX抑制剂,对 COX-1 和 COX-2 的IC50值分别为 20 和 120 nM。
TMIH-0291 Ketorolac-d5-P2

Ketorolac-d5-P2 是 Ketorolac 的氘代化合物。Ketorolac 的 CAS 号为 74103-06-3。Ketorolac 是非甾体抗炎剂,是非选择性的COX抑制剂,对 COX-1 和 COX-2 的IC50值分别为 20 和 120 nM。
TMIH-0024 10,11-Dihydro-10-hydroxycarbamazepine-d4


10,11-Dihydro-10-hydroxycarbamazepine-d4 是 10,11-Dihydro-10-hydroxycarbamazepine 的氘代化合物。10,11-Dihydro-10-hydroxycarbamazepine 的 CAS 号为 29331-92-8。Licarbazepine 是一种有效的电压门控钠通道阻滞剂,具有抗惊厥和稳定情绪的功效。
TMIJ-0079 N-Carbobenzyloxyglycine-d2

N-Carbobenzyloxyglycine-d2 是 N-Carbobenzyloxyglycine 的氘代化合物。N-Carbobenzyloxyglycine 的 CAS 号为 1138-80-3。Z-Glycine (Carbobenzoxyglycine) 是一种药物-脂质结合物,旨在促进脑渗透,基于其亲脂性和与生物膜中脂质的相似性。
TMIJ-0335 Dehydro aripiprazole-d8

Dehydro aripiprazole-d8 是 Dehydro aripiprazole 的氘代化合物。Dehydro aripiprazole 的 CAS 号为 129722-25-4。Dehydroaripiprazole 是 Aripiprazole 的活性代谢产物,具有抗精神病活性。Aripiprazole 是也一种抗精神病药。
TMID-0185 (±)-Ropivacaine-d7

(±)-Ropivacaine-d7 是 (±)-Ropivacaine 的氘代化合物。(±)-Ropivacaine 的 CAS 号为 84057-95-4。Ropivacaine 是有效的钠通道阻断剂,通过可逆地抑制钠离子内流从而引起神经纤维脉冲传导阻滞。Ropivacaine 也是一种 K2P(双孔钾通道)TREK-1的抑制剂,在 COS-7 细胞膜上的 IC50值为 402.7 μM。Ropivacaine 可以用于神经性疼痛的缓解的相关研究。
TMID-0281 Moxifloxacin-13C-d3

Moxifloxacin-13C-d3 是 Moxifloxacin 的 13C 和氘代化合物。Moxifloxacin 的 CAS 号为 151096-09-2。Moxifloxacin 是一种8-甲氧基喹诺酮类口服有效抗菌药物,用于急性细菌性鼻窦炎,慢性支气管炎的急性细菌性加重和感染性肺炎的研究。
TMID-0184 Antipyrine-d3

Antipyrine-d3 是 Antipyrine 的氘代化合物。Antipyrine 的 CAS 号为 60-80-0。Antipyrine 是一种退烧剂和止痛剂。它可用作氧化药物代谢的探针药物,常用于评估人类的肝氧化能力。
TMID-0082 Lopinavir-d8

Lopinavir-d8 是 Lopinavir 的氘代化合物。Lopinavir 的 CAS 号为 192725-17-0。Lopinavir 是一种选择性肽模拟 HIV-1 蛋白酶的高效抑制剂。它通过阻止 HIV-1 的成熟而起作用,从而阻断其感染性。它也是SARS-CoV 3CLpro的抑制剂。
TMIJ-0215 Doxofylline-d4

Doxofylline-d4 是 Doxofylline 的氘代化合物。Doxofylline 的 CAS 号为 69975-86-6。Doxofylline 是腺苷 A1 受体拮抗剂,且能抑制磷酸二酯酶 IV,用于治疗哮喘。
TMID-0118 Doxofylline-d6

Doxofylline-d6 是 Doxofylline 的氘代化合物。Doxofylline 的 CAS 号为 69975-86-6。Doxofylline 是腺苷 A1 受体拮抗剂,且能抑制磷酸二酯酶 IV,用于治疗哮喘。
TMIJ-0305 10,11-Dihydro-10-hydroxy Carbamazepine-d4

10,11-Dihydro-10-hydroxy Carbamazepine-d4 是 10,11-Dihydro-10-hydroxy Carbamazepine 的氘代化合物。10,11-Dihydro-10-hydroxy Carbamazepine 的 CAS 号为 29331-92-8。Licarbazepine 是一种有效的电压门控钠通道阻滞剂,具有抗惊厥和稳定情绪的功效。
TMIJ-0103 Suplatast Tosylate-d5

Suplatast Tosylate-d5 是 Suplatast Tosylate 的氘代化合物。Suplatast Tosylate 的 CAS 号为 94055-76-2。Suplatast Tosilate 是一种口服有活性的 Th2 细胞因子抑制剂,能够阻碍 Th2 细胞产生 IL-4 和 IL-5 ,并对 IgE 的合成具有抑制作用。它是一种抗过敏剂,它具有抗纤维化、抗哮喘及抗炎特性。
T71288 Phenylbutazone-d9

Phenylbutazone-d9 is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of phenylbutazone by GC- or LC-MS. Phenylbutazone is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and an inhibitor of the peroxidase activity of COX (IC50 = ~100 µM in the presence of hydrogen peroxide). It also inhibits prostaglandin I synthase (IC50 = ~25 µM in the presence of hydrogen peroxide). Phenylbutazone (2 mg/kg) reduces increases in type II collagen levels in the inflamed joints of an equine model of LPS-in...
TMIH-0181 Demethoxy Curcumin-d4

Demethoxy Curcumin-d4 是 Demethoxy Curcumin 的氘代化合物。Demethoxy Curcumin 的 CAS 号为 22608-11-3。Demethoxycurcumin是姜黄素的主要活性成分,有抗炎和抗癌作用。
TMID-0053 Amisulpride-d5

Amisulpride-d5 是 Amisulpride 的氘代化合物。Amisulpride 的 CAS 号为 71675-85-9。Amisulpride 是多巴胺D2/D3受体拮抗剂,对于人多巴胺D2和D3的Ki分别为 2.8 和 3.2 nM。
TMID-0208 Hydroxychloroquine-d5

Hydroxychloroquine-d5 是 Hydroxychloroquine 的氘代化合物。Hydroxychloroquine 的 CAS 号为 118-42-3。Hydroxychloroquine 是一种合成抗疟疾剂,有效抑制SARS-CoV-2感染,也抑制 Toll 样受体 7/9 信号传导。
TMID-0292 Tylosin-d3

Tylosin-d3 是 Tylosin 的氘代化合物。Tylosin 的 CAS 号为 1401-69-0。Tylosin 是一种兽医用大环内酯类抗生素,是Streptomyces fradiae的产物。它对革兰氏阳性菌具有高抗菌活性。它是饲料添加剂用于促进动物生长。它被用于治疗家禽、猪和牛的细菌性痢疾和呼吸道疾病。
TMIJ-0139 Ticagrelor-d7

Ticagrelor-d7 是 Ticagrelor 的氘代化合物。Ticagrelor 的 CAS 号为 274693-27-5。Ticagrelor (AZD6140) 是可逆的,可口服的P2Y12受体拮抗剂,可抑制血小板聚集。
T35915 Erlotinib-13C6


Erlotinib-13C6 (CP-358774-13C6) is a 13C-labeled Erlotinib. Erlotinib is a directly acting EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor, with an IC50 of 2 nM for human EGFR[1]. Erlotinib reduces EGFR autophosphorylation in intact tumor cells with an IC50 of 20 nM. Erlotinib is used for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer[1].Stable heavy isotopes of hydrogen, carbon, and other elements have been incorporated into drug molecules, largely as tracers for quantitation during the drug development process[2]...
TMIJ-0274 Sulindac-d3

Sulindac-d3 是 Sulindac 的氘代化合物。Sulindac 的 CAS 号为 38194-50-2。Sulindac 是一种非甾体类抗炎剂,可抑制COX-2的活性,也可抑制 COX-2 的过表达。它是一种亚磺酰基茚衍生物前药,具有潜在的抗肿瘤活性。
TMID-0070 Amiodarone-d10 Hydrochloride

Amiodarone-d10 Hydrochloride 是 Amiodarone Hydrochloride 的氘代化合物。Amiodarone Hydrochloride 的 CAS 号为 19774-82-4。Amiodarone hydrochloride是一种抗心绞痛和 III 类抗心律失常药物,通过抑制钾通道和电压门控钠通道来增加心室和心房肌肉作用的持续时间,可导致心率和血管阻力降低。它通过成纤维细胞中的ERK1/2和p38 MAPK信号传导诱导细胞增殖和肌成纤维细胞分化,可研究室上性和室性心律失常。
TMID-0069 Amiodarone-d4 HCl

Amiodarone-d4 HCl 是 Amiodarone HCl 的氘代化合物。Amiodarone HCl 的 CAS 号为 19774-82-4。Amiodarone hydrochloride是一种抗心绞痛和 III 类抗心律失常药物,通过抑制钾通道和电压门控钠通道来增加心室和心房肌肉作用的持续时间,可导致心率和血管阻力降低。它通过成纤维细胞中的ERK1/2和p38 MAPK信号传导诱导细胞增殖和肌成纤维细胞分化,可研究室上性和室性心律失常。
T71212 Lornoxicam-d4

Lornoxicam-d4 is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of lornoxicam by GC- or LC-MS. Lornoxicam is a COX inhibitor and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It inhibits production of thromboxane B2 from arachidonic acid in HEL human erythroleukemic cells, which endogenously express COX-1, as well as inhibits LPS-induced formation of prostaglandin F1α from arachidonic acid in Mono-Mac-6 cells, which endogenously e...
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Perphenazine D8 Dihydrochloride
Cat.No: T12411
Target: Others
Cat.No: T11891
Synonym: Benflumetol D18,苯芴醇 D18,Lumefantrine D18
Target: Others
Cat.No: TMIJ-0449
L-Aspartic acid 13C
Cat.No: T40915
Cat.No: T31108
Synonym: CTP347,CTP 347
Oxaprozin D4
Cat.No: T12336
Synonym: Wy-21743 D4
Target: Others
Tiaprofenic acid D3
Cat.No: T13155
Target: Others
Cat.No: T19183
Synonym: Albendazole D3
Target: Others
Cat.No: TMIJ-0207
Sarafloxacin-d8 Hydrochloride
Cat.No: TMIJ-0037
Cat.No: TMIH-0496
Cat.No: TMIH-0494
Flunixin-d3 (methyl-d3)
Cat.No: TMIJ-0298
Norfluoxetine-d5 Hydrochloride
Cat.No: TMID-0217
Hydroxy Ipronidazole-d3
Cat.No: TMIJ-0394
Cat.No: TMID-0199
4-Trifluoromethylsalicylic acid-13C6
Cat.No: T38638
Synonym: 4-Trifluoromethylsalicylic acid-13C6,Desacetyl triflusal-13C6
Cat.No: TMIH-0130
Synonym: NBP-d7
Buspirone EP Impurity A-d8
Cat.No: TMIJ-0096
Synonym: Buspirone USP Related Compound A-d8
Cat.No: TMID-0015
Cat.No: TMIJ-0105
Esmolol-d7 HCl
Cat.No: TMID-0198
Olmesartan-d6 Acid
Cat.No: TMID-0241
Cat.No: TMIJ-0102
Cat.No: TMIJ-0059
Cat.No: TMID-0276
Cat.No: TMIH-0290
Cat.No: TMIH-0291
Cat.No: TMIH-0024
Synonym: rac-Licarbazepine-d4
Cat.No: TMIJ-0079
Dehydro aripiprazole-d8
Cat.No: TMIJ-0335
Cat.No: TMID-0185
Cat.No: TMID-0281
Cat.No: TMID-0184
Cat.No: TMID-0082
Cat.No: TMIJ-0215
Cat.No: TMID-0118
10,11-Dihydro-10-hydroxy Carbamazepine-d4
Cat.No: TMIJ-0305
Suplatast Tosylate-d5
Cat.No: TMIJ-0103
Cat.No: T71288
Demethoxy Curcumin-d4
Cat.No: TMIH-0181
Cat.No: TMID-0053
Cat.No: TMID-0208
Cat.No: TMID-0292
Cat.No: TMIJ-0139
Cat.No: T35915
Synonym: Erlotinib-13C6
Cat.No: TMIJ-0274
Amiodarone-d10 Hydrochloride
Cat.No: TMID-0070
Amiodarone-d4 HCl
Cat.No: TMID-0069
Cat.No: T71212
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