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Warangalone is an anti-malarial compound that can inhibit the growth of both strains of parasite 3D7 (chloroquine-sensitive) and K1 (chloroquine-resistant) with IC50s of 4.8 μg/mL and 3.7 μg/mL, respectively.
Warangalone is an anti-malarial compound that can inhibit the growth of both strains of parasite 3D7 (chloroquine-sensitive) and K1 (chloroquine-resistant) with IC50s of 4.8 μg/mL and 3.7 μg/mL, respectively.
规格 | 价格 | 库存 | 数量 |
5 mg | ¥ 12,400 | 期货 |
产品描述 | Warangalone is an anti-malarial compound that can inhibit the growth of both strains of parasite 3D7 (chloroquine-sensitive) and K1 (chloroquine-resistant) with IC50s of 4.8 μg/mL and 3.7 μg/mL, respectively. |
靶点活性 | Parasite (K1):3.7 μg/mL, Parasite (3D7):.8 μg/mL, CAK:3.5 μM |
体外活性 | Warangalone can also inhibit cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (cAK) with an IC50 of 3.5 μM [2]. When HL-60 cells are exposed to Warangalone (30 μM) for 24 h, Warangalone induces a significant decrease (8%) in cell viability compared to controls. Warangalone also inhibits HL-60 cell growth within 24 h in a time-dependent fashion. A time-dependent increase in caspase-9 activity is observed in Warangalone-treated cells [3]. |
激酶实验 | Cells are seeded in 24-well plates at a density of 3×10^6 cells per well. After exposure of the cells to Warangalone for the allotted time periods, the cells are washed three times with PBS and then lysed in a lysis buffer for 10 min on ice. The protein content of the cell lysates is assayed with a Micro BCA reagent. Cell lysates containing 50 μg of protein are incubated with a caspase-3 fluorogenic substrate (DEVD-AFC) or a caspase-9 fluorogenic substrate (LEHD-AFC) for 1 h at 37°C. Caspase activity is measured by fluorometric detection [3]. |
细胞实验 | Cells are seeded in 96-well plates at a density of 1×10^5 cells per well. The cells are maintained for 24 h at 37°C and then Warangalone (30 μM) is added to the culture medium. MTS solution is added to the 96-well plates at the indicated time points, and the cells are incubated for 1 h at 37°C. The absorbance is measured at a wavelength of 490 nm with a microplate counter [3]. |
别名 | 攀登鱼藤异黄酮, Scandenolone |
分子量 | 404.46 |
分子式 | C25H24O5 |
CAS No. | 4449-55-2 |
密度 | 1.258g/cm3 |
存储 | Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice. |
溶解度信息 | DMSO: Soluble |
中药材名称 | 中药材拉丁名 | 性 | 味 | 归经 |
海桐皮 | Erythrina indica Lam. | 平 | 苦 | 肝, 肾 |
灰叶根 | Tephrosia purpurea(L.)Pers. | 凉 | 微苦 | 脾, 胃 |
山豆根 | Sophora tonkinensis Gapnep. | 寒 | 苦 | 肺, 胃 |
中成药名称 | 处方组成 | 中成药类型 |
柴芩软胶囊 | 柴胡,黄芩,山豆根,葛根,升麻,薄荷油 | 扶正药 |
安康欣胶囊 | 半枝莲,山豆根,蒲公英,鱼腥草,夏枯草,石上柏,枸杞子,穿破石,人参,黄芪,鸡血藤,灵芝,黄精,白术,党参,淫羊藿,兔丝子,丹参 | 安神药 |
参灵肝康胶囊 | 人参,灵芝,半边莲,旱莲草,田基黄,熊胆粉,三七,红花,龙胆草,山豆根,枸杞子,补骨脂 | 扶正药 |
开喉剑喷雾剂(儿童型) | 八爪金龙,山豆根,蝉蜕,薄荷脑 | 清热药 |
关通舒胶囊 | 功劳木,飞龙掌血,血满草,海桐皮,豨莶草,火把花根,倒扣草 | 祛湿药 |
复方忍冬野菊感冒片 | 忍冬藤,野菊花,山豆根,阿司匹林,马来酸氯苯那敏,维牛素C,滑石粉(或薄膜包衣材料) | 清热药 |
桂林西瓜霜含片 | 西瓜霜,山豆根,射干,木汉果(炭),黄连,黄芩,黄柏,大黄,浙贝母,硼砂(煅),青黛,薄荷脑,甘草,冰片 | 清热药 |
参莲颗粒 | 苦参,山豆根,半支莲,防己,三棱,莪术,丹参,补骨脂,苦杏仁,乌梅,白扁豆 | 扶正药 |
复方两面针含片 | 西青果,两面针,山豆根,薄荷 | 清热药 |
复方益肝丸 | 茵陈,板蓝根,龙胆,野菊花,蒲公英,山豆根,垂盆草,蝉蜕,苦杏仁,人工牛黄,夏枯草,车前子,土茯苓,胡黄连,牡丹皮,丹参,红花,大黄,香附,青皮,枳壳,槟榔,鸡内金,人参,桂枝,五味子,柴胡,炙甘草 | 清热药 |
参莲胶囊 | 苦参,山豆根,半枝莲,防己,三棱,莪术,丹参,补骨脂,苦杏仁,乌梅,白扁豆 | 扶正药 |
开喉剑喷雾剂 | 八爪金龙,山豆根,蝉蜕,薄荷脑 | 清热药 |
六味消痔胶囊 | 薯莨,槐角,决明子,牡蛎(煅),人参,山豆根 | 止血药 |
感速康胶囊 | 金银花,对乙酰氨基酚,大青叶,马来酸氯苯那敏,山豆根,维生素C | 清热药 |
关通舒口服液 | 功劳木,飞龙掌血,血满草,海桐皮,剌膊?火把花根,倒扣草,蜂蜜 | 祛湿药 |
口疳吹药 | 青黛,冰片,黄连,甘草,玄明粉,儿茶,硼砂(煅),人中白,僵蚕,山豆根,薄荷 | 清热药 |
复方木鸡合剂 | 云芝提取物,山豆根,菟丝子,核桃楸皮 | 清热药 |
黄苦洗液 | 黄柏,苦参,黄连,海桐皮 | 清热药 |
抗病毒滴丸 | 板蓝根,忍冬藤,山豆根,鱼腥草 | 清热药 |
感速康片 | 金银花,大青叶,山豆根,对乙酰氨基粉,马来酸氯苯那敏,维生素C | 清热药 |
方剂名称 | 处方组成 | 剂型 | 处方来源 |
二乌丸 | 川乌,海桐皮,草乌,五灵脂 | 丸剂 | 《魏氏家藏方》卷一。 |
牛膝散1 | 牛膝,附子,萆薢,五加皮,丹参,当归,桂心,海桐皮,川芎,枳壳,淫羊藿,甘草 | 散剂 | 《圣惠》卷六十九。 |
牛膝酒 | 牛膝,川芎,羌活,地骨皮,五加皮,薏苡仁,甘草,海桐皮,生地黄,杜仲 | 酒剂 | 《三因》卷十三引《传信方》。 |
木瓜牛膝丸 | 木瓜,川乌,牛膝,萆薢,茴香,羌活,青皮,大青盐,狗脊,巴戟天,海桐皮 | 丸剂 | 《三因》卷三。 |
七宝散2 | 山豆根,芒硝,胆矾,白矾,鸡内金,朱砂,冰片 | 散剂 | 《理瀹》。 |
太乙救苦辟瘟丹 | 麻黄,紫苏,山慈姑,五倍子,香附,苍术,半夏,木香,山豆根,丹参,鬼箭羽,辰砂,千金子,大戟,雌黄,细辛,川乌,滑石,麝香,升麻,桔梗,广藿香,陈皮,银花,大黄 | 搽剂 | 《理瀹》。 |
天麻汤4 | 天麻,附子,全蝎,羌活,川芎,白附子,牛膝,麻黄,白花蛇,枸杞,白芷,人参,萆薢,海桐皮,防风,桂枝,酸枣仁,白蒺藜,当归,甘草,乳香 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷四十二。 |
必效散1 | 木槿皮,海桐皮,大黄,百药煎,巴豆,斑蝥,雄黄,轻粉 | 散剂 | 《金鉴》卷七十四。 |
四生丸2 | 狼毒,黑附子,海桐皮,天南星 | 丸剂 | 《普济方》卷二四一引《海南四时摄生论方》。 |
加减射干鼠粘汤 | 射干,山豆根,白僵蚕,牛蒡子,紫草茸,紫菀,桔梗,石膏,诃子,木通,升麻,蝉蜕,甘草 | 汤剂 | 《准绳·幼科》卷六。 |
止声汤 | 麻黄,天冬,桔梗,甘草,茯苓,山豆根,射干,陈皮,半夏,青黛 | 汤剂 | 《辨证录》卷四。 |
化毒汤3 | 桔梗,薄荷,荆芥,甘草,山豆根,芒硝,硼砂,芒硝,雄黄,朱砂 | 汤剂 | 《活幼心书》卷下。 |
加味鼠粘子散 | 桔梗,射干,山豆根,防风,葛根,陈皮,荆芥,连翘 | 散剂 | 《准绳·幼科》卷五。 |
片根散 | 冰片,雄黄,山豆根,儿茶,青硼,枯矾 | 散剂 | 《洞天奥旨》卷十六。 |
无忧散 | 重楼,金线草,甜消,板青黛,茯苓,蒲黄,紫河车,百药煎,贯众,莲子心,白僵蚕,赤小豆,山豆根,马鬃,马勃,螺青,甘草,冰片 | 散剂 | 《鸡峰》卷二十一。 |
牛角散1 | 牛角,麝角,白蔹,麝香,密陀僧,铅丹,蜣螂,羌活,海桐皮,淫羊藿,地龙 | 散剂 | 《圣惠》卷六十五。 |
天麻饮子 | 天麻,防风,当归,川芎,羌活,威灵仙,五加皮,白芍,桂枝,木香,酸枣仁,犀牛角,海桐皮,人参,白术,葛根,细辛,甘草 | 汤剂 | 《普济方》卷九十七引《卫生家宝》。 |
牛膝丸24 | 牛膝,肉苁蓉,防风,海桐皮,自然铜,威灵仙,狗脊,乌头,没药,乳香,骨碎补,地龙,木鳖子 | 丸剂 | 《圣济总录》卷八十一。 |
加减消毒饮 | 升麻,牛蒡子,山豆根,紫草,连翘,生地黄,赤芍,黄连,甘草 | 汤剂 | 《金鉴》卷五十八。 |
加减茯苓丸 | 陈皮,半夏,茯苓,芒硝,海桐皮,姜黄,木瓜,桂枝,甘草,白芍,黄芪 | 丸剂 | 《古今医鉴》卷十。 |
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