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Glabrene, Liquiritin apioside, neolicuroside, and 18α2-glycyrrhetic acid are the predominant phenolic derivatives partitioning at the interface and most likely the major contributors to the notable synergistic antioxidant activity when coupled with pea protein hydrolysates (PPHs).Glabrene has estrogen-like activity, it can stimulate DNA synthesis in human endothelial cells (ECV-304; E304) and has a bi-phasic effect on proliferation of human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). Glabrene and isoliquiritigenin may serve as candidates for skin-lightening agents, they exert varying degrees of inhibition on tyrosinase-dependent melanin biosynthesis.
Glabrene, Liquiritin apioside, neolicuroside, and 18α2-glycyrrhetic acid are the predominant phenolic derivatives partitioning at the interface and most likely the major contributors to the notable synergistic antioxidant activity when coupled with pea protein hydrolysates (PPHs).Glabrene has estrogen-like activity, it can stimulate DNA synthesis in human endothelial cells (ECV-304; E304) and has a bi-phasic effect on proliferation of human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). Glabrene and isoliquiritigenin may serve as candidates for skin-lightening agents, they exert varying degrees of inhibition on tyrosinase-dependent melanin biosynthesis.
规格 | 价格 | 库存 | 数量 |
1 mg | ¥ 6,500 | 5日内发货 |
产品描述 | Glabrene, Liquiritin apioside, neolicuroside, and 18α2-glycyrrhetic acid are the predominant phenolic derivatives partitioning at the interface and most likely the major contributors to the notable synergistic antioxidant activity when coupled with pea protein hydrolysates (PPHs).Glabrene has estrogen-like activity, it can stimulate DNA synthesis in human endothelial cells (ECV-304; E304) and has a bi-phasic effect on proliferation of human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). Glabrene and isoliquiritigenin may serve as candidates for skin-lightening agents, they exert varying degrees of inhibition on tyrosinase-dependent melanin biosynthesis. |
靶点活性 | Tyrosinase:3.5 μM (IC50) |
体外活性 | The inhibitory effect of licorice extract on tyrosinase activity was higher than that expected from the level of glabridin in the extract. This led us to test for other components that may contribute to this strong inhibitory activity. Results indicated that Glabrene and isoliquiritigenin (2',4',4-trihydroxychalcone) in the licorice extract can inhibit both mono- and diphenolase tyrosinase activities. The IC(50) values for Glabrene and isoliquiritigenin were 3.5 and 8.1 microM, respectively, when tyrosine was used as substrate. The effects of Glabrene and isoliquiritigenin on tyrosinase activity were dose-dependent and correlated to their ability to inhibit melanin formation in melanocytes. |
别名 | 光甘草素 |
分子量 | 322.36 |
分子式 | C20H18O4 |
CAS No. | 60008-03-9 |
密度 | 1.293g/cm3 |
存储 | Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice. |
中药材名称 | 中药材拉丁名 | 性 | 味 | 归经 |
甘草 | Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch., Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat., Glycyrrhiza glabra L. | 平 | 甘 | 心, 肺, 脾, 胃 |
光果甘草 | Radix Glycyrrhizae Glabrae | 平 | 甘 | 心, 肺, 脾, 胃 |
炙甘草 | Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch., Glycyrrhiza inflata Bat., Glycyrrhiza glabra L. | 平 | 甘 | 心, 肺, 脾, 胃 |
中成药名称 | 处方组成 | 中成药类型 |
安胃止痛散 | 海螵蛸,小茴香,珍珠母,肉桂,干姜,山柰,大黄,丁香,陈皮(制),花椒,薄荷脑,甘草 | 扶正药 |
安神补脑片 | 鹿茸,制何首乌,淫羊藿,干姜,甘草,大枣,维生素B1 | 安神药 |
阿胶益寿合剂 | 炙黄芪,制何首乌,阿胶,熟地黄,人参,陈皮,木香,甘草 | 扶正药 |
安胃止痛片 | 海螵蛸,小茴香,珍珠母,肉桂,干姜,山萘,大黄,丁香,陈皮(制),花椒,薄荷脑,甘草 | 扶正药 |
安神补脑分散片 | 鹿茸,制何首乌,淫羊藿,干姜,甘草,大枣,维生素B1 | 安神药 |
八宝坤顺丸 | 熟地黄,地黄,白芍,当归,川芎,人参,益母草,牛膝,橘红,沉香,木香,甘草 | 扶正药 |
八宝镇惊丸 | 薄荷,天南星,猪牙皂,茯苓,木香,雄黄,钩藤,细辛,法半夏,僵蚕,琥珀,白附子,天竺黄,朱砂,防风,山药,胆南星,前胡,牛黄,白术,蝉蜕,天麻,白芍,冰片,广藿香,甘草 | 安神药 |
阿归养血胶囊 | 当归,阿胶,党参,白芍,炙甘草,茯苓,黄芪,熟地黄,川芎 | 扶正药 |
安儿宁颗粒 | 天竺黄,红花,人工牛黄,岩白菜,甘草,高山辣根菜,洪连,檀香,唐古特乌头 | 化痰、止咳、平喘药 |
八味檀香散 | 檀香,丁香,北沙参,石膏,拳参,白葡萄干,红花,甘草 | 扶正药 |
安神补脑胶囊 | 鹿茸,制何首乌,淫羊藿,干姜,甘草,大枣,维生素B1 | 安神药 |
八味肉桂胶囊 | 肉桂,木香,白芍,荜茇,小茴香,豆蔻,高良姜,甘草 | 温里药 |
八味地黄宁心口服液 | 地黄,枸杞子,女贞子,五味子,酸枣仁,钩藤,珍珠母,甘草 | 安神药 |
阿胶当归颗粒 | 当归,阿胶,熟地黄,白芍(酒制),党参,炙黄芪,川芎(酒制),茯苓,炙甘草 | 理血药 |
阿胶当归胶囊 | 当归,阿胶,熟地黄,白芍(酒制),党参,炙黄芪,川芎(酒制),茯苓,炙甘草 | 理血药 |
安神补脑颗粒 | 人参,五味子,酸枣仁,枸杞子,甘草,干姜 | 安神药 |
八味和胃口服液 | 五灵脂,竹茹,延胡索(醋制),木香,五味子,甘草,麦冬,沙参 | 扶正药 |
安乐胶囊 | 柴胡,当归,川芎,茯苓,钩藤,首乌藤,白术(炒),甘草 | 安神药 |
阿归养血口服液 | 当归,党参,白芍,炙甘草,茯苓,黄芪,川芎,阿胶,熟地黄 | 扶正药 |
安胃止痛胶囊 | 海螵蛸,小茴香,珍珠母,肉桂,干姜,山萘,大黄,丁香,陈皮(制),花椒,薄荷脑,甘草 | 扶正药 |
方剂名称 | 处方组成 | 剂型 | 处方来源 |
五味子汤28 | 陈皮,麻黄,甘草,杏仁,五味子,茯苓 | 汤剂 | 《三因》卷十二。 |
五味子汤23 | 五味子,附子,木香,槟榔,白术,桂枝,干姜,甘草 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷二十八。 |
五味子汤8 | 五味子,肉桂,炙甘草,细辛,干姜,紫菀,大枣,麻黄 | 汤剂 | 《外台》卷九引《深师方》。 |
五味子汤6 | 五味子,桔梗,紫菀,甘草,干地黄,桑白皮,竹茹,赤小豆 | 汤剂 | 《千金》卷十八。 |
五味子散1 | 五味子,陈皮,紫菀,贝母,杏仁,麻黄,麦冬,甘草,赤茯苓,柴胡 | 散剂 | 《圣惠》卷四十二。 |
五味子汤13 | 五味子,紫菀,桔梗,续断,竹茹,桑白皮,人参,知母,熟地黄,甘草 | 汤剂 | 《普济方》卷一三九。 |
五味子散2 | 五味子,甘草,当归,人参,白术,麦冬,赤茯苓,桔梗,前胡,黄芩 | 散剂 | 《圣惠》卷八十四。 |
五味子汤17 | 五味子,山药,半夏,鹿茸,白术,附子,牛膝,甘草,槟榔,熟地黄,干姜,白豆蔻,木香,丁香,茯苓 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷一一六。 |
五味子汤10 | 橘皮,甘草,麻黄,五味子,杏仁 | 汤剂 | 《百一》卷五。 |
五味子汤7 | 甘草,桂枝,五味子,杏仁,生姜 | 汤剂 | 方出《肘后方》卷三,名见《圣济总录》卷三十二。 |
五味子汤3 | 五味子,甘草,紫菀,肉桂,附子,麻黄,干姜,川芎,细辛,大枣 | 汤剂 | 《外台》卷十六引《删繁方》。 |
五味子汤9 | 五味子,人参,诃子,白术,茯苓,桔梗,枳壳,前胡,贝母,陈皮,甘草,半夏,麦冬,干姜,桂枝 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷一八七。 |
五味子汤12 | 五味子,甘草,当归,大黄,芒硝,麦冬,黄芩,前胡,石膏,黄连 | 汤剂 | 《千金》卷五。 |
五味子汤 | 五味子,当归,麻黄,干姜,桂心,人参,紫菀,甘草,细辛,款冬花,大黄 | 汤剂 | 《千金》卷五。 |
五味子汤4 | 五味子,前胡,紫菀,甘草,肉桂,生姜,枣,山茱萸 | 汤剂 | 《外台》卷九引《古今录验》。 |
五味子汤19 | 五味子,紫苏子,麻黄,细辛,紫菀,黄芩,甘草,人参,肉桂,当归,半夏 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷十九。 |
五味子汤27 | 五味子,人参,桑白皮,麦冬,防风,麻黄,细辛,甘草,白前,杏仁,枳壳,葶苈子 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷六十六。 |
五味子汤14 | 五味子,前胡,当归,黄芪,干地黄,人参,小麦,黄芩,麦冬,炙甘草,桂枝,升麻 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷一八三。 |
五味子饮 | 五味子,麻黄,阿胶,陈皮,甘草,杏仁 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷二十四。 |
五味子汤20 | 人参,麦冬,五味子,陈皮,甘草 | 汤剂 | 《医方集解》。 |