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AL-1AL 1,AL1
AL-1 is a GLYCOINOSITOL PHOSPHOLIPID MEMBRANE ANCHOR containing ephrin found in developing tectum. It can mediate the bundling of cortical axons and repel the axonal growth of retinal ganglia axons. It exists in a variety of adult tissues of BRAIN; HEART;
  • ¥ 10600
trans,trans-2,4-Decadienal (trans,trans-2,4-Decadien-1-al) 是一种亚油酸的脂质过氧化产物。
  • ¥ 99
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
(R)-MG-132 (Z-Leu-D-leu-leu-al) 是一种 MG-132 的对映异构体,是一种蛋白酶体 (proteasome) 抑制剂,细胞毒性比 MG-132 弱。
  • ¥ 233
Decanal, 2-methylene-2-Methylenedecanal,EINECS 244-979-4,2-Methylenedecan-1-al
Decanal, 2-methylene- is a biochemical.
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Decanal, 2-ethylidene-2-Ethylidenedecan-1-al
Decanal, 2-ethylidene- is a biochemical.
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1-Heptadecanol 是分离自Solena amplexicaulis 的长链伯醇,显示出抗菌活性。
  • ¥ 122
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
2,2,2-Trichloroethanol 是非经典的 K2P 通道 TREK-1和 TRAAK 的激动剂。
  • ¥ 99
2,6-Dichlorodiphenylamine 是双氯芬酸钠的一种结构类似物,显示出抗白色念珠菌活性。2,6-Dichlorodiphenylamine 是非选择性抗炎剂,为COX 的抑制剂,在 CHO 细胞中,对人 COX-1 和 COX-2 的IC50分别为 4 和 1.3 nM。
  • ¥ 116
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
AMPA receptor modulator-2
T377342034181-36-5In house
AMPA receptor modulator-2 是 AMPA 受体的有效调节剂,在 TARPγ2 依赖性 AMPA 受体上的pIC50为 10.1。
  • ¥ 987
USP30 inhibitor 18
T366822242582-40-5In house
USP30 inhibitor 18 是有效的USP30选择性抑制剂,IC50为 0.02 μM。它增加蛋白质泛素化并加速线粒体自噬。
  • ¥ 1150
Ensartinib (X-396) is a potent and dual ALK MET inhibitor with IC50s of <0.4 nM and 0.74 nM, respectively. The ability of Ensartinib (X-396) to inhibit the growth of different cancer cell lines harboring ALK fusions or point mutations is tested. Ensartinib is potent in H3122 lung cancer cells harboring EML4-ALK E13;A20 (IC50: 15nM). Ensartinib is also potent in H2228 lung cancer cells harboring EML4-ALK E6a b; A20 (IC50: 45 nM). Furthermore, X-376 is potent in SUDHL-1 lymphoma cells harboring NPM-ALK (IC50: 9 nM). X-376 also inhibits SY5Y neuroblastoma cells harboring ALK F1174L, MKN-45 gastric carcinoma cells harboring MET dependent, HepG2 cells and PC-9 lung cancer cell lines harboring EGFR exon 19 del with IC50s of 68 nM, 156 nM, 9.644 μM and 2.989 μM, respectively[1]. The effects of Ensartinib (X-396) in vivo against H3122 xenografts are examined. A pharmacokinetic study reveals that Ensartinib shows substantial bioavailability and moderate half-lives in vivo. Nude mice harboring H3122 xenografts are treated with Ensartinib at 25mg kg bid. Ensartinib significantly delays the growth of tumors compared to vehicle alone. In the xenograft experiments, Ensartinib appears well-tolerated in vivo. Mouse weight is unaffected by Ensartinib treatment. Drug-treated mice appear healthy and do not display any signs of compound related toxicity. To further assess potential side effects of Ensartinib, additional systemic toxicity and toxico-kinetic studies are performed in Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. Following 10 days of repeated oral administration of Ensartinib at 20, 40, 80 mg kg in SD rats, all animals survive to study termination. The no significant toxicity (NST) levels are determined to be 80mg kg for Ensartinib. At NST levels, Ensartinib achieves an AUC of 66 μM×hr and a Cmax of 7.19 μM[1]. [1]. Lovly CM, et al. Insights into ALK-driven cancers revealed through development of novel ALK tyrosine kinaseinhibitors. Cancer Res. 2011 Jul 15;71(14):4920-31.
  • ¥ 12800
TargetMol | Citations 客户已引用
Rupatadine (UR-12592) is a potent dual PAF H1 antagonist with Ki of 0.55 0.1 uM(rabbit platelet membranes guinea pig cerebellum membranes).IC50 value:Target: PAF H1 antagonistin vitro: Rupatadine competitively inhibited histamine-induced guinea pig ileum contraction (pA2 = 9.29 + - 0.06) without affecting contraction induced by ACh, serotonin or leukotriene D4 (LTD4). It also competitively inhibited PAF-induced platelet aggregation in washed rabbit platelets (WRP) (pA2 = 6.68 + - 0.08) and in human platelet-rich plasma (HPRP) (IC50 = 0.68 microM), while not affecting ADP- or arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation [1]. The IC50 for rupatadine in A23187, concanavalin A and anti-IgE induced histamine release was 0.7+ -0.4 microM, 3.2+ -0.7 microM and 1.5+ -0.4 microM, respectively whereas for loratadine the IC50 was 2.1+ -0.9 microM, 4.0+ -1.3 M and 1.7+ -0.5 microM. SR-27417A exhibited no inhibitory effect [2].in vivo: Rupatadine blocked histamine- and PAF-induced effects in vivo, such as hypotension in rats (ID50 = 1.4 and 0.44 mg kg i.v., respectively) and bronchoconstriction in guinea pigs (ID50 = 113 and 9.6 micrograms kg i.v.). Moreover, it potently inhibited PAF-induced mortality in mice (ID50 = 0.31 and 3.0 mg kg i.v. and p.o., respectively) and endotoxin-induced mortality in mice and rats (ID50 = 1.6 and 0.66 mg kg i.v.) [1]. rupatadine treatment improved the declined lung function and significantly decreased animal death. Moreover, rupatadine was able not only to attenuate silica-induced silicosis but also to produce a superior therapeutic efficacy compared to pirfenidone, histamine H1 antagonist loratadine, or PAF antagonist CV-3988 [3]. [1]. Merlos M, et al. Rupatadine, a new potent, orally active dual antagonist of histamine and platelet-activating factor (PAF). J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 1997 Jan;280(1):114-21. [2]. Queralt M, et al. In vitro inhibitory effect of rupatadine on histamine and TNF-alpha release from dispersed canine skin mast cells and the human mast cell line HMC-1. Inflamm Res. 2000 Jul;49(7):355-60. [3]. Lv XX, et al. Rupatadine protects against pulmonary fibrosis by attenuating PAF-mediated senescence in rodents. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 15;8(7):e68631.
  • ¥ 851
TargetMol | Citations 客户已引用
Alphitonin is a flavonoid that has been found in L. leptolepis wood.1 It is also a metabolic intermediate that is formed during the catabolism of quercetin by the human gut bacteria E. ramulus.2,3 |1. Chen, K., Ohmura, W., Doi, S., et al. Termite feeding deterrent from Japanese larch wood. Bioresour. Technol. 95(2), 129-134 (2004).|2. Braune, A., Gütschow, M., Engst, W., et al. Degradation of quercetin and luteolin by Eubacterium ramulus. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67(12), 5558-55567 (2001).|3. Jaganath, I.B., Mullen, W., Lean, M.E.J., et al. In vitro catabolism of rutin by human fecal bacteria and the antioxidant capacity of its catabolites. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 47(8), 1180-1189 (2009).
  • ¥ 4790
TargetMol | Citations 客户已引用
Talabostat (PT100, Val-boroPro) is a potent, nonselective and orally available dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitor with a Ki of 0.18 nM. Talabostat is a nonselective DPP-IV inhibitor, inhibiting DPP8/9, FAP, DPP2 and some other DASH family enzymes essentially as potently as it inhibits DPP-IV[1]. Talabostat stimulates the immune system by triggering a proinflammatory form of cell death in monocytes and macrophages known as pyroptosis. The inhibition of two serine proteases, DPP8 and DPP9, activates the proprotein form of caspase-1 independent of the inflammasome adaptor ASC[2]. Talabostat competitively inhibits the dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP) activity of FAP and CD26/DPP-IV, and there is a high-affinity interaction with the catalytic site due to the formation of a complex between Ser630/624 and the boron of talabostat[3]. Talabostat can stimulate immune responses against tumors involving both the innate and adaptive branches of the immune system. In WEHI 164 fibrosarcoma and EL4 and A20/2J lymphoma models, PT-100 causes regression and rejection of tumors. The antitumor effect appears to involve tumor-specific CTL and protective immunological memory. Talabostat treatment of WEHI 164-inoculated mice increases mRNA expression of cytokines and chemokines known to promote T-cell priming and chemoattraction of T cells and innate effector cells[3]. Talabostat treated mice show significant less fibrosis and FAP expression is reduced. Upon PT100 treatment, significant differences in the MMP-12, MIP-1α, and MCP-3 mRNA expression levels in the lungs are also observed. Treatment with PT100 in this murine model of pulmonary fibrosis has an anti-fibro-proliferative effect and increases macrophage activation[4]. [1]. Connolly BA, et al. Dipeptide boronic acid inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase IV: determinants of potencyand in vivo efficacy and safety. J Med Chem. 2008 Oct 9;51(19):6005-13. [2]. Okondo MC, et al. DPP8 and DPP9 inhibition induces pro-caspase-1-dependent monocyte and macrophage pyroptosis. Nat Chem Biol. 2017 Jan;13(1):46-53. [3]. Adams S, et al. PT-100, a small molecule dipeptidyl peptidase inhibitor, has potent antitumor effects and augments antibody-mediated cytotoxicity via a novel immune mechanism. Cancer Res. 2004 Aug 1;64(15):5471-80. [4]. Egger C, et al. Effects of the fibroblast activation protein inhibitor, PT100, in a murine model of pulmonary fibrosis. Eur J Pharmacol. 2017 Aug 15;809:64-72.
  • ¥ 931
TargetMol | Citations 客户已引用
5-HT1A modulator 2 hydrochloride
5-HT1A modulator 2 hydrochloride 是 8-OH-DPAT 的一种衍生物,是5-HT1A 的调节剂,Ki 为 53 nM。
  • ¥ 136
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
BMS-986176 是一种有效的AAK1 抑制剂,IC50为 2.2 nM。BMS-986176在神经退行性疾病中有研究的价值。
  • ¥ 1230
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
DS-7423 是PI3K 和mTOR 的有效抑制剂,抑制PI3Kα 和 mTOR 的IC50分别为15.6 nM 和 34.9 nM。DS-7423表现出抗癌活性。
  • ¥ 1060
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
ARN-21934 是高选择性的人拓扑异构酶 II α 抑制剂,具有血脑屏障通透性。依托泊苷抑制 DNA 松弛的IC50为120 μM,ARN-21934 抑制 DNA 松弛的IC50为 2 μM。ARN-21934具有良好的体内药代动力学特性。
  • ¥ 575
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
2,5-dimethyl Celecoxib2,5-二甲基塞来考昔
2,5-dimethyl Celecoxib 是塞来昔布衍生物和微粒体前列腺素 E 合酶 1 (mPGES-1) 的靶向抑制剂,mPGES-1 是炎症介质 PGE2 合成途径中的关键酶。
  • ¥ 562
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
5,7-Dihydroxycoumarin 是分离自Macaranga triloba 花序的香豆素,具有抗菌活性。
  • ¥ 115
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
Ara-G 是一种脱氧鸟苷 (GdR) 类似物和核苷类似物,可被 T 淋巴谱系细胞迅速转化为其相应的阿拉伯糖基鸟嘌呤核苷酸三磷酸 (araGTP),从而抑制 DNA 合成和对 T 淋巴母细胞的选择性体外毒性细胞系以及来自 T 细胞急性淋巴细胞白血病 (ALL) 患者的新鲜分离的白血病细胞。
  • ¥ 415
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
(+)-FluprostenolFluprostenol, (+)-,曲伏前列素酸,Travoprost acid,AL-5848
(+)-Fluprostenol (AL-5848) 是前列腺素 F2 α 的类似物,是一种前列腺素 F2α 受体 PTGFR 激动剂,可降低输卵管糖蛋白 1 (OVGP1) 的表达。
  • ¥ 628
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
CP-609754 是高效的、可逆的法尼基转移酶抑制剂,对重组人 H-Ras 和重组 K-Ras 法尼基化的 IC50分别为 0.57 ng mL 和 46 ng mL。CP-609754有潜在的抗癌作用。
  • ¥ 690
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
COR659 是一种有效的 GABAB 的阳性变构调节剂。COR659具有缓解大鼠对酒精和巧克力成瘾的作用。
  • ¥ 491
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
Erlotinib-13C6 (CP-358774-13C6) is a 13C-labeled Erlotinib. Erlotinib is a directly acting EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor, with an IC50 of 2 nM for human EGFR[1]. Erlotinib reduces EGFR autophosphorylation in intact tumor cells with an IC50 of 20 nM. Erlotinib is used for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer[1].Stable heavy isotopes of hydrogen, carbon, and other elements have been incorporated into drug molecules, largely as tracers for quantitation during the drug development process[2]. [1]. Moyer JD, et al. Induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest by CP-358,774, an inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase. Cancer Res. 1997, 57(21), 4838-4848.[2]. Russak EM, et al. Impact of Deuterium Substitution on the Pharmacokinetics of Pharmaceuticals. Ann Pharmacother. 2019;53(2):211-216.
  • ¥ 13917
Ac-LEVD-CHO, a caspase-4 inhibitor, is a peptide with the sequence Ac-Leu-Glu-Val-Asp-al [1].
  • 询价
Urocortin II (mouse) (trifluoroacetate salt)
Urocortin II is a neuropeptide hormone and member of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) family which includes mammalian CRF , urocortin , urocortin III , frog sauvagine, and piscine urotensin I.1 Mouse urocortin II shares 34 and 42% sequence homology with rat CRF and urocortin . It is expressed in mouse paraventricular, supraoptic, and arcuate nuclei of the hypothalamus, the locus coeruleus, and in motor nuclei of the brainstem and spinal ventral horn. Urocortin II selectively binds to CRF1 over CRF2 receptors (Kis = 0.66 and >100 nM, respectively) and induces cAMP production in CHO cells expressing CRF2 (EC50 = 0.14 nM). In vivo, urocortin II suppresses nighttime food intake by 35% in rats when administered intracerebroventricularly at a dose of 1 μg. Urocortin II (0.1 and 0.5 μg, i.c.v) stimulates fecal pellet output, increases distal colonic transit, and inhibits gastric emptying in mice.2References1. Reyes, T.M., Lewis, K., Perrin, M.H., et al. Urocortin II: A member of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) neuropeptide family that is selectively bound by type 2 CRF receptors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98(5), 2843-2848 (2001).2. Martinez, V., Wang, L., Million, M., et al. Urocortins and the regulation of gastrointestinal motor function and visceral pain. Peptides 25(10), 1733-1744 (2004). Urocortin II is a neuropeptide hormone and member of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) family which includes mammalian CRF , urocortin , urocortin III , frog sauvagine, and piscine urotensin I.1 Mouse urocortin II shares 34 and 42% sequence homology with rat CRF and urocortin . It is expressed in mouse paraventricular, supraoptic, and arcuate nuclei of the hypothalamus, the locus coeruleus, and in motor nuclei of the brainstem and spinal ventral horn. Urocortin II selectively binds to CRF1 over CRF2 receptors (Kis = 0.66 and >100 nM, respectively) and induces cAMP production in CHO cells expressing CRF2 (EC50 = 0.14 nM). In vivo, urocortin II suppresses nighttime food intake by 35% in rats when administered intracerebroventricularly at a dose of 1 μg. Urocortin II (0.1 and 0.5 μg, i.c.v) stimulates fecal pellet output, increases distal colonic transit, and inhibits gastric emptying in mice.2 References1. Reyes, T.M., Lewis, K., Perrin, M.H., et al. Urocortin II: A member of the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) neuropeptide family that is selectively bound by type 2 CRF receptors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98(5), 2843-2848 (2001).2. Martinez, V., Wang, L., Million, M., et al. Urocortins and the regulation of gastrointestinal motor function and visceral pain. Peptides 25(10), 1733-1744 (2004).
  • ¥ 6370
Nitisinone-13C6is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of nitisinone by GC- or LC-MS. Nitisinone is an inhibitor of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD), which converts 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate (HPPA) to homogentisate in the tyrosine catabolic pathway.1Nitisinone increases urinary levels of HPPA and 4-hydroxyphenyllactate (HPLA) in rats when administered at a dose of 10 mg kg. Nitisinone (3 mg kg) prevents the neonatal lethality of fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH) deficiency in mice when administered to pregnant dams.2It exhibits hepatoprotective effects inFAH- -mice, such as prevention of increases in plasma levels of aspartate serine aminotransferase (AST) and conjugated bilirubin, when administration is continued following birth at a dose of 1 mg kg. Nitisinone (100 μg) decreases urinary excretion of homogentisate and increases urinary excretion of HPPA, HPLA, and 4-hydroxyphenylacetate in a mouse model of alkaptonuria induced by ethylnitrosourea.3Formulations containing nitisinone have been used in the treatment of hereditary tyrosinemia type 1 (HT-1). 1.Ellis, M.K., Whitfield, A.C., Gowans, L.A., et al.Inhibition of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase by 2-(2-nitro-4-trifluoromethylbenzoyl)-cyclohexane-1,3-dione and 2-(2-chloro-4-methanesulfonylbenzoyl)-cyclohexane-1,3-dioneToxicol. Appl. Pharmacol.133(1)12-19(1995) 2.Grompe, M., Lindstedt, S., al-Dhalimy, M., et al.Pharmacological correction of neonatal lethal hepatic dysfunction in a murine model of hereditary tyrosinaemia type INat. Genet.10(4)453-460(1995) 3.Suzuki, Y., Oda, K., Yoshikawa, Y., et al.A novel therapeutic trial of homogentisic aciduria in a murine model of alkaptonuriaJ. Hum. Genet.44(2)79-84(1999)
  • ¥ 6930
β-Amyloid (1-14),mouse,rat
β-Amyloid (1-14),mouse,rat is a 1 to 14 fragment of Amyloid-β peptide. β-Amyloid (1-14),mouse,rat is produced through the proteolytic processing of a transmembrane protein, amyloid precursor protein (APP), by β- and γ-secretases. β-Amyloid (1-14),mouse,rat accumulation in the brain is proposed to be an early toxic event in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most common form of dementia associated with plaques and tangles in the brain[1]. [1]. Chen GF, et al. Amyloid beta: structure, biology and structure-based therapeutic development. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2017 Sep;38(9):1205-1235.
  • ¥ 615
GLP-1 (1-36) amide (human, rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)
GLP-1 amide is a peptide hormone cleaved from proglucagon in the pancreas.1,2 Mice lacking the glucagon receptor (Gcgr-/-) have approximately nine-fold higher levels of total GLP-1 amide, including GLP-1 (1-36) amide and truncated GLP-1 (7-36) amide , in pancreatic tissue compared to wild-type mice.2References1. Schjoldager, B.T., Mortensen, P.E., Christiansen, J., et al. GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide 1) and truncated GLP-1, fragments of human proglucagon, inhibit gastric acid secretion in humans. Dig. Dis. Sci. 34(5), 703-708 (1989).2. Gelling, R.W., Du, X.Q., Dichmann, D.S., et al. Lower blood glucose, hyperglucagonemia, and pancreatic α cell hyperplasia in glucagon receptor knockout mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100(3), 1438-1443 (2003). GLP-1 amide is a peptide hormone cleaved from proglucagon in the pancreas.1,2 Mice lacking the glucagon receptor (Gcgr-/-) have approximately nine-fold higher levels of total GLP-1 amide, including GLP-1 (1-36) amide and truncated GLP-1 (7-36) amide , in pancreatic tissue compared to wild-type mice.2 References1. Schjoldager, B.T., Mortensen, P.E., Christiansen, J., et al. GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide 1) and truncated GLP-1, fragments of human proglucagon, inhibit gastric acid secretion in humans. Dig. Dis. Sci. 34(5), 703-708 (1989).2. Gelling, R.W., Du, X.Q., Dichmann, D.S., et al. Lower blood glucose, hyperglucagonemia, and pancreatic α cell hyperplasia in glucagon receptor knockout mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100(3), 1438-1443 (2003).
  • ¥ 3981
1,2-Dioleoyl-rac-glycerol-13C3 is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of 1,2-dioleoyl-rac-glycerol by GC- or LC-MS. 1,2-dioleoyl-rac-glycerol is a diacylglycerol that contains oleic acid at the sn-1 and sn-2 positions. It effectively binds the C1 domain to activate conventional protein kinase C forms and serves as a substrate for diacylglycerol kinases and multisubstrate lipid kinase.1,2,3 |1. Yamaguchi, Y., Shirai, Y., Matsubara, T., et al. Phosphorylation and up-regulation of diacylglycerol kinase γ via its interaction with protein kinase Cγ. J. Biol. Chem. 281(42), 31627-31637 (2006).|2. Zhou, Q.Z., Raynor, R.L., Wood, M.G., Jr., et al. Structure-activity relationship of synthetic branched-chain distearoylglycerol (distearin) as protein kinase C activators. Biochemistry 27(19), 7361-7365 (1988).|3. Epand, R.M., Shulga, Y.V., Timmons, H.C., et al. Substrate chirality and specificity of diacylglycerol kinases and the multisubstrate lipid kinase. Biochemistry 46(49), 14225-14231 (2007).
  • ¥ 634
Palmitic acid-1-13C
Palmitic acid-13C is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of palmitic acid by GC- or LC-MS. Palmitic acid is a 16-carbon saturated fatty acid. It comprises approximately 25% of human total plasma lipids.1 It increases protein levels of COX-2 in RAW 264.7 cells when used at a concentration of 75 μM.2 Palmitic acid is involved in the acylation of proteins to anchor membrane-bound proteins to the lipid bilayer.2,3,4,5,6 |1. Santos, M.J., López-Jurado, M., Llopis, J., et al. Influence of dietary supplementation with fish oil on plasma fatty acid composition in coronary heart disease patients. Ann. Nutr. Metab. 39(1), 52-62 (1995).|2. Lee, J.Y., Sohn, K.H., Rhee, S.H., et al. Saturated fatty acids, but not unsaturated fatty acids, induced the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 mediated through toll-like receptor 4. J. Biol. Chem. 276(20), 16683-16689 (2001).|3. Dietzen, D.J., Hastings, W.R., and Lublin, D.M. Caveolin is palmitoylated on multiple cysteine residues. Palmitoylation is not necessary for localization of caveolin to caveolae. J. Biol. Chem. 270(12), 6838-6842 (1995).|4. Robinson, L.J., and Michel, T. Mutagenesis of palmitoylation sites in endothelial nitric oxide synthase identifies a novel motif for dual acylation and subcellular targeting. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 92(25), 11776-11780 (1995).|5. Topinka, J.R., and Bredt, D.S. N-terminal palmitoylation of PSD-95 regulates association with cell membranes and interaction with K+ channel Kv1.4. Neuron 20(1), 125-134 (1998).|6. Miggin, S.M., Lawler, O.A., and Kinsella, B.T. Palmitoylation of the human prostacyclin receptor. Functional implications of palmitoylation and isoprenylation. J. Biol. Chem. 278(9), 6947-6958 (2003).
  • ¥ 272
1-Heptadecanoyl-rac-glycerol is a monoacylglycerol that contains heptadecanoic acid at the sn-1 position. It is active against the bacteria E. aerogens, E. cloacae, P. mirabilis, and S. faecalis (MIC = 78 μg/ml for all).1 1-Heptadecanoyl-rac-glycerol has been found in T. africana, I. sonorae, and wheat bran.1,2,3 |1. Kuete, V., Metuno, R., Ngameni, B., et al. Antimicrobial activity of the methanolic extracts and compounds from Treculia africana and Treculia acuminata (Moraceae). S. Afr. J. Bot. 74(1), 111-115 (2008).|2. Fernández-Galicia, E., Calada, F., Roman-Romos, R., et al. Monoglycerides and fatty acids from Ibervillea sonorae root: Isolation and hypoglycemic activity. Planta Med. 73(3), 236-240 (2007).|3. Prinsen, P., Gutiérrez, A., Faulds, C.B., et al. Comprehensive study of valuable lipophilic phytochemicals in wheat bran. J. Agric. Food Chem. 62(7), 1664-1673 (2014).
  • ¥ 1190
SAR 216471 hydrochloride
Potent P2Y12 antagonist (IC50 = 17 nM). Displays antiplatelet and antithrombotic activity in vivo. Orally available. Boldron et al (2014) N-[6-(4-butanoyl-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)pyridazin-3-yl]-5-chloro-1-[2-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-2-oxoethyl]-1H-indole-3-carboxamide (SAR216471), a novel intravenous and oral, reversible, and directly acting P2Y12 antagonist. J.Med.Chem. 57 7293 PMID:25075638
  • ¥ 17200
IT-143B is a bacterial metabolite that has been found in S. iakyrus.1 It inhibits the proliferation of OS-RC-2 and ACHN cancer cells (IC50s = 22 and 98 μM, respectively). |1. Li, K., Liang, Z., Chen, W., et al. Iakyricidins A-D, antiproliferative piericidin analogues bearing a carbonyl group or cyclic skeleton from Streptomyces iakyrus SCSIO NS104. J. Org. Chem. 84(19), 12626-12631 (2019).
  • ¥ 7928
OPC-167832 is a potent and orally active dprE1 Inhibitor with an IC50 of 0.258 μM. OPC-167832 has antituberculosis activity and can be used for the research of tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis[1]. OPC-167832 exhibits very low MICs against laboratory strains of M. tuberculosis H37Rv (MIC: 0.0005 μg/ml) and Kurono (MIC: 0.0005 μg/ml) and strains with monoresistance to rifampin (RIF), isoniazid (INH), ethambutol (EMB), streptomycin (STR), and pyrazinamide (PZA) (MIC: 0.00024-0.001 μg/ml). However, OPC-167832 has minimal or no activity against standard strains of nonmycobacterial aerobic and anaerobic bacteria[1].The IC90 values of OPC-167832 against intracellular M. tuberculosis strains H37Rv and Kurono are 0.0048 and 0.0027 μg/ml, respectively. OPC-167832 shows bactericidal activity against intracellular M. tuberculosis at a low concentration, and the bactericidal activity is saturated at concentrations of 0.004 μg/ml or higher[1]. OPC-167832 (oral administration; 0.625-10 mg/kg) exhibits a good pharmacokinetic characteristic. The plasma reaches peak at 0.5 h to 1.0 h (tmax) and is eliminated with a half-life (t1/2) of 1.3 h to 2.1 h OPC-167832 distribution in the lungs is approximately 2 times higher than that in plasma, and the Cmax and AUCt of OPC-167832 in plasma and the lungs shows dose dependency[1].OPC-167832 (oral administration; 0.625-10 mg/kg; 4 weeks) significantly reduces lung CFU compared to the vehicle group. The dose-dependent decrease of lung CFU is observed from 0.625 mg/kg to 2.5 mg/kg. In a M. tuberculosis Kurono-infected ICR female mice model. OPC-167832 combines with DMD, BDQ, or LVX via oral gavage exhibits significantly higher efficacies than each single agent alone[1].[1].OPC-167832 (oral gavage; 2.5 mg/kg; combination with DCMB; 12 weeks) demonstrates the most potent efficacy when compares with DC, DCB. The lung CFU count after 6 weeks of treatment is below the detection limit, and at the end of just 8 weeks of treatment, the bacteria in the lungs of all the evaluated mice had already been eradicate[1]. [1]. Norimitsu Hariguchi, et al. OPC-167832, a Novel Carbostyril Derivative with Potent Antituberculosis Activity as a DprE1 Inhibitor.Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2020 May 21;64(6):e02020-19.
  • ¥ 1950
Dichloroiodomethane is a natural compound in human beings[1]. [1]. Lalith K. Silva, et al. Quantification of Dichloroiodomethane and Bromochloroiodomethane in Human Blood by Solid-Phase Microextraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography-High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Volume 30, Issue 9, November-December 2006, Pages 670-678.
  • ¥ 642
Nemorosone is a polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinol (PPAP) originally isolated from C. rosea that has antiproliferative properties.1 Nemorosone inhibits growth of NB69, Kelly, SK-N-AS, and LAN-1 neuroblastoma cells (IC50s = 3.1-6.3 μM), including several drug-resistant clones, but not MRC-5 human embryonic fibroblasts (IC50 = >40 μM).2 It increases DNA fragmentation in LAN-1 cells in a dose-dependent manner, and decreases N-Myc protein levels and phosphorylation of ERK1/2 by MEK1/2. Nemorosone also inhibits growth of Capan-1, AsPC-1, and MIA-PaCa-2 pancreatic cancer cells (IC50s = 4.5-5.0 μM following a 72-hour treatment) but not human dermal and foreskin fibroblasts (IC50s = >35 μM).1 It induces apoptosis, abolishes the mitochondrial membrane potential, and increases cytosolic calcium concentration in pancreatic cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner. Nemorosone activates the caspase cascade in a dose-dependent manner and inhibits cell cycle progression, increasing the proportion of cells in the G0/G1 phase, in both neuroblastoma and pancreatic cancer cells.1,2 Nemorosone (50 mg/kg, i.p., per day) also reduces tumor growth in an MIA-PaCa-2 mouse xenograft model.3References1. Holtrup, F., Bauer, A., Fellenberg, K., et al. Microarray analysis of nemorosone-induced cytotoxic effects on pancreatic cancer cells reveals activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR). Br. J. Pharmacol. 162(5), 1045-1059 (2011).2. Díaz-Carballo, D., Malak, S., Bardenheuer, W., et al. Cytotoxic activity of nemorosone in neuroblastoma cells. J. Cell. Mol. Med. 12(6B), 2598-2608 (2008).3. Wold, R.J., Hilger, R.A., Hoheisel, J.D., et al. In vivo activity and pharmacokinetics of nemorosone on pancreatic cancer xenografts. PLoS One 8(9), e74555 (2013). Nemorosone is a polycyclic polyprenylated acylphloroglucinol (PPAP) originally isolated from C. rosea that has antiproliferative properties.1 Nemorosone inhibits growth of NB69, Kelly, SK-N-AS, and LAN-1 neuroblastoma cells (IC50s = 3.1-6.3 μM), including several drug-resistant clones, but not MRC-5 human embryonic fibroblasts (IC50 = >40 μM).2 It increases DNA fragmentation in LAN-1 cells in a dose-dependent manner, and decreases N-Myc protein levels and phosphorylation of ERK1/2 by MEK1/2. Nemorosone also inhibits growth of Capan-1, AsPC-1, and MIA-PaCa-2 pancreatic cancer cells (IC50s = 4.5-5.0 μM following a 72-hour treatment) but not human dermal and foreskin fibroblasts (IC50s = >35 μM).1 It induces apoptosis, abolishes the mitochondrial membrane potential, and increases cytosolic calcium concentration in pancreatic cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner. Nemorosone activates the caspase cascade in a dose-dependent manner and inhibits cell cycle progression, increasing the proportion of cells in the G0/G1 phase, in both neuroblastoma and pancreatic cancer cells.1,2 Nemorosone (50 mg/kg, i.p., per day) also reduces tumor growth in an MIA-PaCa-2 mouse xenograft model.3 References1. Holtrup, F., Bauer, A., Fellenberg, K., et al. Microarray analysis of nemorosone-induced cytotoxic effects on pancreatic cancer cells reveals activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR). Br. J. Pharmacol. 162(5), 1045-1059 (2011).2. Díaz-Carballo, D., Malak, S., Bardenheuer, W., et al. Cytotoxic activity of nemorosone in neuroblastoma cells. J. Cell. Mol. Med. 12(6B), 2598-2608 (2008).3. Wold, R.J., Hilger, R.A., Hoheisel, J.D., et al. In vivo activity and pharmacokinetics of nemorosone on pancreatic cancer xenografts. PLoS One 8(9), e74555 (2013).
  • ¥ 770
2-deoxy-D-Glucose-13C6is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of 2-deoxy-D-glucose by GC- or LC-MS. 2-deoxy-D-Glucose is a glucose antimetabolite and an inhibitor of glycolysis.1,2It inhibits hexokinase, the enzyme that converts glucose to glucose-6-phosphate, as well as phosphoglucose isomerase, the enzyme that converts glucose-6-phosphate to fructose-6-phosphate.32-deoxy-D-Glucose (16 mM) induces apoptosis in SK-BR-3 cells, as well as inhibits the growth of 143B osteosarcoma cells cultured under hypoxic conditions when used at a concentration of 2 mg ml.4,5In vivo, 2-deoxy-D-glucose (500 mg kg) reduces tumor growth in 143B osteosarcoma and MV522 non-small cell lung cancer mouse xenograft models when used alone or in combination with doxorubicin or paclitaxel .6 1.Kang, H.T., and Hwang, E.S.2-Deoxyglucose: An anticancer and antiviral therapeutic, but not any more a low glucose mimeticLife Sci.78(12)1392-1399(2006) 2.Aft, R.L., Zhang, F.W., and Gius, D.Evaluation of 2-deoxy-D-glucose as a chemotherapeutic agent: Mechanism of cell deathBr. J. Cancer87(7)805-812(2002) 3.Ralser, M., Wamelink, M.M., Struys, E.A., et al.A catabolic block does not sufficiently explain how 2-deoxy-D-glucose inhibits cell growthProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA105(46)17807-17811(2008) 4.Liu, H., Savaraj, N., Priebe, W., et al.Hypoxia increases tumor cell sensitivity to glycolytic inhibitors: A strategy for solid tumor therapy (Model C)Biochem. Pharmacol.64(12)1745-1751(2002) 5.Zhang, X.D., Deslandes, E., Villedieu, M., et al.Effect of 2-deoxy-D-glucose on various malignant cell lines in vitroAnticancer Res.26(5A)3561-3566(2006) 6.Maschek, G., Savaraj, N., Priebe, W., et al.2-deoxy-D-glucose increases the efficacy of adriamycin and paclitaxel in human osteosarcoma and non-small cell lung cancers in vivoCancer Res.64(1)31-34(2004)
  • ¥ 770
AZ 5704
Potent and selective ATM kinase inhibitor (IC50 = 0.6 nM in an enzyme inhibition assay). Exhibits > 600-fold selectivity for ATM over other kinases. Inhibits ATM kinase in an in vitro cellular assay (IC50 = 0.33 μM). Potentiates the antitumor effects of the topoisomerase 1 inhibitor irinotecan in tumor bearing, immunocompromised mice. Orally bioavailable. Degorce et al (2016) Discovery of novel 3-quinoline carboxamides as potent, selective and orally bioavailable inhibitors of ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) kinase. J.Med.Chem. 59 6281 PMID:27259031
  • ¥ 15000
Afizagabar (S44819) is a first-in-class, competitive, and selective antagonist at the GABA-binding site of the α5-GABAAR, with an IC50 of 585 nM for α5β2γ2 and a Ki of 66 nM for α5β3γ2. Afizagabar enhances hippocampal synaptic plasticity and exhibits pro-cognitive efficacy[1]. Afizagabar (S44819) is a competitive α5-GABAAR antagonist (Kb=221 nM). Afizagabar selectively inhibits extrasynaptic α5-GABAARs of mouse CA1 pyramidal neurons[1]. Afizagabar (1 and 3 mg kg; i.p.) significantly diminishes the marked increase in total errors induced by Scopolamine[1]. [1]. Etherington LA, et al. Selective inhibition of extra-synaptic α5-GABAA receptors by S44819, a new therapeutic agent. Neuropharmacology. 2017;125:353-364.
  • ¥ 13900
PW0464, a nanomolar potent complete G protein biased ligand, is a noncatechol D1R agonist, with an EC50 of 5.8 nM (Gs-cAMP)[1]. PW0464 (compound 24) is found to elicit complete G protein bias, showing no activity for D1R-mediated β-arrestin recruitment[1].PW0464 (compound 24), the non-catechol agonist, forms bonds with S1985.42 and S2025.46 via its fluorine atom[2]. [1]. Pingyuan Wang, et al. Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Noncatechol G Protein Biased and Unbiased Dopamine D1 Receptor Agonists. ACS Med Chem Lett[2]. David R Sibley, et al. Novel Cryo-EM structures of the D1 dopamine receptor unlock its therapeutic potential. Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2021 May 22;6(1):205.
  • ¥ 3420
6-Prenylindole is a bacterial metabolite that has been found in Streptomyces and has antifungal and antimalarial properties.1 It is active against A. brassicicola strain TP-F0423 and F. oxysporum f. sp. tulipae TU-4-2 (15 and 30 μg/disc in the paper disc assay), and also drug-resistant P. falciparum strain K1 (IC50 = 21 μg/ml).2 |1. Sasaki, T., Igarashi, Y., Ogawa, M., et al. Identification of 6-prenylindole as an antifungal metabolite of Streptomyces sp. TP-A0595 and synthesis and bioactivity of 6-substituted indoles. J. Antibiot. (Tokyo) 55(11), 1009-1012 (2002).|2. Nkunya, M.H., Makangara, J.J., and Jonker, S.A. Prenylindoles from Tanzanian Monodora and Isolona species. Nat. Prod. Res. 18(3), 253-258 (2004).
  • ¥ 5650
BIO5192 hydrate
BIO5192 hydrate is a selective and potent integrin α4β1 (VLA-4) inhibitor (Kd<10 pM). BIO5192 hydrate selectively binds to α4β1 (IC50=1.8 nM) over a range of other integrins. BIO5192 hydrate results in a 30-fold increase in mobilization of murine hematopoietic stem and progenitors (HSPCs) over basal levels[1][2]. The combination of BIO5192 hydrate (1 mg kg; i.v.) and Plerixafor (5 mg kg; s.c.) exert an additive effect on progenitor mobilization[1].BIO5192 hydrate (30 mg kg; s.c; bid; during days 5 through 14) delays paralysis associated with EAE (experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis)[2].BIO5192 hydrate (1 mg kg, i.v.) shows the terminal half-life is 1.1 hours. BIO5192 hydrate (3, 10, and 30 mg kg; s.c.) shows half-lives of 1.7, 2.7, and 4.7 hours, respectively. The blood plasma curves show that the AUC for the s.c. route of administration increased about 2.5-fold from 5,460 h*ng ml for the 3 mg kg dose to 14,175 h*ng ml for the 30 mg kg[1]. Animal Model: C57BL 6J x 129Sv J F1 mice[1] [1]. Ramirez P, et al. BIO5192, a small molecule inhibitor of VLA-4, mobilizes hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Blood. 2009;114(7):1340‐1343. [2]. Leone DR, et al. An assessment of the mechanistic differences between two integrin alpha 4 beta 1 inhibitors, the monoclonal antibody TA-2 and the small molecule BIO5192, in rat experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2003;305(3):1150-1162.
  • 询价
PROTAC IDO1 Degrader-1PROTAC IDO1 Degrader-1
PROTAC IDO1 Degrader-1 is the first potent IDO1 (indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1) degrader that hijacks IDO1 to CRBN E3 ligase to introduce IDO1 into UPS and eventually achieve ubiquitination and degradation (DC50=2.84 μM). PROTAC IDO1 Degrader-1 moderately improves the tumor-killing activity of H ER2 CAR-T cells[1]. PROTAC IDO1 Degrader-1 (compound 2c) (10 μM; 24 hours) notably decreases IDO1 level induced by IFN-γ[1].PROTAC IDO1 Degrader-1 and IFN-γ (5 ng mL) are incubated with HeLa cells for 24 h, and a significant dose-dependent degradation is observed. PROTAC IDO1 Degrader-1 combined with chimeric antigen receptor-modified T (CAR-T) cells can improve the tumor-killing activity of HER-2 CAR-T cells[1].PROTAC IDO1 Degrader-1 induces significant and persistent degradation of IDO1 with maximum degradation (dmax) of 93% in HeLa cells[1]. [1]. Hu M, et al. Discovery of the first potent proteolysis targeting chimera (PROTAC) degrader of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1. Acta Pharm Sin B. 2020;10(10):1943-1953.
  • ¥ 6852
CDK9 Antagonist-1CDK9 Antagonist-1
CDK9 Antagonist-1 (compounds 11c) is a potent and selective CDK9 degrader based on PROTAC, with an IC50 of 17 μM in MCF-7 cell lines. Natural product Wogonin binds ubiquitin E3 ligase cereblon (CRBN) via a linker to form PROTAC[1]. CDK9|17 μM (IC50, MCF-7 cells) [1]. Bian J , et al. Discovery of Wogonin-based PROTACs against CDK9 and capable of achieving antitumor activity. Bioorg Chem. 2018 Dec;81:373-381.
  • 询价
7-Methylguanosine 5'-diphosphate sodium
7-Methylguanosine 5’-diphosphate (7-Methyl-GDP) sodium, a cap analog, can be used in the synthesis of mRNA cap analogues[1]. 7-Methylguanosine 5’-diphosphate sodium inhibits binding of eukaryotic initiation factors to reovirus capped mRNA and complex formation involving uncapped mRNA or 18 S rRNA[1].T. brucei mRNA decapping enzyme (TbDcp2) that cleaves 7-Methylguanosine 5’-diphosphate sodium from capped RNA to generate pRNA, a substrate for TbCe1[2]. [1]. Sonenberg N, et al. Nonspecific effect of m7GMP on protein-RNA interactions. J Biol Chem. 1978;253(19):6630-6632.[2]. Ignatochkina AV, et al. The messenger RNA decapping and recapping pathway in Trypanosoma. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015;112(22):6967-6972.
  • ¥ 1360
Paclitaxel octadecanedioate
Paclitaxel octadecanedioate is a prodrug form of paclitaxel that is comprised of paclitaxel conjugated to 1,18-octadecanedioic acid.1 Unlike paclitaxel, it does not promote tubulin polymerization in vitro when used at a concentration of 10 μM. A 5:1 mixture of paclitaxel octadecanedioate:human serum albumin (HSA) is cytotoxic to HT-1080, PANC-1, and HT-29 cells (IC50s = 12, 2.48, and 8.62 nM, respectively). This mixture reduces tumor growth and increases survival in an HT-1080 mouse xenograft model in a dose-dependent manner. |1. Callmann, C.E., Leguyader, C.L.M., Burton, S.T., et al. Antitumor activity of 1,18-octadecanedioic acid-paclitaxel complexed with human serum albumin. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 141(30), 11765-11769 (2019).
  • ¥ 647