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Manassantin A is a high potent HIF-1 inhibitor, it protects the gastric mucosa from ethanol-induced acute gastric injury, and suggest that these protective effects might be associated with COX/PGE2 stimulation, inhibition of iNOS production and NF-κB activation, and improvements in the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory status.Manassantin A represents a potential therapeutic approach for the treatment of airway allergic-inflammatory diseases. Manassantin A inhibits cAMP-induced melanin production by down-regulating the gene expressions of MITF and tyrosinase in melanocytes.
Manassantin A is a high potent HIF-1 inhibitor, it protects the gastric mucosa from ethanol-induced acute gastric injury, and suggest that these protective effects might be associated with COX/PGE2 stimulation, inhibition of iNOS production and NF-κB activation, and improvements in the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory status.Manassantin A represents a potential therapeutic approach for the treatment of airway allergic-inflammatory diseases. Manassantin A inhibits cAMP-induced melanin production by down-regulating the gene expressions of MITF and tyrosinase in melanocytes.
规格 | 价格 | 库存 | 数量 |
10 mg | ¥ 7,700 | 期货 | |
1 mL x 10 mM (in DMSO) | ¥ 7,800 | 期货 |
产品描述 | Manassantin A is a high potent HIF-1 inhibitor, it protects the gastric mucosa from ethanol-induced acute gastric injury, and suggest that these protective effects might be associated with COX/PGE2 stimulation, inhibition of iNOS production and NF-κB activation, and improvements in the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory status.Manassantin A represents a potential therapeutic approach for the treatment of airway allergic-inflammatory diseases. Manassantin A inhibits cAMP-induced melanin production by down-regulating the gene expressions of MITF and tyrosinase in melanocytes. |
分子量 | 732.867 |
分子式 | C42H52O11 |
CAS No. | 88497-87-4 |
密度 | 1.172 g/cm3 at 20℃ |
存储 | Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice. |
中药材名称 | 中药材拉丁名 | 性 | 味 | 归经 |
鱼腥草 | Houttuynia cordata Thunb. | 微寒 | 辛 | 肺 |
中成药名称 | 处方组成 | 中成药类型 |
安康欣胶囊 | 半枝莲,山豆根,蒲公英,鱼腥草,夏枯草,石上柏,枸杞子,穿破石,人参,黄芪,鸡血藤,灵芝,黄精,白术,党参,淫羊藿,兔丝子,丹参 | 安神药 |
复方樟脑软膏 | 人参,金银花,白芍,鱼腥草,益母草,党参,辛夷,丹参,茯苓,青蒿,黄芩,樟脑 | 清热药 |
鼻康胶囊 | 羊耳菊,鱼腥草,绣线菊,大蓟根,漆姑草,路路通,鹅不食草 | 清热药 |
丹黄祛瘀胶囊 | 黄芪,丹参,党参,山药,土茯苓,当归,鸡血藤,芡实,鱼腥草,三棱,莪术,全蝎,败酱草,肉桂,白术,炮姜,土鳖虫,延胡索,川楝子,苦参 | 理血药 |
复方吉祥草含片 | 吉祥草,紫菀,麻黄,鱼腥草,桔梗,虎杖,罂粟壳,冰片,薄荷素油,梨膏 | 化痰、止咳、平喘药 |
柴银口服液 | 柴胡,金银花,黄芩,葛根,荆芥,青蒿,连翘,桔梗,苦杏仁,薄荷,鱼腥草 | 清热药 |
丹黄祛瘀片 | 黄芪,丹参,党参,山药,土茯苓,当归,鸡血藤,芡实,鱼腥草,三棱,莪术,全蝎,败酱草,肉桂,白术,炮姜,土鳖虫,延胡索,川楝子,苦参 | 理气药 |
复方鱼腥草颗粒 | 鱼腥草,黄芩,板蓝根,连翘,金银花 | 清热药 |
复方鱼腥草胶囊 | 鱼腥草,黄芩,板蓝根,连翘,金银花 | 清热药 |
鼻康片 | 鹅不食草,鱼腥草,大蓟根,漆姑草,绣线菊,路路通,羊耳菊 | 清热药 |
复方鱼腥草糖浆 | 鱼腥草,黄芩,板蓝根,连翘,金银花 | 清热药 |
复方鱼腥草合剂 | 鱼腥草,黄芩,板蓝根,连翘,金银花 | 清热药 |
儿童清咽解热口服液 | 柴胡,黄芩苷,紫花地丁,人工牛黄,苣荬菜,鱼腥草,芦根,赤小豆 | 清热药 |
黄龙咳喘胶囊 | 黄芪,地龙,淫羊藿,山楂(生),桔梗,鱼腥草,射干,麻黄(炙),葶苈子 | 扶正药 |
丹葶肺心颗粒 | 麻黄,石膏,鱼腥草,前胡,苦杏仁,浙贝母,葶苈子,桑白皮,枳壳,丹参,川芎,太子参,甘草 | 化痰、止咳、平喘药 |
黄龙止咳颗粒 | 黄芪,地龙,淫羊藿,山楂,桔梗,鱼腥草,射干,麻黄(,炙)葶苈子 | 扶正药 |
黄龙咳喘片 | 黄芪,地龙,淫羊藿,山楂,桔梗,鱼腥草,射干,麻黄(,炙)葶苈子 | 扶正药 |
复方鱼腥草软胶囊 | 鱼腥草,黄芪,板蓝根,连翘,金银花 | 清热药 |
宝宝牛黄散 | 牛黄,鱼腥草,胆南星,僵蚕(制),地龙(制),钩藤,沉香,珍珠,冰片 | 治风药 |
复方鱼腥草滴丸 | 鱼腥草,黄芩,板蓝根,连翘,金银花 | 清热药 |
方剂名称 | 处方组成 | 剂型 | 处方来源 |
急构饮 | 积雪草,鱼腥草,青黛 | 汤剂 | 《观聚方要补》卷十。 |
防苓汤 | 土茯苓,茯苓,防己,防风,木瓜,黄芪,当归,羊蹄,鱼腥草 | 汤剂 | 《医林纂要》卷十。 |
百花膏3 | 透骨草,忍冬藤,蒲公英,鹤虱,九龙藤,天麻,墨旱莲,半枝莲,地杨梅,豨莶草,苍耳草,紫花地丁,地锦草,鱼蓼,大小青,薄荷,灵芝,鱼腥草,血见愁,淡竹叶,南天竹,枸杞,头橘树头,枳叶,五加叶,接骨木,石楠,蜈蚣,萹蓄,马齿苋,石荠苎,蛇床叶,长青草,慎火草,太湖葱 | 膏剂 | 《解围元薮》卷四。 |