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Targets Recommended: Influenza Virus


抑制剂 & 化合物









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Cat. No. Product Name
L1800 抗感染化合物库

2938 compounds
2938 种具有抗感染活性的化合物的特有集合,包括抗细菌、抗真菌、抗巨细胞病毒、抗HIV、抗SARS、抗流感等活性;
L1700 抗病毒库

1040 compounds
1040 种具有抗病毒活性的化合物的特有集合,是筛选新型抗病毒药的有效工具;可用于高通量筛选和高内涵筛选;
L1720 核苷类化合物库

334 compounds
334 种核苷类化合物,包括核苷酸、核苷酸类似物及衍生物等,适用于抗病毒、抗肿瘤、抗真菌、抗抑郁等药物的研发;
L6730 抗病毒中药单体化合物库

268 compounds
268 种具有抗病毒活性的中药单体集合,是药物开发、药理研究的有效工具;
L6610 抗感染天然产物库

1060 compounds
1060 个抗感染相关的天然产物集合,是药物开发、药理研究的有效工具;
L6500 微生物天然产物库

685 compounds
685 种微生物来源的生物活性小分子化合物的特有集合,用于高通量、高内涵筛选;


Cat.No: L1800
Compounds: 2938
Cat.No: L1700
Compounds: 1040
Cat.No: L1720
Compounds: 334
Cat.No: L6730
Compounds: 268
Cat.No: L6610
Compounds: 1060
Cat.No: L6500
Compounds: 685
Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
T12818 S119-8

Influenza Virus Microbiology/Virology
S119-8 是一种广谱甲型和乙型流感病毒抑制剂,抑制多种乙型流感病毒和耐奥司他韦的甲型流感病毒。
TQ0095 Brincidofovir


Others; Antiviral; HSV Immunology/Inflammation; Microbiology/Virology; Others
Brincidofovir (HDP-CDV) 是 Cidofovir 的一种具有口服活性的亲脂性形式的前体药物,是一种口服长效的抗病毒药物,有广泛的抗 DNA 病毒活性。
T8972 FIT-039

Others; DNA/RNA Synthesis; CDK; HSV Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Microbiology/Virology; Others
FIT-039 是一种选择性和 ATP 竞争性的口服活性 CDK9 抑制剂,对CKD9/cyclin T1的IC50为 5.8 μM。它抑制HSV-1(IC50为 0.69 μM),HSV-2,人腺病毒和人CMV 的复制。它可抑制耐药性HSV 和其他 DNA 病毒,是有前途的抗病毒药物。
T2279 Tizoxanide


Antiviral; HIV Protease; Antibacterial; Autophagy Autophagy; Immunology/Inflammation; Microbiology/Virology; Proteases/Proteasome
Tizoxanide (Desacetyl-nitazoxanide) 是 Nitazoxanide 活性代谢物,有抗HIV-1的活性。Nitazoxanide 可抗细菌和多种病毒复制。
T72041 Flaviviruses-IN-2

Virus Protease Microbiology/Virology
Flaviviruses-IN-2 是一种有效的 flaviviruses 抑制剂。 Flaviviruses-IN-2 可降低 西尼罗河病毒(WNV)蛋白酶活性,对西尼罗河病毒的抑制率为 56%。
T67777 Flaviviruses-IN-3


Virus Protease Microbiology/Virology
Flaviviruses-IN-3(化合物87)是flaviviruse 的有效抑制剂。Flaviviruses-IN-3可降低西尼罗河病毒(WNV)蛋白酶活性,抑制率为54%。
T24066 Flaviviruses-Inhibitor-I

Flaviviruses Inhibitor-I,Flaviviruses InhibitorI

Others Others
Flaviviruses-Inhibitor-I is several viruses belonging to the family of Flaviviridae inhibitor.
T1454 Acyclovir


Apoptosis; DNA/RNA Synthesis; Antibacterial; Antibiotic; HSV Apoptosis; Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Microbiology/Virology
Acyclovir (Aciclovir) 是鸟嘌呤类似物和具有口服活性的抗病毒剂。它对HSV-1(IC50为 0.85 μM),HSV-2(IC50为 0.86 μM) 和水痘带状疱疹病毒有活性。
T38239 2'-Deoxy-2'-fluorouridine

Others Others
2'-Deoxy-2'-fluorouridine 是合成抗流感病毒试剂的中间体。
T9602 Monocaprin

Anti-infection; Antibacterial Microbiology/Virology
Monocaprin 是癸酸的 1-单甘油酯,对包膜病毒、某些细菌和酵母白色念珠菌具有抗菌活性。
T0104 Umifenovir hydrochloride

盐酸阿比朵尔,Arbidol hydrochloride,Arbidol HCl,盐酸阿比多尔

SARS-CoV; Influenza Virus Microbiology/Virology
Umifenovir hydrochloride (Arbidol HCl) 是一种口服有效的广谱抗病毒药物,对多种包膜和非包膜病毒均有活性。它被用作抗流感病毒剂,可通过阻断病毒与宿主细胞膜的融合来抑制包膜病毒的细胞侵袭。它是一种 SARS-CoV-2 抑制剂,具有抗炎活性。
T13161 Tin-protoporphyrin IX dichloride

SnPPIX,SnPPIX dichloride

Virus Protease; Autophagy Autophagy; Microbiology/Virology
Tin-protoporphyrin IX dichloride (SnPPIX dichloride) 是血红素加氧酶-1 (HO-1) 抑制剂,具有抗病毒活性,抑制登革热和黄热病病毒,可改善肝部分切除术后的肝脏再生。
T8686 VUN65671

Others Others
Compound 35 是埃博拉 (Mayinga) 和马尔堡 (安哥拉) 传染性病毒的优良抑制剂。
T5013 Brequinar

Bipenquinate,NSC 368390,DUP785,布喹那

Virus Protease; Dehydrogenase; DNA/RNA Synthesis Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Metabolism; Microbiology/Virology
Brequinar (NSC-368390) 是二氢乳清酸脱氢酶的一种强效抑制剂,对广谱病毒具有强效活性。
T7766 Remdesivir


SARS-CoV; DNA/RNA Synthesis Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Microbiology/Virology
Remdesivir (GS-5734) 是一种核苷类似物,一种广谱的抗病毒化合物,通过抑制病毒的 RNA 依赖性 RNA 聚合酶发挥活性。Remdesivir 对埃博拉病毒、SARS 病毒、MERS病毒等均有活性,对 COVID-19 有潜在治疗价值。
T16914 SP187


Others; Virus Protease; Influenza Virus Microbiology/Virology; Others
SP187 (MON-​DNJ) 是一种靶向作用于宿主的亚氨基糖。它具有抗丝状病毒感染活性。SP187可用于治疗抗流感和登革热病毒。
T0684 Ribavirin


Dehydrogenase; HCV Protease; DNA/RNA Synthesis; Antibiotic; AChR; RSV Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Metabolism; Microbiology/Virology; Neuroscience; Proteases/Proteasome
Ribavirin (Tribavirin) 是一种合成的呋喃核苷类似物,一种抗病毒剂。Ribavirin 具有抗丙型肝炎病毒和其他 RNA 病毒的活性。
T13511 5-Aminouridine


Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog; Influenza Virus; Antifungal Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Microbiology/Virology
5-Aminouridine (4-Chloro-2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol(chlorothymol)) 修饰核碱基并掺入靶 DNA。 5-Aminouridine 抑制肿瘤、病毒和真菌的生长。
T16911 Sorivudine


DNA/RNA Synthesis Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; DNA Damage/DNA Repair
Sorivudine (BV-araU) 是口服有效的,嘧啶核苷抗代谢药物。它的抗病毒活性来自某些 DNA 病毒中存在的特定胸苷激酶选择性转化为核苷酸,从而反过来会干扰病毒 DNA 合成。
T40418 DiO

DiOC18(3),3,3'-Dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate

Others Others
DiO (DiOC18(3)) 是一种荧光亲脂性示踪剂,可广泛用于标记细胞、细胞器、脂质体、病毒和脂蛋白。
T11281L FGI-106 tetrahydrochloride

Virus Protease; HCV Protease; Influenza Virus; HIV Protease Microbiology/Virology; Proteases/Proteasome
FGI-106 tetrahydrochloride 对多种病毒具有抑制活性,有抗埃博拉病毒,裂谷病毒和登革热病毒的 EC50分别为 100 nM,800 nM 和 400-900 nM,抑制非失血性发热病毒HCV 和HIV-1的EC50分别为 200 nM 和 150 nM 。
T4180 Adipamidoxime


Others Others
Adipamidoxime (NSC-70868) 是一种肟类活性化合物,可以抑制某些细菌、真菌和病毒的生长,并具有一些抗炎和抗肿瘤活性。
T26873 BMY-27709

BMY 27709,BMY27709

Influenza Virus Microbiology/Virology
BMY-27709 是一种流感病毒生长抑制剂,对 A/WSN/33 病毒生长的 IC50 值为 3-8 μM,对流感病毒的部分亚型也展现出抑制活性。BMY-27709 对 H1 和 H2 病毒感染的早期起作用,通过抑制血凝素蛋白展现其抗病毒活性。然而,BMY-27709 对 H3 亚型病毒以及 B 型/Lee/40 流感病毒没有作用。
T25365 EGA

Others Others
EGA 抑制致命毒素的中毒,并阻止多种其他酸依赖性细菌毒素和病毒进入哺乳动物细胞。EGA 是研究膜运输的有力工具,可用于治疗传染病。
T1486 Oseltamivir phosphate

GS 4104,磷酸奥司他韦

Influenza Virus Microbiology/Virology
Oseltamivir phosphate (GS 4104) 是一种神经氨酸酶抑制剂,可研究流感。
T32804 LJ-001

LJ 001,LJ001

Antiviral; HIV Protease Immunology/Inflammation; Microbiology/Virology; Proteases/Proteasome
LJ-001 显示出对几乎所有包膜 RNA 和 DNA 病毒的广谱活性。 LJ001 抑制传染性胃肠炎病毒 (TGEV) 和猪 delta 冠状病毒 (PDCoV) 的感染。
T11760 KIN101


HCV Protease; Influenza Virus; RSV; Antifection Microbiology/Virology; Proteases/Proteasome
KIN101 (3-(4-Bromophenyl)-7-[(methylsulfonyl)oxy]-4-oxo-4H-chromene) 是 IRF-3 依赖性信号传导的异黄酮激动剂,可诱导 IRF-3 核易位。 它对 RNA 病毒、HCV 和 RSV 具有抗病毒活性。
T8591 RNase L-IN-2


Others Others
RNase L-IN-2 是 RNase L 的激活剂,EC50 为 22 uM;对多种类型的 RNA 病毒(包括人类病原体人类副流感病毒 3 型)具有广谱抗病毒活性,在有效浓度下没有细胞毒性。
T77632 Antiviral agent 34

Antiviral; DNA/RNA Synthesis Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Immunology/Inflammation
Antiviral agent 34 是一种可口服且作用效果较强的抗病毒化合物,抑制甲型和乙型流感病毒。Antiviral agent 34 通过调节 RNA 聚合酶来抑制流感病毒的增殖。Antiviral agent 34 可用于研究病毒感染。
T5186L Oseltamivir

GS 4104

Influenza Virus Microbiology/Virology
Oseltamivir (GS 4104) 是一种具有口服活性和高效性的病毒神经氨酸酶 (NA),具有抗病毒活性,抑制 A/H3N2,A/H1N2,A/H1N1 和 B 型流感病毒,可用于研究流感和肺炎。
T50031 Virstatin

Others; HIV Protease Microbiology/Virology; Others; Proteases/Proteasome
T10222 ABMA

Parasite Microbiology/Virology
T73253 EIDD-2749


Antiviral; SARS-CoV Immunology/Inflammation; Microbiology/Virology
EIDD-2749 (4'-FlU) 是核糖核苷类似物,是一种可口服的 RdRp 抑制剂,具有光谱的抗病毒活性,可中断呼吸道合胞病毒和 SARS-CoV-2 复制。EIDD-2749可减轻大流行性人类和高致病性禽流感病毒的致命感染。
TP1527 CEF8, Influenza Virus NP (383-391)

CEF8, Influenza Virus NP 383-391

Others Others
CEF8, Influenza Virus NP (383-391) 是一种甲型流感病毒核蛋白,含有 383-391 残基,是甲型流感病毒核蛋白中重要的 HLA-B*2705 限制性表位,与细胞毒性 T 淋巴细胞介导的免疫逃逸有关。
T74809 STING agonist-30

STING; Antifection Immunology/Inflammation; Microbiology/Virology
STING agonist-30 是一种高效的 STING 激动剂,能激发STING依赖的免疫激活。STING agonist-30 对包括HSV(单纯疱疹病毒)、轮状病毒及SARS-CoV-2(严重急性呼吸系统综合症冠状病毒2)在内的多种病毒显示出广谱抑制效果。
T60272 Isatin-β-thiosemicarbazone


HSV Microbiology/Virology
Isatin-β-thiosemicarbazone 是一种有效的单纯疱疹病毒 (HSV) 抑制剂。Isatin-β-thiosemicarbazone 在对 HSV-1 和 HSV-2 都具有抑制作用,表现出抗病毒活性。Isatin-β-thiosemicarbazone 是一种有效的抗痘病毒剂 (anti-poxvirus)可用用于治疗猴痘病毒、正痘病毒和牛痘病毒。
T9394 CHIKV-IN-2

Dehydrogenase Metabolism
CHIKV-IN-2 基孔肯雅病毒的选择性抑制剂,具有强大的细胞抗病毒活性 (EC90=270 nM) 以及能够改善肝微粒体稳定性。它能够抑制细胞靶二氢乳清酸脱氢酶的活性。
T2522 Peramivir Trihydrate

RWJ-270201,帕拉米韦三水合物,S-021812,BCX-1812,RWJ 270201 trihydrate,BCX 1812 trihydrate

Influenza Virus Microbiology/Virology
Peramivir Trihydrate (RWJ-270201) 是一种高效、选择性和口服有效的流感病毒神经氨酸酶(NA)抑制剂,对 9 个亚型 NA 抑制作用的IC50值为 0.9-4.3 nM。它是一种环戊烷衍生物,具有抗甲型和乙型流感病毒的活性。
T9197 Sisunatovir hydrochloride

RV521 HCl,Sisunatovir HCl

RSV Microbiology/Virology
Sisunatovir hydrochloride (RV521 HCl) 是一种可口服的 RSV-F 蛋白抑制剂,在体外对一组 RSV-A 和 RSV-B 病毒的临床分离株表现出有效的疗效,对 RSV-A 和 RSV-B 分离株的IC50分别为 1.4 nM 和 1.0 nM。
T67801 GS-6620 PM

Others Others
GS-6620 PM 是GS-6620的衍生物。GS-6620是一种口服的抗丙型肝炎病毒聚合酶抑制剂,是一种新型强效的C-核苷腺嘌呤类似物单磷酸酯原药。GS-6620对其他病毒的活性有限,对密切相关的牛病毒性腹泻病毒仅保持部分活性(EC50,1.5μM)。
T9351 Nirmatrelvir

SARS-CoV Microbiology/Virology
Nirmatrelvir (PF-07321332) 是一种 SARS-CoV 3CLPRO 抑制剂,一种胰蛋白酶样蛋白酶抑制剂,具有有效性和口服活性。Nirmatrelvir 对 SARS-CoV-2 病毒有针对性,可研究 COVID-19。
T25491 HENC

Others Others
HENC is an influenza A viruses inhibitor.
T24428 M090

M 090,M-090

Others Others
M090 is a potent inhibitor against amantadine-resistant viruses, including the 2009 H1N1 pandemic strains and oseltamivir-resistant viruses.
T27590 IHVR-11029

IHVR 11029

Others Others
IHVR-11029 is a potent inhibitor of ER α-glucosidase. IHVR-11029 is active against multiple hemorrhagic fever viruses and efficiently disrupts the morphogenesis of a broad spectrum of enveloped viruses.
T12743 RO-7

Others Others
RO-7 is a next-generation polymerase (PA) endonuclease influenza A and B viruses inhibitor.
T70855 Favipiravir sodium

Others Others
Favipiravir sodium is a selective inhibitor of viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase with activity against many RNA viruses, influenza viruses, West Nile virus, yellow fever virus, foot-and-mouth disease virus as well as other flaviviruses, arenaviruses, bunyaviruses and alphaviruses.
T27963 Lysine Orotate

Others Others
Lysine Orotate is an inhibitor of viral replication, especially useful to treat the Herpes family of viruses which includes Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 , CMV, EBV and Varicella.
T2529L Zanamivir hydrate


Others Others
Zanamivir hydrate is neuraminidase inhibitors. It is used worldwide for the treatment and prophylaxis of influenza caused by influenza A and B viruses.
T24432 MB21

MB-21,MB 21

Others Others
MB21 is a dengue type 2 protease inhibitor that acts by inhibiting each one of the four serotypes of dengue viruses in infected cells in culture.
T25106 Aranotin

L53185,Lilly 53185,L 53185,L-53185,Antibiotic A 21101-IL

Others Others
Aranotin 是一种从金黄色蜘蛛中分离的真菌毒素,具有对抗脊髓灰质炎病毒、柯萨奇病毒、犀牛和副流感病毒等 RNA 病毒的活性。Aranotin 通过阻碍 RNA 依赖性RNA 聚合酶的活性来抑制病毒RNA 的合成。


Cat.No: T12818
Target: Influenza Virus
Cat.No: TQ0095
Synonym: CMX001,HDP-CDV
Target: Others, Antiviral, HSV
Cat.No: T8972
Target: Others, DNA/RNA Synthesis, CDK, HSV
Cat.No: T2279
Synonym: 替唑尼特,Desacetyl-nitazoxanide,TIZ
Target: Antiviral, HIV Protease, Antibacterial, Autophagy
Cat.No: T72041
Target: Virus Protease
Cat.No: T67777
Synonym: WAY-324593
Target: Virus Protease
Cat.No: T24066
Synonym: Flaviviruses Inhibitor-I,Flaviviruses InhibitorI
Target: Others
Cat.No: T1454
Synonym: Aciclovir,Acycloguanosine,阿昔洛韦
Target: Apoptosis, DNA/RNA Synthesis, Antibacterial, Antibiotic, HSV
Cat.No: T38239
Target: Others
Cat.No: T9602
Target: Anti-infection, Antibacterial
Umifenovir hydrochloride
Cat.No: T0104
Synonym: 盐酸阿比朵尔,Arbidol hydrochloride,Arbidol HCl,盐酸阿比多尔
Target: SARS-CoV, Influenza Virus
Tin-protoporphyrin IX dichloride
Cat.No: T13161
Synonym: SnPPIX,SnPPIX dichloride
Target: Virus Protease, Autophagy
Cat.No: T8686
Target: Others
Cat.No: T5013
Synonym: Bipenquinate,NSC 368390,DUP785,布喹那
Target: Virus Protease, Dehydrogenase, DNA/RNA Synthesis
Cat.No: T7766
Synonym: 瑞德西韦,GS-5734
Target: SARS-CoV, DNA/RNA Synthesis
Cat.No: T16914
Synonym: UV4,MON-​DNJ
Target: Others, Virus Protease, Influenza Virus
Cat.No: T0684
Synonym: Tribavirin,ICN-1229,NSC-163039,利巴韦林,RTCA
Target: Dehydrogenase, HCV Protease, DNA/RNA Synthesis, Antibiotic, AChR, RSV
Cat.No: T13511
Synonym: 4-Chloro-2-isopropyl-5-methylphenol(chlorothymol)
Target: Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog, Influenza Virus, Antifungal
Cat.No: T16911
Synonym: BV-araU,索立夫定
Target: DNA/RNA Synthesis
Cat.No: T40418
Synonym: DiOC18(3),3,3'-Dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate
Target: Others
FGI-106 tetrahydrochloride
Cat.No: T11281L
Target: Virus Protease, HCV Protease, Influenza Virus, HIV Protease
Cat.No: T4180
Synonym: NSC70868
Target: Others
Cat.No: T26873
Synonym: BMY 27709,BMY27709
Target: Influenza Virus
Cat.No: T25365
Target: Others
Oseltamivir phosphate
Cat.No: T1486
Synonym: GS 4104,磷酸奥司他韦
Target: Influenza Virus
Cat.No: T32804
Synonym: LJ 001,LJ001
Target: Antiviral, HIV Protease
Cat.No: T11760
Synonym: 3-(4-Bromophenyl)-7-[(methylsulfonyl)oxy]-4-oxo-4H-chromene,3-(4-溴苯基)-4-氧代-7-[(甲磺酰基)氧基]-4H-色烯
Target: HCV Protease, Influenza Virus, RSV, Antifection
RNase L-IN-2
Cat.No: T8591
Synonym: 5-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-8-thia-4,6-diazatricyclo[,2,7]trideca-1(9),2(7),5-trien-3-one
Target: Others
Antiviral agent 34
Cat.No: T77632
Target: Antiviral, DNA/RNA Synthesis
Cat.No: T5186L
Synonym: GS 4104
Target: Influenza Virus
Cat.No: T50031
Target: Others, HIV Protease
Cat.No: T10222
Target: Parasite
Cat.No: T73253
Synonym: 4'-Fluorouridine,4'-FlU
Target: Antiviral, SARS-CoV
CEF8, Influenza Virus NP (383-391)
Cat.No: TP1527
Synonym: CEF8, Influenza Virus NP 383-391
Target: Others
STING agonist-30
Cat.No: T74809
Target: STING, Antifection
Cat.No: T60272
Synonym: IBT
Target: HSV
Cat.No: T9394
Target: Dehydrogenase
Peramivir Trihydrate
Cat.No: T2522
Synonym: RWJ-270201,帕拉米韦三水合物,S-021812,BCX-1812,RWJ 270201 trihydrate,BCX 1812 trihydrate
Target: Influenza Virus
Sisunatovir hydrochloride
Cat.No: T9197
Synonym: RV521 HCl,Sisunatovir HCl
Target: RSV
GS-6620 PM
Cat.No: T67801
Target: Others
Cat.No: T9351
Target: SARS-CoV
Cat.No: T25491
Target: Others
Cat.No: T24428
Synonym: M 090,M-090
Target: Others
Cat.No: T27590
Synonym: IHVR 11029
Target: Others
Cat.No: T12743
Target: Others
Favipiravir sodium
Cat.No: T70855
Target: Others
Lysine Orotate
Cat.No: T27963
Target: Others
Zanamivir hydrate
Cat.No: T2529L
Synonym: D01937,J1.917.534K
Target: Others
Cat.No: T24432
Synonym: MB-21,MB 21
Target: Others
Cat.No: T25106
Synonym: L53185,Lilly 53185,L 53185,L-53185,Antibiotic A 21101-IL
Target: Others
Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
T1335 Mycophenolic acid


Apoptosis; Dehydrogenase; Endogenous Metabolite; Antibacterial; Antibiotic; UGT; Antifungal Apoptosis; Metabolism; Microbiology/Virology
Mycophenolic acid (Mycophenolate) 是一种有效的非竞争性肌苷单磷酸脱氢酶 (IMPDH) 抑制剂,EC50为 0.24 µM。它对多种 RNA 病毒具有抗病毒作用。它也是一种免疫抑制剂,具有抗血管生成和抗肿瘤作用。
T1506 Vidarabine

Adenine Arabinoside,阿糖腺苷,9-β-D-Arabinofuranosyladenine,Vira-A,Arabinosyladenine,Ara-A

Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog; Tyrosine Kinases; DNA/RNA Synthesis; Antibiotic; HSV Cell Cycle/Checkpoint; DNA Damage/DNA Repair; Microbiology/Virology; Tyrosine Kinase/Adaptors
Vidarabine (Adenine Arabinoside) 是从链霉菌分离的核苷类抗生素,能抗单纯性疱疹和水痘-带状疱疹病毒。它对 HSV-1 和 HSV-2 的 IC50值分别为 9.3 μg/ml 和 11.3 μg/ml。
T6384 Ammonium Glycyrrhizinate


Dehydrogenase Metabolism
Ammonium Glycyrrhizinate (Glycyram) 抑制几种不相关的 DNA/RNA 病毒的细胞病理学和生长。
T3S1852 Cephaeline hydrochloride

Others; Virus Protease; Influenza Virus Microbiology/Virology; Others
Cephaeline hydrochloride 是 Indian Ipecac 中的一种酚类生物碱。它有效抑制病毒 ZIKV 和 EBOV 感染。
T11287 Filipin complex

Antifungal Microbiology/Virology
Filipin complex 是一种 28 元环戊烯大环内酯类抗真菌抗生素,由 S. filipinensis、S. avermitilis 和 S. miharaensis 产生的混合物,抑制 PRRSV 病毒进入细胞,通过与膜固醇相互作用发挥作用。
T20648 Dodecyl gallate

没食子酸月桂酯,NSC-133463,Nipagallin LA,Lauryl gallate,Progallin LA,NSC 133463,NSC133463

Others; Antioxidant; Antiviral Immunology/Inflammation; Others; oxidation-reduction
Dodecyl gallate 是一种抗氧化剂,普遍用作食品制造及制药和化妆品行业中。它还对动物病毒,如非洲猪瘟病毒 (ASFV)具有作用活性。
T4S0999 (2S)-Isoxanthohumol


Virus Protease; HSV Microbiology/Virology
(2S)-Isoxanthohumol 是一种由啤酒花原异戊烯基二氢黄酮 Isoxanthohumol 的微生物转化代谢物。
T7961 N4-Benzoyl-2′-deoxycytidine


Others Others
N4-Benzoyl-2′-deoxycytidine 是天然核苷脱氧胞苷(dC)的合成核苷类似物,是一种DNA 聚合酶的竞争性抑制剂。体外研究表明,它可以抑制病毒、细菌和真核细胞的复制。在动物模型中,它也被证明可以抑制肿瘤细胞的生长。
T2A2498 L-Lysine

Aminutrin,Lysine Acid,lysine,L-赖氨酸,赖氨酸

Virus Protease; Endogenous Metabolite; Antifection Metabolism; Microbiology/Virology
L-Lysine (Aminutrin) 是一种人类必需氨基酸,能增加钙吸收,减少糖尿病相关疾病和改善肠道健康,可用于疱疹的研究。
T2563 Acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride

Acetyl L-carnitine hydrochloride,O-Acetylcarnitine,乙酰-L-肉(毒)碱盐酸盐,O-acetyl-L-carnitine,O-Acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride

Others; Endogenous Metabolite Metabolism; Others
Acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride (Acetyl L-carnitine hydrochloride) 是一种由内源性左旋肉碱的乙酰化形式的盐酸盐组成的营养补充剂,具有潜在的神经保护、认知增强、抗抑郁和免疫调节活性。还可缓解化疗、糖尿病或其他疾病引起的周围神经病变。此外,乙酰左旋肉碱可能通过增加T淋巴细胞成熟来调节免疫反应,并可能下调促炎细胞因子对病毒(如SARS-CoV-2)的反应。它还可能破坏ACE2信号通路并抑制活性氧(ROS)的产生。
TN4531 Methyl 3-O-feruloylquinate

Antifection Microbiology/Virology
Methyl 3-O-feruloylquinate inhibits the activity of bacteria and viruses and to regulate immunity.
T10369 Aristeromycin

U 99468

Antiviral Immunology/Inflammation
Aristeromycin (U 99468) 是一种靶向RNA病毒且具有广谱抗病毒作用的抗生素,是S-腺苷同型半胱氨酸水解酶 (AHCY) 抑制剂。
T15703 Lactimidomycin

Others Others
Lactimidomycin, isolated from Streptomyces, is an inhibitor of eukaryotic translation elongation. It is also a potent and non-toxic inhibitor of dengue virus 2 and other RNA viruses. Lactimidomycin has an antiproliferative effect on tumor cell lines. It i
T75533 Dihydromaniwamycin E

Others Others
Dihydromaniwamycin E 是一种热休克代谢物,对influenza 和SARS-CoV-2病毒具有抗病毒活性。
T17185 Tyrothricin

Others Others
Tyrothricin is a polypeptide antibiotic mixture isolated from Bacillus brevis and consists of tyrocidines and gramicidins. Tyrothricin displays activity against bacteria, fungi, and some viruses.
T79989 Funiculosin

Antibiotic Microbiology/Virology


Mycophenolic acid
Cat.No: T1335
Synonym: 霉酚酸,Mycophenolate,RS-61443
Target: Apoptosis, Dehydrogenase, Endogenous Metabolite, Antibacterial, Antibiotic, UGT, Antifungal
Cat.No: T1506
Synonym: Adenine Arabinoside,阿糖腺苷,9-β-D-Arabinofuranosyladenine,Vira-A,Arabinosyladenine,Ara-A
Target: Nucleoside Antimetabolite/Analog, Tyrosine Kinases, DNA/RNA Synthesis, Antibiotic, HSV
Ammonium Glycyrrhizinate
Cat.No: T6384
Synonym: Glycyram,甘草酸单铵盐,Glycamil,AMGZ
Target: Dehydrogenase
Cephaeline hydrochloride
Cat.No: T3S1852
Target: Others, Virus Protease, Influenza Virus
Filipin complex
Cat.No: T11287
Target: Antifungal
Dodecyl gallate
Cat.No: T20648
Synonym: 没食子酸月桂酯,NSC-133463,Nipagallin LA,Lauryl gallate,Progallin LA,NSC 133463,NSC133463
Target: Others, Antioxidant, Antiviral
Cat.No: T4S0999
Synonym: Isoxanthohumol,(2S)-异黄腐酚,异黄腐醇
Target: Virus Protease, HSV
Cat.No: T7961
Synonym: N-苯甲酰-2'-脱氧胞苷
Target: Others
Cat.No: T2A2498
Synonym: Aminutrin,Lysine Acid,lysine,L-赖氨酸,赖氨酸
Target: Virus Protease, Endogenous Metabolite, Antifection
Acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride
Cat.No: T2563
Synonym: Acetyl L-carnitine hydrochloride,O-Acetylcarnitine,乙酰-L-肉(毒)碱盐酸盐,O-acetyl-L-carnitine,O-Acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride
Target: Others, Endogenous Metabolite
Methyl 3-O-feruloylquinate
Cat.No: TN4531
Target: Antifection
Cat.No: T10369
Synonym: U 99468
Target: Antiviral
Cat.No: T15703
Target: Others
Dihydromaniwamycin E
Cat.No: T75533
Target: Others
Cat.No: T17185
Target: Others
Cat.No: T79989
Target: Antibiotic
Cat. No. Product Name Species Expression System
TMPK-01151 MXRA8 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

Asp3,Limitrin,Adipocyte-specific 3,DICAM,Adipocyte-specific ...

Human HEK293 Cells
Mxra8 is a recently described receptor for multiple alphaviruses, including Chikungunya (CHIKV), Mayaro (MAYV), Ross River (RRV), and O'nyong nyong (ONNV) viruses. MXRA8 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His) is expressed in HEK293 mammalian cells with C-His tag. The predicted molecular weight is 36.70 kDa and the accession number is Q9BRK3-1.
TMPK-01166 MXRA8 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)

Asp3,DICAM,Adipocyte-specific protein 3,Adipocyte-specific 3...

Mouse HEK293 Cells
Mxra8 is a recently described receptor for multiple alphaviruses, including Chikungunya (CHIKV), Mayaro (MAYV), Ross River (RRV), and O'nyong nyong (ONNV) viruses. MXRA8 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His) is expressed in HEK293 mammalian cells with C-His tag. The predicted molecular weight is 37.11 kDa and the accession number is Q9DBV4.
TMPY-02219 Influenza A H1N1 (A/Puerto Rico/8/34/Mount Sinai) Non-structural/NS1 Protein (His)

NS1 Protein

H1N1 E. coli
The NS1 Influenza protein is created by the internal protein-encoding, linear negative-sense, single-stranded RNA, NS gene segment and which also codes for the nuclear export protein or NEP, formerly referred to as the NS2 protein, which mediates the export of vRNPs. The non-structural (NS1) protein is found in Influenzavirus A, Influenzavirus B, and Influenzavirus C. The non-structural (NS1) protein of the highly pathogenic avian H5N1 viruses circulating in poultry and waterfowl in Southeast As...
TMPH-03297 LGALS3BP Protein, Rat, Recombinant (His)

Protein 90K,Mac-2-binding protein,Galectin-3-binding protein...

Rat E. coli
Promotes integrin-mediated cell adhesion. May stimulate host defense against viruses and tumor cells.
TMPH-01362 LGALS3BP Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

LGALS3BP,Lectin galactoside-binding soluble 3-binding protei...

Human E. coli
Promotes integrin-mediated cell adhesion. May stimulate host defense against viruses and tumor cells. LGALS3BP Protein, Human, Recombinant (His) is expressed in E. coli expression system with N-6xHis tag. The predicted molecular weight is 67.4 kDa and the accession number is Q08380.
TMPK-00255 CD209/DC-SIGN Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

CD209,DC-SIGN,CLEC4L,CD209 molecule,DC-SIGN1,MGC129965,CDSIG...

Human HEK293 Cells
C-type lectin CD209/DC-SIGN and CD209L/L-SIGN proteins are distinct cell adhesion and pathogen recognition receptors that mediate cellular interactions and recognize a wide range of pathogens, including viruses such as SARS, SARS-CoV-2, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Pathogens exploit CD209 family proteins to promote infection and evade the immune recognition system.
TMPY-06802 HSV 2 (strain 333) Glycoprotein D/gD Protein (His)

HSV2 HEK293 Cells
Herpes simplex viruses (human herpesviruses types 1 and 2) commonly cause recurrent infection affecting the skin, mouth, lips, eyes, and genitals. Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection is responsible for significant neurological morbidity, perhaps more than any other virus. Herpes simplex virus type 2–associated neurological disease may result from primary infection or reactivation of latent HSV-2. Common severe infections include encephalitis, meningitis, neonatal herpes, and, in immun...
TMPY-02841 Fragilis/IFITM3 Protein, Human, Recombinant (mFc)

DSPA2b,1-8U,interferon induced transmembrane protein 3,IP15

Human HEK293 Cells
Interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 (IFITM3) belongs to the CD225 family. To replicate, viruses must gain access to the host cell's resources. Interferon (IFN) regulates the actions of a large complement of interferon effector genes (IEGs) that prevent viral replication. The interferon-inducible transmembrane protein family members, IFITM1, 2, and 3, are IEGs required for inhibition of influenza A virus, dengue virus, and West Nile virus replication in vitro. IFITM3 is an IFN-induced anti...
TMPH-01308 GSPT1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Myc)

GSPT1,Eukaryotic peptide chain release factor GTP-binding su...

Human P. pastoris (Yeast)
Involved in translation termination in response to the termination codons UAA, UAG and UGA. Stimulates the activity of ETF1. Involved in regulation of mammalian cell growth. Component of the transient SURF complex which recruits UPF1 to stalled ribosomes in the context of nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) of mRNAs containing premature stop codons. Required for SHFL-mediated translation termination which inhibits programmed ribosomal frameshifting (-1PRF) of mRNA from viruses and cellular genes. GSPT...
TMPJ-00133 MBL2 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant

Mannose binding lectin (C),MBL-2,Mannose-binding protein C,M...

Mouse HEK293 Cells
Mannose-binding Lectin (MBL) is an acute phase protein bearing to the family of collectins produced by the liver as a monomer that forms a triple helix. Once released in serum, it further polymerizes forming dimers to octamers. The degree of serum polymerization is critical for the biological activity of MBL. MBL has higher affinity to microbial polysaccharides or their glycoconjugates. MBL was shown earlier to bind cell surfaces of bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses and acts as an acute-phas...
TMPH-01247 POLR3K Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

RNA polymerase III subunit C11,POLR3K,RNA polymerase III 12....

Human Baculovirus Insect Cells
DNA-dependent RNA polymerase catalyzes the transcription of DNA into RNA using the four ribonucleoside triphosphates as substrates. Component of RNA polymerase III which synthesizes small RNAs, such as 5S rRNA and tRNAs. Plays a key role in sensing and limiting infection by intracellular bacteria and DNA viruses. Acts as nuclear and cytosolic DNA sensor involved in innate immune response. Can sense non-self dsDNA that serves as template for transcription into dsRNA. The non-self RNA polymerase I...
TMPH-01235 APOBEC3A Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & SUMO)

A3A,APOBEC3A,DNA dC->dU-editing enzyme APOBEC-3A,Phorbolin-1

Human E. coli
DNA deaminase (cytidine deaminase) with restriction activity against viruses, foreign DNA and mobility of retrotransposons. Exhibits antiviral activity against adeno-associated virus (AAV) and human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and may inhibit the mobility of LTR and non-LTR retrotransposons. Selectively targets single-stranded DNA and can deaminate both methylcytosine and cytosine in foreign DNA. Can induce somatic hypermutation in the nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. May also play a rol...
TMPJ-01310 TRIM5 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

RNF88,Tripartite motif-containing protein 5,RING finger prot...

Human E. coli
Tripartite motif-containing Motif 5 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the TRIM5 gene.It is a 493 amino acids protein that belongs to the TRIM/RBCC family.It contains 1 B box-type zinc finger, 1 B30.2/SPRY domain and 1 RING-type zinc finger. TRIM5 present in the cytoplasm recognizes motifs within the capsid proteins and interferes with the uncoating process, therefore preventing successful reverse transcription and transport to the nucleus of the viral genome. The exact mechanism of actio...
TMPH-02212 TLR8 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

TLR8,Toll-like receptor 8

Human P. pastoris (Yeast)
Endosomal receptor that plays a key role in innate and adaptive immunity. Controls host immune response against pathogens through recognition of RNA degradation products specific to microorganisms that are initially processed by RNASET2. Recognizes GU-rich single-stranded RNA (GU-rich RNA) derived from SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV-1 and HIV-1 viruses. Upon binding to agonists, undergoes dimerization that brings TIR domains from the two molecules into direct contact, leading to the recruitment of TIR-con...
TMPJ-01049 CYPA Protein, Human, Recombinant

Rotamase A,Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A,PPIase A,PP...

Human E. coli
Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A is a member of the peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase) family, which catalyzes the cis-trans isomerization of proline imidic peptide bonds. Cyclophilin A regulate many biological processes, including intracellular signaling, transcription, inflammation, and apoptosis. Cyclophilin is also incorporated into many viruses, including HIV1, where it has been speculated to be involved in functions such as viral assembly and infectivity. The immunosuppressi...
TMPJ-01355 SEMA4G Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)


Human HEK293 Cells
Semaphorin-4G is belongs to the semaphorin family, contains 1 Ig-like C2-type domain, 1 PSI domain, 1 Sema domain. Semaphorins are a large family of conserved secreted and membrane associated proteins which possess a semaphorin (Sema) domain and a PSI domain (found in plexins, semaphorins and integrins) in the N-terminal extracellular portion. Based on sequence and structural similarities, semaphorins are put into eight classes: invertebrates contain classes 1 and 2, viruses have class V, and ve...
TMPJ-01206 Sting Protein, Human, Recombinant (Sumo & His)

TMEM173,Mediator of IRF3 activation,Stimulator of interferon...

Human E. coli
Stimulator of Interferon Gene(Sting,TMEM173) belongs to the TMEM173 family. STING is 379 amino acids (aa) in length. It contains an N-terminal cytoplasmic region (aa 1-20), four transmembrane segments (aa 21-173), and a C-terminal cytoplasmic domain (aa 174-379). It ubiquitously expressed in skin endothelial cells, alveolar type 2 pneumocytes, bronchial epithelium and alveolar macrophagesand. Its subunit structure associated with the MHC-II complex and Interacts with DDX58/RIG-I, MAVS and SSR2,...
TMPY-02909 ASGR2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

HBXBP,ASGPR2,HL-2,asialoglycoprotein receptor 2,ASGP-R2,CLEC...

Human HEK293 Cells
ASGR2 is a subunit of the asialoglycoprotein receptor. Asialoglycoprotein receptor, also known as the Ashwell receptor, which is specific for desialylated (galactosyl-terminal) glycoproteins and is expressed exclusively in hepatic parenchymal cells. This receptor is a transmembrane protein that plays a critical role in serum glycoprotein homeostasis by mediating the endocytosis and lysosomal degradation of glycoproteins with exposed terminal galactose or N-acetylgalactosamine residues. ASGR2 is ...
TMPY-05693 SARS-CoV-2 Methyltransferase/ME Protein (His)

SARS-CoV-2 E. coli
Coronavirus encodes the 2’-O-MTase (2'O Methyltransferase) that is composed of the catalytic subunit nsp16 and the stimulatory subunit nsp10 and plays an important role in virus genome replication and evasion from innate immunity during viral infection. Nonstructural protein 16 (NSP16) / viral 2'O-methyltransferase (2'O-MTase) is highly conserved. The conserved 2'O-MTase activity is important for CoV pathogenesis and NSP16 is a conserved universal target for rapid live attenuated vaccine design ...
TMPJ-00201 CLEC10A Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

HML,C-Type Lectin Domain Family 10 Member A,CLECSF14,CLEC10A...

Human HEK293 Cells
C-Type Lectin Domain Family 10 Member A (CLEC10A) is a type II transmembrane C-type lectin that is expressed on immature myleloid dendritic cells and alternatively activated (tolerogenic) macrophages. CLEC10A/MGL binds and internalizes molecules with terminal nonsialylated GalNAc carbohydrates such as the Tn carcinoma antigen. CLEC10A/MGL also binds the GP envelope glycoprotein on Marburg and Ebola viruses and enhances viral entry and infectivity. It constitute a unique class of C-type lectins b...
TMPH-03758 TSG101 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Myc & SUMO)

Tumor susceptibility gene 101 protein,ESCRT-I complex subuni...

Human E. coli
Component of the ESCRT-I complex, a regulator of vesicular trafficking process. Binds to ubiquitinated cargo proteins and is required for the sorting of endocytic ubiquitinated cargos into multivesicular bodies (MVBs). Mediates the association between the ESCRT-0 and ESCRT-I complex. Required for completion of cytokinesis; the function requires CEP55. May be involved in cell growth and differentiation. Acts as a negative growth regulator. Involved in the budding of many viruses through an intera...
TMPJ-00809 CFH Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

CFH,Complement factor H

Human HEK293 Cells
Complement Factor H (CFH) is a secreted protein which is a member of the regulators of complement activation family and is a complement control protein. It is expressed by the liver and secreted in plasma. Its principal function is to regulate the Alternative Pathway of the complement system, ensuring that the complement system is directed towards pathogens or other dangerous material and does not damage host tissue. Factor H regulates complement activation on self cells and surfaces by possessi...
TMPJ-00323 Nectin-2 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (hFc)

Herpes Virus Entry Mediator B,PVRL2,Poliovirus Receptor-Rela...

Mouse HEK293 Cells
CD112 is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein belonging to the Immunoglobulin superfamily. It comprises one Ig-like V-type domain and two Ig-like C2-type domains in the extracellular region. The V domain is believed to mediate nectin binding to its ligands. Nectin2 is known to bind the pseudorabies virus, and herpes simplex virus2 (HSV2), involving in cell to cell spreading of these viruses. It does not bind poliovirus. As a homophilic adhesion molecule, CD112 is found concentrated in adherens ju...
TMPJ-01425 SARS-CoV-2 NSP1 Protein (His)

SARS-CoV 2 nsp1,SARS-CoV 2 Leader protein

SARS-CoV-2 E. coli
The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus (CoV) is an enveloped, positive-stranded RNA viruses that can cause a severe respiratory disease. Its genome consists of a ∼30 kb linear, non-segmented, capped, polycistronic, polyadenylated RNA molecule, the first two-third of which is directly translated into two large polyproteins. These two polypeptides are processed into 16 non-structural proteins (nsps), forming the replicase complex, which is active in the cytoplasm in close associa...
TMPH-01246 POLR3A Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)

RNA polymerase III subunit C160,RNA polymerase III 155 kDa s...

Human E. coli
DNA-dependent RNA polymerase catalyzes the transcription of DNA into RNA using the four ribonucleoside triphosphates as substrates. Largest and catalytic core component of RNA polymerase III which synthesizes small RNAs, such as 5S rRNA and tRNAs. Forms the polymerase active center together with the second largest subunit. A single-stranded DNA template strand of the promoter is positioned within the central active site cleft of Pol III. A bridging helix emanates from RPC1 and crosses the cleft ...
TMPH-02236 TMPRSS2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (E. coli, His)

Transmembrane protease serine 2,TMPRSS2,Serine protease 10

Human E. coli
Plasma membrane-anchored serine protease that participates in proteolytic cascades of relevance for the normal physiologic function of the prostate. Androgen-induced TMPRSS2 activates several substrates that include pro-hepatocyte growth factor/HGF, the protease activated receptor-2/F2RL1 or matriptase/ST14 leading to extracellular matrix disruption and metastasis of prostate cancer cells. In addition, activates trigeminal neurons and contribute to both spontaneous pain and mechanical allodynia....
TMPH-02237 TMPRSS2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Myc)

Serine protease 10,Transmembrane protease serine 2,TMPRSS2

Human HEK293 Cells
Plasma membrane-anchored serine protease that participates in proteolytic cascades of relevance for the normal physiologic function of the prostate. Androgen-induced TMPRSS2 activates several substrates that include pro-hepatocyte growth factor/HGF, the protease activated receptor-2/F2RL1 or matriptase/ST14 leading to extracellular matrix disruption and metastasis of prostate cancer cells. In addition, activates trigeminal neurons and contribute to both spontaneous pain and mechanical allodynia....
TMPY-01855 Serpin A10 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)

serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade A (alpha-1 antiproteinase,...

Mouse HEK293 Cells
Protein Z-dependent protease inhibitor, also known as PZ-dependent protease inhibitor, SERPINA1 and ZPI, is a secreted protein that belongs to the serpin family. It is expressed by the liver and secreted in plasma. SERPINA1 / Serpin-A1 inhibits factor Xa activity in the presence of protein Z, calcium and phospholipid. Serpins are a group of proteins with similar structures that were first identified as a set of proteins able to inhibit proteases. The acronym serpin was originally coined because ...


MXRA8 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-01151
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
MXRA8 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-01166
Species: Mouse
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
Influenza A H1N1 (A/Puerto Rico/8/34/Mount Sinai) Non-structural/NS1 Protein (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-02219
Species: H1N1
Expression System: E. coli
LGALS3BP Protein, Rat, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPH-03297
Species: Rat
Expression System: E. coli
LGALS3BP Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPH-01362
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
CD209/DC-SIGN Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPK-00255
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
HSV 2 (strain 333) Glycoprotein D/gD Protein (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-06802
Species: HSV2
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
Fragilis/IFITM3 Protein, Human, Recombinant (mFc)
Cat.No: TMPY-02841
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
GSPT1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Myc)
Cat.No: TMPH-01308
Species: Human
Expression System: P. pastoris (Yeast)
MBL2 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant
Cat.No: TMPJ-00133
Species: Mouse
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
POLR3K Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPH-01247
Species: Human
Expression System: Baculovirus Insect Cells
APOBEC3A Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & SUMO)
Cat.No: TMPH-01235
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
TRIM5 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPJ-01310
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
TLR8 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPH-02212
Species: Human
Expression System: P. pastoris (Yeast)
CYPA Protein, Human, Recombinant
Cat.No: TMPJ-01049
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
SEMA4G Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPJ-01355
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
Sting Protein, Human, Recombinant (Sumo & His)
Cat.No: TMPJ-01206
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
ASGR2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-02909
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
SARS-CoV-2 Methyltransferase/ME Protein (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-05693
Species: SARS-CoV-2
Expression System: E. coli
CLEC10A Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPJ-00201
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
TSG101 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Myc & SUMO)
Cat.No: TMPH-03758
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
CFH Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPJ-00809
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
Nectin-2 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (hFc)
Cat.No: TMPJ-00323
Species: Mouse
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
SARS-CoV-2 NSP1 Protein (His)
Cat.No: TMPJ-01425
Species: SARS-CoV-2
Expression System: E. coli
POLR3A Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPH-01246
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
TMPRSS2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (E. coli, His)
Cat.No: TMPH-02236
Species: Human
Expression System: E. coli
TMPRSS2 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His & Myc)
Cat.No: TMPH-02237
Species: Human
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
Serpin A10 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)
Cat.No: TMPY-01855
Species: Mouse
Expression System: HEK293 Cells
Cat. No. Product Name Target Signaling Pathways
TMIJ-0013 Acyclovir-d4

Acyclovir-d4 是 Acyclovir 的氘代化合物。Acyclovir 的 CAS 号为 59277-89-3。Acyclovir是鸟嘌呤类似物和具有口服活性的抗病毒剂。它对HSV-1(IC50为 0.85 μM),HSV-2(IC50为 0.86 μM) 和水痘带状疱疹病毒有活性。
TMID-0083 Arbidol-d6 Hydrochloride

Arbidol-d6 Hydrochloride 是 Arbidol Hydrochloride 的氘代化合物。Arbidol Hydrochloride 的 CAS 号为 131707-23-8。Umifenovir hydrochloride 是一种口服有效的广谱抗病毒药物,对多种包膜和非包膜病毒均有活性。它被用作抗流感病毒剂,可通过阻断病毒与宿主细胞膜的融合来抑制包膜病毒的细胞侵袭。它是一种 SARS-CoV-2 抑制剂,具有抗炎活性。
TMID-0032 Oseltamivir-d3

Oseltamivir-d3 是 Oseltamivir 的氘代化合物。Oseltamivir 的 CAS 号为 196618-13-0。Oseltamivir (GS 4104) 是一种具有口服活性和高效性的病毒神经氨酸酶 (NA),具有抗病毒活性,抑制 A/H3N2,A/H1N2,A/H1N1 和 B 型流感病毒,可用于研究流感和肺炎。
T38118 Zanamivir-13C,15N2


Zanamivir-13C,15N2is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of zanamivir by GC- or LC-MS. Zanamivir is a sialic acid analog that inhibits neuraminidase release of newly replicated influenza virus particles.1It has been shown to selectively inhibit the growth of influenza A and B viruses in plaque reduction assays with IC50values ranging from 5 to 14 nM and to directly inhibit influenza A and B virus neuraminidases with IC50values ranging from 0.6 to 7.9 nMin vitro. Intra...
T38297 Ribavirin-13C5


Ribavirin-13C5is intended for use as an internal standard for the quantification of ribavirin by GC- or LC-MS. Ribavirin is an antiviral guanosine nucleoside analog.1,2Upon entry into cells, ribavirin is metabolized to an active triphosphate form that induces viral RNA chain termination and inhibits viral polymerases. It reduces replication in a panel of seven RNA and four DNA viruses in Vero cells (EC50s = 2-95 μg/ml).3Ribavirin also reduces replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome coro...
TMIJ-0347 Phenol-d6

Phenol-d6 是 Phenol 的氘代化合物。Phenol 的 CAS 号为 108-95-2。Phenol 是一种有毒的无色结晶固体,具有类似医院气味的甜焦油气味。它通常用作防腐剂和消毒剂。它对包括一些真菌和病毒在内的多种微生物有活性,但对孢子只有缓慢的效果。它已被用于消毒皮肤和缓解瘙痒。苯酚还用于制备化妆品,包括防晒霜、染发剂和亮肤制剂。它还用于生产药物(它是工业生产阿司匹林的原料)、除草剂和合成树脂。
TMIJ-0416 Phenol-d5 (2,3,4,5,6-d5)

Phenol-d5 (2,3,4,5,6-d5) 是 Phenol 的氘代化合物。Phenol 的 CAS 号为 108-95-2。Phenol 是一种有毒的无色结晶固体,具有类似医院气味的甜焦油气味。它通常用作防腐剂和消毒剂。它对包括一些真菌和病毒在内的多种微生物有活性,但对孢子只有缓慢的效果。它已被用于消毒皮肤和缓解瘙痒。苯酚还用于制备化妆品,包括防晒霜、染发剂和亮肤制剂。它还用于生产药物(它是工业生产阿司匹林的原料)、除草剂和合成树脂。


Cat.No: TMIJ-0013
Arbidol-d6 Hydrochloride
Cat.No: TMID-0083
Cat.No: TMID-0032
Cat.No: T38118
Synonym: Zanamivir-13C,15N2
Cat.No: T38297
Synonym: Ribavirin-13C5
Cat.No: TMIJ-0347
Phenol-d5 (2,3,4,5,6-d5)
Cat.No: TMIJ-0416
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