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抑制剂 & 化合物









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Cat. No. Product Name
L9500 表型筛选靶点鉴定库

1796 compounds
1796 种靶点明确的已知活性化合物,适合表型筛选;
L6001 Mini真菌代谢天然产物筛选库

LF9000 半胱氨酸靶向共价抑制剂库

3400 compounds
It contains over 3,400 potential covalent modifiers.
L5600 Mini骨架库

5000 compounds
多样性好,从一百多万个小分子中挑选而出,5000 个化合物代表5000 种骨架结构;
L5610 Golden骨架库

10000 compounds
多样性好,从160万个小分子中挑选而出,10000 个化合物,5000种骨架结构;
L6900 稀有天然产物库

693 compounds
693 种稀有天然产物的集合,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L4500 抗真菌库

252 compounds
252 个抗真菌活性化合物的独特集合,包含作用于真菌相关靶点的化合物和临床中用于真菌类疾病的药物,是相关疾病药物筛选的有效工具。
L6100 天然多酚类化合物库

635 compounds
635 个天然多酚化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2700 肾上腺素能受体化合物库

193 compounds
193 种特异靶向肾上腺素受体的生物活性小分子化合物的集合,是相关疾病药物筛选的有效工具;
L3410 临床前化合物库

701 compounds
701 种临床前小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L3900 DNA 损伤和修复分子库

910 compounds
910 个与 DNA 损伤和修复紧密相关的化合物集合,是高通量筛选,高内涵筛选的良好载体;
L2000 抑制剂库

8328 compounds
8328 个小分子抑制剂的独特集合,主要用于细胞信号研究、新药筛选、高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L9100 磷酸酶抑制剂化合物库

79 compounds
79 种已知活性的磷酸酶抑制剂的集合,可用于化合物筛选、化学基因组学、药理分析等方面;
L2400 内分泌激素分子库

784 compounds
784 种与内分泌系统相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L4200 FDA 上市药物库

1729 compounds
1729 个FDA 批准药物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L5200 抗代谢疾病化合物库

1544 compounds
1544 个代谢疾病相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L1200 表观遗传库

953 compounds
953 种表观遗传学研究相关的生物活性小分子的特有集合,用于表观遗传学研究及其相关的检测和高通量、高内涵筛选;
L8000 干细胞分化化合物库

1197 compounds
1197 种干细胞分化信号通路相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L9240 农药化合物库

270 compounds
L2120 抗癌临床化合物库

2545 compounds
2545 个具有抗癌活性小分子的独特集合,可用于高通量高内涵筛选。
L7000 活性脂质化合物库

385 compounds
385 种生物活性小分子化合物,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L3400 临床期小分子药物库

3404 compounds
3404 个临床期化合物集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L6030 天然产物衍生物虚筛化合物库

163000 compounds
L2800 5-羟色胺分子库

268 compounds
268 种生物活性小分子化合物,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L1710 抗COVID-19化合物库

1133 compounds
1133 种对SARS-CoV-2有抑制作用或潜在抑制作用的化合物集合,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L8100 细胞周期化合物库

677 compounds
677 种细胞周期相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L6600 胃肠炎天然产物库

219 compounds
219 种胃肠炎相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L4000 经典已知活性库

14439 compounds
14439 个已知活性化合物的集合,可用于高通量筛选、高内涵筛选、细胞诱导和靶点确认;
L5500 毒性化合物库

262 compounds
262 个细胞毒性化合物的特有集合,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选。
L2910 抗氧化化合物库

1314 compounds
氧化应激(Oxidative Stress,OS)是指体内氧化与抗氧化作用失衡的一种状态。氧化应激导致活性氧(ROS)大量积累,氧化程度超出抗氧化物的清除能力,从而引起氧化损伤,氧化应激损伤是许多疾病发生的基础,不同程度的氧化应激造成的细胞效应与心脑血管疾病、神经退行性病变、炎症和肿瘤密切相关。抗氧化剂是一类能够对抗氧化应激,降低氧化损伤的一类化合物。 TargetMol 抗氧化化合物库是1314 种对氧化应激具有抑制作用的小分子特有集合,是研究氧化应激的有用工具,可以用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选。
L5800 药物代谢杂质库

197 compounds
197 种药物异构体/代谢产物的特有集合,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2600 神经信号分子库

2540 compounds
2540 种CNS 相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L6610 抗感染天然产物库

1060 compounds
1060 个抗感染相关的天然产物集合,是药物开发、药理研究的有效工具;
L9411 半胱氨酸共价化合物库

70 compounds
半胱氨酸共价库包含 70 个化合物。
L3700 JAK-STAT 化合物库

252 compounds
252 个 JAK/STAT 靶点相关的小分子化合物的独特集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L6010 天然产物库

3840 compounds
3840 种天然产物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L4100 TGF-β/Smad靶点化合物库

184 compounds
184 个 TGF-β/Smad 靶点相关的小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L3980 DNA损伤/修复库Plus

667 compounds
667 种 DNA 损伤/修复靶向、结构新颖的化合物;
L3500 组蛋白修饰化合物库

469 compounds
469 个组蛋白修饰相关的小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2200 酪氨酸激酶分子库

1016 compounds
1016 种酪氨酸激酶抑制剂的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L3100 造血毒性小分子库

101 compounds
101 种生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L5400 抗心血管疾病化合物库

1408 compounds
1408 种心血管疾病相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2300 离子通道库

931 compounds
931 种与离子通道相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于离子通道相关的疾病和药物研究,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L2160 抗癌活性化合物库

3188 compounds
3188 种具有抗肿瘤活性的化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
LF1000 多样性核心预制库

50000 compounds
For your convenience, there are Diversity Sets of 5,000, 10,000, 15,000, and 20,000 compounds with no structure overlap.
L1600 激酶抑制剂库

2720 compounds
2720 种激酶抑制剂/调节剂的独特集合,用于特定靶向激酶,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L2150 抗癌药物库

3080 compounds
3080 个具有抗癌活性小分子的独特集合,生物活性已经临床前实验证实,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L3600 细胞因子抑制剂库

604 compounds
604 个与细胞因子紧密相关的化合物集合,是高通量、高内涵筛选的良好载体;
L2100 抗癌化合物库

7234 compounds
7234 种肿瘤相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L3800 NF-κB 通路分子库

729 compounds
729 个 NF-κB 信号通路相关的小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2100 抗癌化合物库

7234 compounds
7234 种肿瘤相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L9200 药物功能重定位化合物库

4630 compounds
4630 种全球上市药物和临床药物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选,是老药新用、新的药物靶点筛选和细胞诱导的有效工具。
L8300 染色质修饰分子库

250 compounds
250 种染色质化学修饰相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2610 神经递质受体化合物库

1513 compounds
1513 种与神经递质受体相关的化合物,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L9230 ReFRAME 相关化合物库

3210 compounds
3210 化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选
L4400 抗生素库

692 compounds
692 个具有抗菌活性化合物的独特集合,是医药研究的优良工具库和药物筛选的有效载体;
L1510 核受体化合物库

531 compounds
531 个核受体作用化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L8200 抗衰老化合物库

3279 compounds
3279 个抗衰老化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L5900 血脑屏障通透化合物库

509 compounds
509 个 CNS-Penetrant 生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L8800 药物片段库

1119 compounds
1119 种药物片段分子,是FBDD 方法新药筛选的有力工具;
L4300 Wnt/Hedgehog/Notch 通路化合物库

237 compounds
237 个Wnt & Hedgehog & Notch 靶点相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于相关通路的研究及药物的筛选,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选。
L7820 高溶解性微型片段化合物库

1081 compounds
高溶解性微型片段化合物库由 1081 个低分子量片段组成。
L7860 Mini片段亲电杂环化合物库

369 compounds
高溶解度共价杂环片段库中的 369 个化合物
L1300 PI3K/Akt/mTOR 化合物库

420 compounds
420 种与PI3K/Akt/mTOR 相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于PI3K/Akt/mTOR 相关研究以及高通量、高内涵筛选;
L8400 血液病分子库

514 compounds
514 种造血系统疾病相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L1000 上市药物库

2808 compounds
2808 个上市药物化合物集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L1900 抗糖尿病库

683 compounds
683 种生物活性小分子化合物;
L6700 抗癌天然产物库

1772 compounds
1772 种已知活性天然产物的独特集合,是肿瘤药物开发、抗癌先导化合物筛选等领域的有力工具,可用于HTS 和HCS。
L2130 抗癌细胞代谢库

1268 compounds
1268 种癌细胞代谢相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于肿瘤相关的研究以及抗肿瘤药物的筛选,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L6130 萜类天然产物库

622 compounds
622 种萜类天然产物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L1800 抗感染化合物库

2938 compounds
2938 种具有抗感染活性的化合物的特有集合,包括抗细菌、抗真菌、抗巨细胞病毒、抗HIV、抗SARS、抗流感等活性;
L4510 抗寄生虫库

419 compounds
419 种具有抗寄生虫活性的小分子化合物;
L4600 植物来源化合物库

3048 compounds
3048 个植物来源天然产物的独特集合,来自277类植物的精心之选;
L1010 FDA上市及药典收录分子库

3158 compounds
3158 个上市及药典分子集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L6300 药食同源库

1290 compounds
1290 个药食同源化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L6230 苗药化合物库

534 compounds
L9850 口服活性化合物库

2427 compounds
2427 种口服活性化合物独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选
L6220 蒙药化合物库

950 compounds
950 种蒙药来源的天然产物分子集合,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L1700 抗病毒库

1040 compounds
1040 种具有抗病毒活性的化合物的特有集合,是筛选新型抗病毒药的有效工具;可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L2501 人内源代谢化合物库 Plus

1283 compounds
L6020 天然产物单体化合物库

16627 compounds
16627 种精选天然产物集合,结构多样,遍布多种动植物与微生物;
L9210 儿童药物库

972 compounds
972 种儿童药物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选
L2140 癌细胞分化化合物库

406 compounds
406 个诱导肿瘤细胞分化化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L2500 人内源代谢化合物库

499 compounds
499 种内源性生物活性化合物的独特集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L7200 钙通道分子库

140 compounds
140 种钙通道相关化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L7400 钠通道分子库

118 compounds
118 种钠通道相关化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L7900 成骨分子库

317 compounds
317 种成骨相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L1100 蛋白酶抑制剂库

343 compounds
343 种已知的小分子蛋白酶抑制剂的特有集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L7700 神经再生化合物库

524 compounds
524 种神经再生相关化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L6500 微生物天然产物库

550 compounds
550 种微生物来源的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L4020 NO PAINS 化合物库

9384 compounds
TargetMol NO PAINS 化合物库包含 9384 个剔除了PAINS 的小分子活性化合物,可用于新药研发,信号通路研究,老药新用等研究。
L1400 MAPK 抑制剂库

365 compounds
365 种与MAPK 信号通路相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L3200 自噬库

1248 compounds
1248 种细胞自噬相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于自噬相关的研究,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L1610 FDA 上市激酶抑制剂库

263 compounds
L1500 GPCR靶点分子库

1940 compounds
1940 种与 G 蛋白及其耦联受体相关的生物活性小分子化合物,所有小分子都具有良好的生物和药理活性,部分是 FDA 批准的上市药物;
L6620 抗寄生虫天然产物库

253 compounds
253 个抗寄生虫相关的天然产物集合,是药物开发、药理研究的有效工具;
L6210 藏药化合物库

747 compounds
747 种藏药来源的天然产物分子集合,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L4800 血管生成库

1353 compounds
1353 个高潜力的抑制或促进血管生成的小分子集合,可用于药物靶点开发、血管生成机理研究的高通量筛选,高内涵筛选;
L2110 抗癌上市药物库

1779 compounds
1779 个具有抗癌活性小分子的独特集合,所有化合物都经过了严格的临床前研究和临床试验,由FDA、EMA 或NMPA 批准上市,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选。
L2195 抗前列腺癌化合物库

2070 compounds
2070 种与前列腺癌相关的化合物,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选
L2900 氧化还原化合物库

1264 compounds
1264 个活性化合物,已经验证具有一定的抗氧化活性,包括 ROS 清除剂、iNOS、eNOS、及抗氧化的天然产物,是研究疾病机理以及药物研究的优良载体
L2180 抗肿瘤库Plus

1468 compounds
1468 种抗肿瘤相关、结构新颖的化合物;
L7500 凝血与抗凝化合物库

144 compounds
144 个化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L7600 趋化因子抑制剂库

59 compounds
59 种趋化因子或其受体抑制剂的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L4010 已知活性化合物库

22555 compounds
22555 个已知活性化合物的集合,可用于高通量筛选、高内涵筛选、细胞诱导和靶点确认;
L3300 组胺&褪黑色素化合物库

153 compounds
153 种生物活性小分子化合物,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L6400 海洋天然产物库

144 compounds
144 种海洋来源的单体化合物,是药物开发、药理研究等领域的有力工具;
L2521 糖酵解化合物库

555 compounds
555 种糖酵解相关的活性化合物,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选
L6820 烟草单体化合物库

747 compounds
L4700 免疫/炎症分子化合物库

4720 compounds
4720 种具有抗炎症活性的化合物的特有集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L2510 脂代谢化合物库

492 compounds
492 个脂代谢相关的化合物集合,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L5100 含氟化合物库

574 compounds
574 个含氟化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L9700 内质网应激化合物库

193 compounds
193 个内质网应激相关的化合物集合,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L5700 精选片段库

246 compounds
246 个片段小分子的独特集合,可用于基于片段的筛选和药物发现(FBDD);
L2570 人代谢物化合物库

4454 compounds
4454 种人代谢物的独特集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L2152 靶向治疗药物库

119 compounds
119 个肿瘤靶向治疗药物,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L2151 化疗药物库

48 compounds
48 个肿瘤化疗药物,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L6160 Ro5类药天然产物库

2703 compounds
2703 种符合 RO5原则的天然产物单体集合,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L7300 钾通道分子库

152 compounds
152 种钾通道相关化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L9400 PPI抑制剂库

485 compounds
485 种已知活性的 PPI 相关的抑制剂,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选;
L6800 中国药典收录天然产物库

2051 compounds
2051 种中国药典收录的天然产物,是药物开发、药理研究等领域的有力工具;
L4710 非甾体类抗炎化合物库

530 compounds
530 种非甾体类的抗炎相关化合物,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L9610 环肽库

80 compounds
80 种环肽分子,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L2194 抗结直肠癌化合物库

1545 compounds
1545 种与结直肠癌相关的化合物,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L6200 瑶药化合物库

221 compounds
221 种瑶药来源的天然产物分子集合,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L2560 代谢化合物库

2320 compounds
2320 种代谢途径相关的化合物,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选。
L8720 细胞焦亡化合物库

1066 compounds
1066 种细胞焦亡相关的化合物,可以用于细胞焦亡相关研究。
L6150 天然产物共价化合物库

583 compounds
L7110 抗高血压化合物库

678 compounds
678 种高血压相关的小分子,用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L8600 泛素化化合物库

210 compounds
210 种泛素化相关的小分子,用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L8110 细胞重编程化合物库

1813 compounds
1813 种重编程信号通路相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选
L3510 甲基化化合物库

128 compounds
128 种甲基化相关的化合物,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L9860 抗抑郁症化合物库

1163 compounds
1163 种与抑郁症相关的化合物,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选
L6110 生物碱类天然产物库

500 compounds
500 种生物碱类天然产物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L9000 细胞凋亡化合物库

1760 compounds
1760 种与凋亡相关的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,多用于研究肿瘤发生发展机制和抗癌药物筛选等。可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L2550 谷氨酰胺代谢化合物库

565 compounds
565 种谷氨酰胺代谢相关的分子,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L5510 肝脏毒性化合物库

1001 compounds
1001 个肝脏毒性化合物的特有集合,可用于高通量、高内涵筛选,是毒理学研究的良好工具;
L6120 黄酮类天然产物库

514 compounds
514 种黄酮类天然产物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L9420 外泌体相关化合物库

76 compounds
76 种外泌体相关的化合物,可以用于高通量和高内涵筛选;
L7100 抗肥胖化合物库

2247 compounds
2247 个抗肥胖化合物的独特集合,可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
DO2200 共价抑制剂库CD

12000 compounds
L2170 肿瘤免疫治疗小分子化合物库

449 compounds
449 种靶向肿瘤免疫治疗靶点的小分子,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选,是研究肿瘤免疫治疗的有力工具;
L6720 抗COVID-19中药单体库

1147 compounds
根据抗新冠肺炎疫情过程中应用于临床治疗的中药方剂,收集了1147 种相关中药来源的单体化合物,可用于高通量和高内涵筛选,是抗新冠病毒药物研发的良好工具;
L9300 大环化合物库

210 compounds
210 种活性已知的大环化合物,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;


Cat.No: L9500
Compounds: 1796
Cat.No: L6001
Compounds: Inquiry
Cat.No: LF9000
Compounds: 3400
Cat.No: L5600
Compounds: 5000
Cat.No: L5610
Compounds: 10000
Cat.No: L6900
Compounds: 693
Cat.No: L4500
Compounds: 252
Cat.No: L6100
Compounds: 635
Cat.No: L2700
Compounds: 193
Cat.No: L3410
Compounds: 701
DNA 损伤和修复分子库
Cat.No: L3900
Compounds: 910
Cat.No: L2000
Compounds: 8328
Cat.No: L9100
Compounds: 79
Cat.No: L2400
Compounds: 784
FDA 上市药物库
Cat.No: L4200
Compounds: 1729
Cat.No: L5200
Compounds: 1544
Cat.No: L1200
Compounds: 953
Cat.No: L8000
Compounds: 1197
Cat.No: L9240
Compounds: 270
Cat.No: L2120
Compounds: 2545
Cat.No: L7000
Compounds: 385
Cat.No: L3400
Compounds: 3404
Cat.No: L6030
Compounds: 163000
Cat.No: L2800
Compounds: 268
Cat.No: L1710
Compounds: 1133
Cat.No: L8100
Compounds: 677
Cat.No: L6600
Compounds: 219
Cat.No: L4000
Compounds: 14439
Cat.No: L5500
Compounds: 262
Cat.No: L2910
Compounds: 1314
Cat.No: L5800
Compounds: 197
Cat.No: L2600
Compounds: 2540
Cat.No: L6610
Compounds: 1060
Cat.No: L9411
Compounds: 70
Cat.No: L3700
Compounds: 252
Cat.No: L6010
Compounds: 3840
Cat.No: L4100
Compounds: 184
Cat.No: L3980
Compounds: 667
Cat.No: L3500
Compounds: 469
Cat.No: L2200
Compounds: 1016
Cat.No: L3100
Compounds: 101
Cat.No: L5400
Compounds: 1408
Cat.No: L2300
Compounds: 931
Cat.No: L2160
Compounds: 3188
Cat.No: LF1000
Compounds: 50000
Cat.No: L1600
Compounds: 2720
Cat.No: L2150
Compounds: 3080
Cat.No: L3600
Compounds: 604
Cat.No: L2100
Compounds: 7234
NF-κB 通路分子库
Cat.No: L3800
Compounds: 729
Cat.No: L2100
Compounds: 7234
Cat.No: L9200
Compounds: 4630
Cat.No: L8300
Compounds: 250
Cat.No: L2610
Compounds: 1513
ReFRAME 相关化合物库
Cat.No: L9230
Compounds: 3210
Cat.No: L4400
Compounds: 692
Cat.No: L1510
Compounds: 531
Cat.No: L8200
Compounds: 3279
Cat.No: L5900
Compounds: 509
Cat.No: L8800
Compounds: 1119
Wnt/Hedgehog/Notch 通路化合物库
Cat.No: L4300
Compounds: 237
Cat.No: L7820
Compounds: 1081
Cat.No: L7860
Compounds: 369
PI3K/Akt/mTOR 化合物库
Cat.No: L1300
Compounds: 420
Cat.No: L8400
Compounds: 514
Cat.No: L1000
Compounds: 2808
Cat.No: L1900
Compounds: 683
Cat.No: L6700
Compounds: 1772
Cat.No: L2130
Compounds: 1268
Cat.No: L6130
Compounds: 622
Cat.No: L1800
Compounds: 2938
Cat.No: L4510
Compounds: 419
Cat.No: L4600
Compounds: 3048
Cat.No: L1010
Compounds: 3158
Cat.No: L6300
Compounds: 1290
Cat.No: L6230
Compounds: 534
Cat.No: L9850
Compounds: 2427
Cat.No: L6220
Compounds: 950
Cat.No: L1700
Compounds: 1040
人内源代谢化合物库 Plus
Cat.No: L2501
Compounds: 1283
Cat.No: L6020
Compounds: 16627
Cat.No: L9210
Compounds: 972
Cat.No: L2140
Compounds: 406
Cat.No: L2500
Compounds: 499
Cat.No: L7200
Compounds: 140
Cat.No: L7400
Compounds: 118
Cat.No: L7900
Compounds: 317
Cat.No: L1100
Compounds: 343
Cat.No: L7700
Compounds: 524
Cat.No: L6500
Compounds: 550
Cat.No: L4020
Compounds: 9384
MAPK 抑制剂库
Cat.No: L1400
Compounds: 365
Cat.No: L3200
Compounds: 1248
FDA 上市激酶抑制剂库
Cat.No: L1610
Compounds: 263
Cat.No: L1500
Compounds: 1940
Cat.No: L6620
Compounds: 253
Cat.No: L6210
Compounds: 747
Cat.No: L4800
Compounds: 1353
Cat.No: L2110
Compounds: 1779
Cat.No: L2195
Compounds: 2070
Cat.No: L2900
Compounds: 1264
Cat.No: L2180
Compounds: 1468
Cat.No: L7500
Compounds: 144
Cat.No: L7600
Compounds: 59
Cat.No: L4010
Compounds: 22555
Cat.No: L3300
Compounds: 153
Cat.No: L6400
Compounds: 144
Cat.No: L2521
Compounds: 555
Cat.No: L6820
Compounds: 747
Cat.No: L4700
Compounds: 4720
Cat.No: L2510
Compounds: 492
Cat.No: L5100
Compounds: 574
Cat.No: L9700
Compounds: 193
Cat.No: L5700
Compounds: 246
Cat.No: L2570
Compounds: 4454
Cat.No: L2152
Compounds: 119
Cat.No: L2151
Compounds: 48
Cat.No: L6160
Compounds: 2703
Cat.No: L7300
Compounds: 152
Cat.No: L9400
Compounds: 485
Cat.No: L6800
Compounds: 2051
Cat.No: L4710
Compounds: 530
Cat.No: L9610
Compounds: 80
Cat.No: L2194
Compounds: 1545
Cat.No: L6200
Compounds: 221
Cat.No: L2560
Compounds: 2320
Cat.No: L8720
Compounds: 1066
Cat.No: L6150
Compounds: 583
Cat.No: L7110
Compounds: 678
Cat.No: L8600
Compounds: 210
Cat.No: L8110
Compounds: 1813
Cat.No: L3510
Compounds: 128
Cat.No: L9860
Compounds: 1163
Cat.No: L6110
Compounds: 500
Cat.No: L9000
Compounds: 1760
Cat.No: L2550
Compounds: 565
Cat.No: L5510
Compounds: 1001
Cat.No: L6120
Compounds: 514
Cat.No: L9420
Compounds: 76
Cat.No: L7100
Compounds: 2247
Cat.No: DO2200
Compounds: 12000
Cat.No: L2170
Compounds: 449
Cat.No: L6720
Compounds: 1147
Cat.No: L9300
Compounds: 210
Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
T36421 Immuno-Oncology Screening Library

Others Others
The Immuno-Oncology Screening Library consists of 2 plates and contains more than 90 cancer and immunology-associated compounds in a 96-well Matrix tube rack format as 10 mM stock solutions in DMSO. This library includes a variety of immuno-oncology target modulators, including but not limited to, adenosine, CCR, CXCR, and TLR agonists and antagonists, BTK, PI3K, VEGFR, and BRAF inhibitors, PD-1/PDL-1 interaction inhibitors, and HDAC inhibitors. Please review the product insert for a full list ...
T11344 G150

DNA; cGAS DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Immunology/Inflammation
G150 是高选择性h-cGAS 抑制剂,IC50值为 10.2 nM,用于抑制 dsDNA 引发的干扰素表达。
T21980 PD 198306

PD 198306 是一种具有抗痛觉过敏作用的 MAPK/ERK 激酶 (MEK) 选择性抑制剂。 PD 198306 可降低链脲佐菌素诱导的活性 ERK1 水平升高。
T13396 Zinc Protoporphyrin

Zinc Protoporphyrin-9,锌原卟啉,ZnPP,Zn(II)-protoporphyrin IX

Apoptosis; Reactive Oxygen Species; Endogenous Metabolite Apoptosis; Immunology/Inflammation; Metabolism; NF-κB
Zinc Protoporphyrin (Zn(II)-protoporphyrin IX) 是一种具有口服活性的,竞争性血红素加氧酶-1 抑制剂,显著减弱间苯三酚对 H2O2 的保护作用,具有抗癌活性。它用于评估人群铁状态与血红蛋白浓度的组合,也可用作个体孕妇和儿童缺铁的筛查标志物。
T67752 Compound V007-6018

Others Others
Compound V007-6018是一种类药化合物,用于药物筛选。
T4531 GSK2200150A

Antibacterial Microbiology/Virology
GSK2200150A 是一种通过高通量筛选活动确定的抗结核剂,对 H37Rv 的 MIC 是 0.38 μM。
T9212 IMB-301

Others; HIV Protease Microbiology/Virology; Others; Proteases/Proteasome
IMB-301是根据 hA3G 模型通过虚拟筛选的一种小分子抑制剂。
T14905 CCT251236

HSP Cytoskeletal Signaling; Metabolism
CCT251236 是基于细胞的表型高通量筛选 (HTS) 开发的化学探针,可用于筛选筛选来检测 HSF1 应激途径的抑制剂。CCT251236具有抗骨髓瘤活性,抑制 HSF1。
T3572 NSC 15364


Apoptosis; Others; VDAC Apoptosis; Membrane transporter/Ion channel; Others
NSC 15364 (1,3-Bis(4-aminophenyl)urea) 是一种 VDAC1寡聚化和细胞凋亡抑制剂。
T24859 TC-AQP1-1

Aquaporin Membrane transporter/Ion channel
TC-AQP1-1 是一种通过虚拟筛选鉴定的水通道蛋白 1 通道的阻断剂,并在低微摩尔浓度下抑制非洲爪蟾卵母细胞肿胀试验中通过 hAQP1 的水通量。
TP1204 iRGD peptide


Integrin Cytoskeletal Signaling
iRGD peptide (c(CRGDKGPDC)) 是由 9 个氨基酸组成的环肽,具有靶向肿瘤和肿瘤渗透的作用。
T4062 CAY10602

Sirtuin Chromatin/Epigenetic; DNA Damage/DNA Repair
CAY10602 是一种SIRT1激活剂,可剂量依赖性地抑制 THP-1 细胞中脂多糖对 TNF-α 的 NF-κB 依赖性诱导。
T41256 SP-96

Aurora Kinase Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; Chromatin/Epigenetic
SP-96 是一种高效的特异性 Aurora B 抑制剂,IC50 为 0.316 nM。 SP-96 在 NCI60 筛选中显示特异性生长抑制,如 MDA-MD-468 (GI50=107 nM)。 SP-96 可用于三阴性乳腺癌研究。
T12258 NSC 601980 (analog)

Others Others
NSC 601980 analog is the analog of the NSC601980 which shows antitumor activity in the yeast screening experiment.
T25542 Isamfazone


Others Others
Isamfazone is utilized in the chemical and pharmacological studies on substituted pyridazones, the discovery of novel anti-inflammatory agents by aligning screening.
T39185 pp60 (v-SRC) Autophosphorylation Site, Phosphorylated

pp60 (v-SRC) Autophosphorylation Site, Phosphorylated

pp60 (v-SRC) Autophosphorylation Site, Phosphorylated is a phosphorylated peptide derived from an EGFR substrate. It serves as a valuable tool for quantifying phosphorylated substrates in screening EGFR Kinase inhibitors.

WKYMVm is a selective FPR2 agonist with high affinity, which was identified through screening of a synthetic peptide library.
T9536 Compound 1056090(SC)

Compound 1056090(SC) 是一种筛选化合物,在生命科学相关研究中具有广泛的应用。
T9546 Compound D300-0270

Compound D300-0270 是一种筛选化合物,在生命科学相关研究中具有广泛的应用。
T9535 Compound Z2922993434(SC)

Compound Z2922993434(SC) 是一种筛选化合物,在生命科学相关研究中具有广泛的应用。
T85319 (Z)-2-fluoro-1,3-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one


Others Others
(Z)-2-fluoro-1,3-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one 是一种筛选化合物,可用于新药研发相关研究。
T73752 Glutarylcarnitine lithium

Others Others
Glutarylcarnitine lithium 丙二酸尿症和 I 型戊二酸尿症的重要诊断代谢物。

BBR-BODIPY 是一种荧光探针 (fluorescent probe),可以筛选其与靶细胞的相互作用。BBR-BODIPY 诱导细胞凋亡改变凋亡相关蛋白的表达。储存方式:避光。
T12259 NSC 601980

Others Others
NSC 601980 酵母筛选实验结果中显示了抗肿瘤活性, 能够在COLO 205 and HT29细胞株里很好的抑制细胞增殖,Log GI 50分别是-6.6和 -6.9。
T83800 6-Biotin-17-NAD+ sodium

6-Biotin-17-Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide,β-Nicotinamide-N6-(2-(6-(6-[biotinyl]aminohexanoyl)aminohexanoyl)aminoethyl)adenine dinucleotide

6-Biotin-17-NAD+ 是信号分子及酶辅因子NAD+的生物素化衍生物,已应用于高通量筛选(HTS)中,用于测定线粒体复合物I(又称NADH脱氢酶)的活性。
T14529L Bentiromide acetate

Bentiromide acetate(37106-97-1 Free base)

Others Others
Bentiromide acetate 是一种肽,用于外分泌胰腺功能不全的筛选试验和监测补充胰腺治疗的充分性。它被胰酶胰凝乳蛋白酶分解,生成对氨基苯甲酸(PABA)。
T69911 CU-6PMN

Others Others
CU-6PM is a new fluorescent RXR agonist. CU-6PMN was designed based on the fact that umbelliferone emits strong fluorescence in a hydrophilic environment, but the fluorescence intensity decreases in hydrophobic environments such as the interior of proteins. The developed assay CU-6PMN enabled screening of rexinoids to be performed easily within a few hours by monitoring changes of fluorescence intensity with widely available fluorescence microplate readers, without the need for processes such a...
T80151 α-Synuclein 4554W

T36743 CDK7/9 tide

CDK7/9 tide is peptide substrate for CDK7 or CDK9[1]. [1]. Robert T, et, al. Development of a CDK10/CycM in vitro Kinase Screening Assay and Identification of First Small-Molecule Inhibitors. Front Chem. 2020 Feb 27; 8:147.
T35411 (+)-Biotin 4-Amidobenzoic Acid (sodium salt)

Others Others
(+)-Biotin 4-amidobenzoic acid is a substrate of biotinidase, which cleaves biotin amide to give biotin in vivo. Biotin is an essential coenzyme for certain carboxylases and is used to modify histones and regulate gene transcription. Biotinidase has key roles in intestinal absorption of biotin, the transport of biotin in plasma, and in the regulation of histone biotinylation. (+)-Biotin 4-amidobenzoic acid is hydrolyzed by biotinidase to release 4-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), which can be quantifie...
T79556 NDBM

Autophagy Autophagy
NDBM为一种结合Pim-1 kinase的肿瘤特异性探针,具备释放强荧光及细胞毒性,用于筛选及杀伤肿瘤细胞。该化合物特异性地靶向溶酶体并对pH值具有高度敏感性,适用于监测自噬(autophagy)过程及细胞内环境在外部刺激下的pH变化。
T78520 CYT296

Others Others
T69117 Pinafide

Others Others
Pinafide is a rodenticide and anti-protozoal agent. Pinafide shows strong cytostatic activity against both HeLa and KB cells and is moderately toxic to both mice and rats. It has been proved active against experimental tumors and shown to be inhibitor of two DNA viruses. Pinafide blocks cell growth by inhibiting DNA and RNA synthesis. It has been shown to bind to double-helical DNA by intercalation. Pinafide inhibited the activity of M. tuberculosis NAD⁺-dependent DNA ligase A at concentrations ...
T82789 Caloxin 1B1

Caloxin 1B1是一种对PMCA4亲和力高的生物活性肽。该化合物是经由筛选与PMCA4胞外结构域1的结合而发现,能够特异性地在胞外环境中抑制PMCA。鉴于Caloxin 1B1被筛选用于与PMCA的细胞外结构域相结合,它可以被直接应用于细胞和组织中,用以评估其对平滑肌和内皮细胞功能的影响。
T35706 25-Desacetyl Rifampicin

Others Others
25-Desacetyl rifampicin is a major active metabolite of the rifamycin antibiotic rifampicin .125-Desacetyl rifampicin is active againstM. smegmatis(MIC99= 2.66 μM). 1.Kigondu, E.M., Njoroge, M., Singh, K., et al.Synthesis and synergistic antimycobacterial screening of chlorpromazine and its metabolitesMed. Chem. Commun.5502-506(2014)
T35905 Oasomycin B

Others Others
Oasomycin B is a bacterial metabolite that has been found inS. baldaciiand has antiprotozoal activity.1It is active againstT. vaginalis(MIC = 62.5 μg/ml). 1.Grabley, S., Kretzschmar, G., Mayer, M., et al.Secondary metabolites by chemical screening, 24. Oasomycins, new macrolactones of the desertomycin familyLiebigs Ann. Chem.5573-589(1993)
T38187 6-Aminophenanthridine

Others Others
6-Aminophenanthridine is an antiprion agent. It inhibits prion formation in yeast- and mammalian-based screening assays when used alone and, to a greater extent, when used in combination with the α2-adrenergic receptor agonist guanabenz . 6-Aminophenanthridine (300 μM) inhibits protein folding activity of the ribosome (PFAR) by directly competing with protein substrates for the active site and decreases the yield of refolded protein without affecting the refolding rate. It prevents progressive w...
T83131 AMC-GlcNAc

AMC-GlcNAc (compound 1) 作为一款高效荧光探针,主要用于β-己糖胺酶活性的检测与表征。该探针能在连续监测中开启荧光,并且在宽广pH值范围内维持稳定的荧光信号(Ex=325 nm, Em=390 nm)。AMC-GlcNAc还支持高灵敏度与低背景信号的比率荧光检测,适用于筛选大肠杆菌细胞裂解物中重组分散素B的活性。
T37062 L-Leucine-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin hydrochloride

L-Leu-AMC is a fluorogenic substrate for leucine aminopeptidase.1Upon enzymatic cleavage by leucine aminopeptidase, AMC is released and its fluorescence can be used to quantify leucine aminopeptidase activity. AMC displays excitation/emission maxima of 340-360/440-460 nm, respectively. 1.Izquierdo, M., Lin, D., O’Neill, S., et al.Development of a high-throughput screening assay to identify inhibitors of the major M17-leucyl aminopeptidase from Trypanosoma cruzi using rapidfire mass spectrometryS...
T83952 CoraFluor 1, amine reactive

CoraFluor 1 (胺活性) 是一种基于铽的时间分辨福斯特共振能量转移(TR-FRET)供体,专为TR-FRET检测开发而设计,适用于目标结合和三元复合物检测等应用。该产品采用PFP酯,能与初级胺反应,适合标记生物分子如抗体、纳米体、蛋白质和肽段。CoraFluor 1 (胺活性) 具有极高的亮度,提供了在生物介质中的无与伦比的检测灵敏度和稳定性,超过其他市面上可获得的TR-FRET供体。它与常见的受体染料如FAM、TMR和Cyanine 5, SE兼容,能够无缝集成于高通量筛选应用中。
T37721 Dihydronovobiocin

Others Others
Dihydronovobiocin is a coumarin antibiotic and derivative of novobiocin .1It is active against the bacteriaS. aureus,S. haemolyticus,D. pneumoniae,S. typhosa,K. pneumoniae, andP. multocida(MICs = 0.6, 2, 0.6, 10, 10, and 3 μg/ml, respectively).2Dihydronovobiocin inhibits DNA gyrase subunit B with an IC50value of 64.5 nM.3 1.Berger, J., and Batcho, A.D.Coumarin - glycoside antibioticsJ. Chromatogr. Lib.15101-158(1978) 2.Hoeksema, H.Dihydronovobiocin and derivatives thereof3,175,9441-9(1965) 3.Gev...
T37614 LDN-0088050

Others Others
LDN 0088050 is selectivity adipocyte fatty acid binding protein (AFABP, FABP4) inhibitor with Ki values of 0.29 and 1.3 μM for FABP4 and FABP3, respectively. LDN 0088050 binds to FABP4 with a Kd of 2.05 μM[1]. Ki: 0.29 μM (FABP4), 1.3 μM (FABP3)[1]Kd: 2.05 μM (FABP4)[1] LDN 0088050 significantly inhibits LPS-induced expression of both TNFα and IL-6 in RAW264.7 cells[1]. [1]. Zhou Y, et al. The discovery of novel and selective fatty acid binding protein 4 inhibitors by virtual screening and biolo...
T37431 ENPP1 Inhibitor C

ENPP1 Inhibitor C

Others Others
ENPP1 inhibitor C is an inhibitor of ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 (ENPP1; IC50 = 0.26 μM in a cell-free assay).1 It is selective for ENPP1 over ENPP2-7 at 10 μM. ENPP1 inhibitor C decreases ENPP1 activity in MDA-MB-231 human breast and C6 rat glioma cancer cells when used at a concentration of 10 μM. |1. Kawaguchi, M., Han, X., Hisada, T., et al. Development of an ENPP1 fluorescence probe for inhibitor screening, cellular imaging, and prognostic assessment of malignant brea...
T36695 TAS-103

Others Others
TAS-103 is a dual inhibitor of DNA topoisomerase I/II, used for cancer research. TAS-103 is a dual inhibitor of DNA topoisomerase I/II. TAS-103 (0.1-10 μM) is active on CCRF-CEM cells, with an IC50 value of 5 nM. TAS-103 (0.1 μM) significantly increases levels of topo IIα FITC immunofluorescence in individual CCRF-CEM cells[1]. TAS-103 (0.01-1 μM) is highly cytotoxic to Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) cells, and Liposomal TAS-103 is almost as active as free TAS-103[2]. TAS-103 inhibits the viability ...


Immuno-Oncology Screening Library
Cat.No: T36421
Target: Others
Cat.No: T11344
Target: DNA, cGAS
PD 198306
Cat.No: T21980
Target: MEK
Zinc Protoporphyrin
Cat.No: T13396
Synonym: Zinc Protoporphyrin-9,锌原卟啉,ZnPP,Zn(II)-protoporphyrin IX
Target: Apoptosis, Reactive Oxygen Species, Endogenous Metabolite
Compound V007-6018
Cat.No: T67752
Target: Others
Cat.No: T4531
Target: Antibacterial
Cat.No: T9212
Target: Others, HIV Protease
Cat.No: T14905
Target: HSP
NSC 15364
Cat.No: T3572
Synonym: 1,3-Bis(4-aminophenyl)urea,NSC15364
Target: Apoptosis, Others, VDAC
Cat.No: T24859
Target: Aquaporin
iRGD peptide
Cat.No: TP1204
Synonym: c(CRGDKGPDC)
Target: Integrin
Cat.No: T4062
Target: Sirtuin
Cat.No: T41256
Target: Aurora Kinase
NSC 601980 (analog)
Cat.No: T12258
Target: Others
Cat.No: T25542
Synonym: Isamfazona,Isamfazonum
Target: Others
pp60 (v-SRC) Autophosphorylation Site, Phosphorylated
Cat.No: T39185
Synonym: pp60 (v-SRC) Autophosphorylation Site, Phosphorylated
Cat.No: TP1476
Compound 1056090(SC)
Cat.No: T9536
Compound D300-0270
Cat.No: T9546
Compound Z2922993434(SC)
Cat.No: T9535
Cat.No: T85319
Synonym: SJD00639
Target: Others
Glutarylcarnitine lithium
Cat.No: T73752
Target: Others
Cat.No: T74626
NSC 601980
Cat.No: T12259
Target: Others
6-Biotin-17-NAD+ sodium
Cat.No: T83800
Synonym: 6-Biotin-17-Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide,β-Nicotinamide-N6-(2-(6-(6-[biotinyl]aminohexanoyl)aminohexanoyl)aminoethyl)adenine dinucleotide
Bentiromide acetate
Cat.No: T14529L
Synonym: Bentiromide acetate(37106-97-1 Free base)
Target: Others
Cat.No: T69911
Target: Others
α-Synuclein 4554W
Cat.No: T80151
CDK7/9 tide
Cat.No: T36743
(+)-Biotin 4-Amidobenzoic Acid (sodium salt)
Cat.No: T35411
Target: Others
Cat.No: T79556
Target: Autophagy
Cat.No: T78520
Target: Others
Cat.No: T69117
Target: Others
Caloxin 1B1
Cat.No: T82789
25-Desacetyl Rifampicin
Cat.No: T35706
Target: Others
Oasomycin B
Cat.No: T35905
Target: Others
Cat.No: T38187
Target: Others
Cat.No: T83131
L-Leucine-7-amido-4-methylcoumarin hydrochloride
Cat.No: T37062
CoraFluor 1, amine reactive
Cat.No: T83952
Cat.No: T37721
Target: Others
Cat.No: T37614
Target: Others
ENPP1 Inhibitor C
Cat.No: T37431
Synonym: ENPP1 Inhibitor C
Target: Others
Cat.No: T36695
Target: Others
Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
T17143 Toyocamycin


Apoptosis; Others; IRE1; Antibiotic; Antifungal Apoptosis; Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; Microbiology/Virology; Others
Toyocamycin (Vengicide) 是放线菌类产生的腺苷类似物,为 X 盒结合蛋白 1 (XBP1) 抑制剂,抑制 IRE1α 诱导的 ATP 依赖性 XBP1 mRNA 的断裂,IC50值为 80 nM。它还诱导凋亡。
T4925 Thiamine monophosphate chloride (dihydrate)

Thiamine monophosphate chloride dihydrat,胺氯化亚磷酸酯,Aneurine monophosphate chloride

Others; Endogenous Metabolite Metabolism; Others
Thiamine monophosphate chloride dihydrate (Aneurine monophosphate chloride) 是内源性代谢产物的一种。
T4S0051 Coptisine sulfate

Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase (IDO) Metabolism
Coptisine Sulfate 是一种从黄连中分离到的生物碱,是非竞争性的IDO 抑制剂,Ki=为 5.8 μM,IC50=6.3 μM。
T3313 D-Luciferin

Firefly luciferin,D-萤光素,D-荧光素,D-(-)-Luciferin

Others Others
D-Luciferin (D-(-)-Luciferin) 是一种萤光素酶的底物,能够催化生物发光昆虫产生典型的黄绿光。
T19340 Glutarylcarnitine


Endogenous Metabolite Metabolism
Glutarylcarnitine (O-glutaroyl-L-carnitine) 是大多数串联质谱新生儿筛查计划中监测的丙二酸尿症和谷草酸尿症 I 型的诊断代谢物。
T3888 Scopolin


Sirtuin Chromatin/Epigenetic; DNA Damage/DNA Repair
Scopolin (Scopoloside) 是从拟南芥根中分离出来的香豆素,可通过激活SIRT1介导的信号级联反应减轻了肝脂肪变性。
TN1583 Dihydromorin

TRP/TRPV Channel Membrane transporter/Ion channel
trans-Dihydromorin is an effective hypopigmenting agent in normal skin cells, hypopigmenting agents effective in melanoma system may not be effective on normal melanocytes, indicating that a non-tumor melanocyte system is more suitable for the screening o
TN5243 Vitexilactone

NADPH-oxidase; HIV Protease; Antifection Immunology/Inflammation; Microbiology/Virology; Proteases/Proteasome
Vitexilactone is a HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitor in virtual screening against Indonesian Herbal Database using AutoDock4 performed on HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. It has trypanocidal activity, the minimum lethal concentration against epimastigotes
TN5578 Abieta-8,11,13-triene-7,15,18-triol

Abieta-8,11,13-triene-7alpha,15,18-triol,7alpha,8alpha,13beta,14beta-diepoxyabietan-18-oic acid, and 18-nor-abieta-8,11,13-triene-4alpha,7alpha,15-triol may have inhibitory effects on Epstein-Barr virus early antigen (EBV-EA) activation induced by the tum
T38038 (-)-Rasfonin

Others Others
(-)-Rasfonin is a fungal metabolite that has been found in T. terrophilus.1 It inhibits proliferation of mouse splenocytes induced by concanavalin A and LPS (IC50s = 0.7 and 0.5 μg/ml, respectively). References1. Fujimoto, H., Okamoto, Y., Sone, E., et al. Eleven new 2-pyrones from a fungi imperfecti, Trichurus terrophilus, found in a screening study guided by immunomodulatory activity. Chem. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo) 53(8), 923-929 (2005).
T35761 Carviolin

Others Others
Carviolin is an anthraquinone fungal metabolite that has been found inZ. longicaudatawith immunosuppressive and antitrypanosomal activities.1,2It inhibits LPS- or concanavalin A-induced proliferation of mouse splenocytes (IC50s = 4 and 4.5 μg/ml, respectively).1Carviolin is active againstT. b. brucei(MIC = 41.66 μM).2 1.Fujimoto, H., Nakamura, E., Okuyama, E., et al.Six immunosuppressive features from an ascomycete, Zopfiella longicaudata, found in a screening study monitored by immunomodulatory...
T37690 Phenylpyropene A

Others Others
Phenylpyropene A is a fungal metabolite originally isolated from P. griseofulvum that has enzyme inhibitory and insecticidal activities.1,2,3 It inhibits acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT; IC50 = 0.8 μM).1 Phenylpyropene A inhibits diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) in rat liver microsomes (IC50 = 78.7 μM). It induces mortality in 100% of M. persicae when used at a concentration of 5 ppm.3 |1. Kwon, O.E., Rho, M.C., Song, H.Y., et al. Phenylpyropene A and B, new inhibitors of ...


Cat.No: T17143
Synonym: 丰加霉素,Vengicide
Target: Apoptosis, Others, IRE1, Antibiotic, Antifungal
Thiamine monophosphate chloride (dihydrate)
Cat.No: T4925
Synonym: Thiamine monophosphate chloride dihydrat,胺氯化亚磷酸酯,Aneurine monophosphate chloride
Target: Others, Endogenous Metabolite
Coptisine sulfate
Cat.No: T4S0051
Target: Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase (IDO)
Cat.No: T3313
Synonym: Firefly luciferin,D-萤光素,D-荧光素,D-(-)-Luciferin
Target: Others
Cat.No: T19340
Synonym: O-glutaroyl-L-carnitine
Target: Endogenous Metabolite
Cat.No: T3888
Synonym: Murrayin,东莨菪甙,Scopoloside,东莨菪苷
Target: Sirtuin
Cat.No: TN1583
Target: TRP/TRPV Channel
Cat.No: TN5243
Target: NADPH-oxidase, HIV Protease, Antifection
Cat.No: TN5578
Cat.No: T38038
Target: Others
Cat.No: T35761
Target: Others
Phenylpyropene A
Cat.No: T37690
Target: Others
Cat. No. Product Name Species Expression System
TMPY-03962 AFM Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)


Human HEK293 Cells
Afamin is an 87 kDa glycoprotein with five predicted N-glycosylation sites. Afamin's glycan abundance contributes to conformational and chemical inhomogeneity presenting great challenges for molecular structure determination. Afamin, a human plasma glycoprotein and putative transporter of hydrophobic molecules, has been shown to act as extracellular chaperone for poorly soluble, acylated Wnt proteins, forming a stable, soluble complex with functioning Wnt proteins. The 2.1-Å crystal structure of...
TMPK-01462 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12C (VVVGACGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01450 HLA-C*03:04&B2M&KRAS G12D (GADGVGKSAL) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01405 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (E. coli, His & Avi)


Human E. coli
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01460 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12S (VVVGASGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01428 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVGADGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human E. coli
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01443 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), FITC-Labeled


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01526 HLA-A*03:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01490 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01453 HLA-A*03:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01464 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12R (VVVGARGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01537 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVVGADGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01536 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01457 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12A (VVVGAAGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01431 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12S (VVVGASGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01439 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVVGADGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), PE-Labeled


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01440 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), PE-Labeled


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01432 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12A (VVVGAAGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01435 HLA-A*03:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), PE-Labeled


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01430 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVVGADGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (E. coli, His & Avi)


Human E. coli
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01465 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12R (VVVGARGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01456 HLA-C*03:04&B2M&KRAS G12D (GADGVGKSAL) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01402 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (E. coli, His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human E. coli
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01528 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01507 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVVGADGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01404 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (E. coli, His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human E. coli
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01434 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12R (VVVGARGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01525 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01403 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (E. coli, His & Avi)


Human E. coli
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01461 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12S (VVVGASGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01427 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVGADGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human E. coli
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01463 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12C (VVVGACGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01429 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVVGADGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (E. coli, His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human E. coli
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01518 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01527 HLA-A*03:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01408 HLA-A*02:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (KLVVVGAVGV) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated


Human E. coli
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01433 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12C (VVVGACGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01458 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12A (VVVGAAGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01451 HLA-C 03:04&B2M&KRAS G12D (GADGVGKSAL) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.
TMPK-01529 HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVVGADGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)


Human HEK293 Cells
Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) is the most commonly mutated oncogene in human cancer. The developments of many cancers depend on sustained expression and signaling of KRAS, which makes KRAS a high-priority therapeutic target. The virtual screening approach to discover novel KRAS inhibitors and synthetic lethality interactors of KRAS are discussed in detail.


AFM Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-03962
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12C (VVVGACGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01462
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-C*03:04&B2M&KRAS G12D (GADGVGKSAL) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01450
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (E. coli, His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01405
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12S (VVVGASGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01460
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVGADGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01428
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), FITC-Labeled
Cat.No: TMPK-01443
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*03:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01526
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01490
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*03:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01453
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12R (VVVGARGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01464
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVVGADGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01537
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01536
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12A (VVVGAAGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01457
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12S (VVVGASGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01431
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVVGADGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), PE-Labeled
Cat.No: TMPK-01439
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), PE-Labeled
Cat.No: TMPK-01440
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12A (VVVGAAGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01432
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*03:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), PE-Labeled
Cat.No: TMPK-01435
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVVGADGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (E. coli, His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01430
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12R (VVVGARGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01465
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-C*03:04&B2M&KRAS G12D (GADGVGKSAL) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01456
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (E. coli, His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01402
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01528
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVVGADGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01507
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (E. coli, His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01404
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12R (VVVGARGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01434
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01525
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (E. coli, His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01403
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12S (VVVGASGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01461
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVGADGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01427
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12C (VVVGACGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01463
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVVGADGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (E. coli, His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01429
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01518
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*03:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (VVVGAVGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01527
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*02:01&B2M&KRAS G12V (KLVVVGAVGV) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi), Biotinylated
Cat.No: TMPK-01408
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12C (VVVGACGVGK) Tetramer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01433
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12A (VVVGAAGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01458
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-C 03:04&B2M&KRAS G12D (GADGVGKSAL) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01451
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HLA-A*11:01&B2M&KRAS G12D (VVVGADGVGK) Monomer Protein, Human, MHC (His & Avi)
Cat.No: TMPK-01529
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
TMIJ-0052 Propionicacid-d5

Propionicacid-d5 是 Propionicacid 的氘代化合物。Propionicacid 的 CAS 号为 79-09-4。Propionic acid 被广泛用作食品中的抗真菌剂。它以低水平天然存在于乳制品中,并与其他短链脂肪酸 (SCFA) 一起普遍存在于人类和其他哺乳动物的胃肠道中,作为微生物消化碳水化合物的最终产物。在动物体内有显着的生理活性。
TMIJ-0054 Propionic-2,2-d2 acid

Propionic-2,2-d2 acid 是 Propionic acid 的氘代化合物。Propionic acid 的 CAS 号为 79-09-4。Propionic acid 被广泛用作食品中的抗真菌剂。它以低水平天然存在于乳制品中,并与其他短链脂肪酸 (SCFA) 一起普遍存在于人类和其他哺乳动物的胃肠道中,作为微生物消化碳水化合物的最终产物。在动物体内有显着的生理活性。


Cat.No: TMIJ-0052
Propionic-2,2-d2 acid
Cat.No: TMIJ-0054
TargetMol Loading
