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Hinokiresinol is a novel inhibitor of LTB4 binding to the human neutrophils, it has antiallergic effect, it inhibits IgE-induced mouse passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction. Hinokiresinol (trans-hinokiresinol) and nyasol (cis-hinokiresinol) are estrogen agonists, they possess appreciable estrogen receptor binding activity, they can stimulate the proliferation of estrogen- dependent T47D breast cancer cells, and their stimulatory effects could be blocked by an estrogen antagonist. They have similar free radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory activities, they also have anti-ischemic effects, only trans-hinokiresinol can significantly decrease neuronal injury in cultured cortical neurons exposed to oxygen-glucose deprivation followed by re-oxygenation.
Hinokiresinol is a novel inhibitor of LTB4 binding to the human neutrophils, it has antiallergic effect, it inhibits IgE-induced mouse passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction. Hinokiresinol (trans-hinokiresinol) and nyasol (cis-hinokiresinol) are estrogen agonists, they possess appreciable estrogen receptor binding activity, they can stimulate the proliferation of estrogen- dependent T47D breast cancer cells, and their stimulatory effects could be blocked by an estrogen antagonist. They have similar free radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory activities, they also have anti-ischemic effects, only trans-hinokiresinol can significantly decrease neuronal injury in cultured cortical neurons exposed to oxygen-glucose deprivation followed by re-oxygenation.
规格 | 价格 | 库存 | 数量 |
25 mg | ¥ 41,500 | 期货 |
产品描述 | Hinokiresinol is a novel inhibitor of LTB4 binding to the human neutrophils, it has antiallergic effect, it inhibits IgE-induced mouse passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction. Hinokiresinol (trans-hinokiresinol) and nyasol (cis-hinokiresinol) are estrogen agonists, they possess appreciable estrogen receptor binding activity, they can stimulate the proliferation of estrogen- dependent T47D breast cancer cells, and their stimulatory effects could be blocked by an estrogen antagonist. They have similar free radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory activities, they also have anti-ischemic effects, only trans-hinokiresinol can significantly decrease neuronal injury in cultured cortical neurons exposed to oxygen-glucose deprivation followed by re-oxygenation. |
分子量 | 252.313 |
分子式 | C17H16O2 |
CAS No. | 17676-24-3 |
密度 | 1.163 g/cm3 (Predicted) |
存储 | Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice. |
中药材名称 | 中药材拉丁名 | 性 | 味 | 归经 |
天冬 | Asparagus cochinchinensis(Lour.)Merr. | 寒 | 甘, 苦 | 肺, 肾 |
知母 | Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bge. | 寒 | 苦, 甘 | 肺, 胃, 肾 |
中成药名称 | 处方组成 | 中成药类型 |
参鹿扶正片 | 人参,熟地黄,杜仲,枸杞子,巴戟天,牛膝,茯苓,沙棘,胡芦巴,天冬,五味子,五加皮,肉苁蓉,鹿角胶,山药,酸枣仁,桑椹,白术,半枝莲,猫爪草 | 扶正药 |
补脾益肾口服液 | 淫羊藿,巴戟天,鹿茸,菟丝子,肉苁蓉,人参,锁阳,茯苓,酸枣仁,韭菜子,熟地黄,天冬,蛇床子,枸杞子,柴胡 | 扶正药 |
安神足液 | 酸枣仁,柏子仁,合欢皮,首乌藤,当归,栀子,知母,玄参,甲壳素 | 安神药 |
柴石退热颗粒 | 柴胡,黄芩,石膏,青蒿,板蓝根,金银花,大黄,蒲公英,知母,连翘 | 清热药 |
痹克颗粒 | 青风藤,白敛,追风伞,五匹风,知母,丹参,肿节风 | 祛湿药 |
补肾健胃二十一味丸 | 石榴,玉竹,天冬,肉桂,紫脑砂,人参,小蜀季,沉香,肉豆蔻,黄精,五灵脂,白葡萄,红花,天花粉,荜茇,手掌参,白豆蔻,广枣,草果,蒺藜(微炒),寒水石(奶制) | 扶正药 |
痹克片 | 白蔹,肿节风,五匹风,追风伞,青风藤,知母,丹参 | 祛湿药 |
柴黄清热颗粒 | 石膏,柴胡,知母,黄芩,大青叶,薄荷,连翘,牛黄,板蓝根,水牛角浓缩粉,芦根 | 解表药 |
当归拈痛颗粒 | 当归,羌活,甘草(蜜炙),黄芩,茵陈,党参,苦参,升麻,葛根,苍术,白术(炒),泽泻,猪苓,防风,知母 | 扶正药 |
参花消渴茶 | 人参葛,根,知母,黄芪,菟丝子,地骨皮,芦根,预祝 | 扶正药 |
安神颗粒 | 酸枣仁(炒),川芎,知母,麦冬,制何首乌,五味子,丹参,茯苓 | 扶正药 |
阿胶珍珠膏 | 阿胶,人参,熟地黄,地黄,天冬,制何首乌,枸杞子,女贞子(盐炒),当归,白芍,山药(麸炒),肉苁蓉,巴戟天,泽泻,木香,珍珠,砂仁 | 扶正药 |
安脑牛黄胶囊 | 人工牛黄,朱砂,冰片,石膏,金银花,连翘,栀子,黄芩,知母,郁金香,钩藤,雄黄,黄连,珍珠,辛夷,大青叶,石菖蒲,水牛角浓缩粉 | 安神药 |
巴桑母酥油颗粒 | 诃子,毛诃子,余甘子,黄精,天冬,西藏棱子芹,蒺藜,喜马拉雅紫茉莉 | 扶正药 |
参鹿扶正胶囊 | 人参,熟地黄,杜仲,枸杞子,巴戟天,牛膝,茯苓,沙棘,胡芦巴,天冬,五味子,五加皮,肉苁蓉,鹿角胶,山药,酸枣仁,桑椹,白术,半枝莲,猫爪草 | 扶正药 |
荡涤灵颗粒 | 黄连,琥珀,赤芍,知母,地黄,地龙,黄芪,甘草 | 清热药 |
安神丸(浓缩丸) | 酸枣仁(炒),川芎,知母,麦冬,制何首乌,五味子,丹参,茯苓 | 安神药 |
补心丸 | 麦冬,远志(甘草汤煮),石菖蒲,香附子(童便浸),天冬,栝楼根,白术,贝母,熟地,茯神,地骨皮,人参,川归,牛膝,黄耆,木通 | 安神药 |
巴桑母酥油丸 | 诃子,毛诃子,余甘子,黄精,天冬,西藏棱子芹,蒺藜,喜马拉雅紫茉莉 | 扶正药 |
安神片 | 酸枣仁(炒),知母,丹参,茯苓,川芎,麦冬,制何首乌,五味子 | 安神药 |
方剂名称 | 处方组成 | 剂型 | 处方来源 |
六神汤6 | 鳖甲,柴胡,人参,知母,黄连,乌梅 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷三十一。 |
五虎饮 | 杏仁,紫苏,木贼,陈皮,知母,五味子,桔梗,炙甘草,石膏,瓜蒌子 | 汤剂 | 《盘珠集》卷下。 |
六和汤2 | 人参,知母,草果,贝母,乌梅,白芷,槟榔,柴胡,常山 | 汤剂 | 《丹溪心法》卷二。 |
五味子丸17 | 五味子,天冬,白芍,防己,车前子,槟榔,牵牛子,大黄,芒硝 | 丸剂 | 《圣济总录》眷五十四。 |
五味天冬丸 | 天冬,五味子 | 丸剂 | 《杂病源流犀烛》卷十六。 |
五福化毒丹1 | 生地黄,熟地黄,玄参,天冬,麦冬,甘草,甜消,青黛 | 丸剂 | 《小儿药证直诀》卷下。 |
五精煎丸 | 茯苓,甘菊,石菖蒲,桂枝,天冬,白术,人参,牛膝,黄精,生地黄 | 丸剂 | 《圣济总录》卷一八七。 |
六合汤3 | 人参,知母,草果,贝母,乌梅,白芷,槟榔,常山 | 汤剂 | 《便览》卷二。 |
五蒸汤 | 炙甘草,茯苓,人参,竹叶,葛根,干地黄,知母,黄芩,石膏,粳米 | 汤剂 | 《外台》卷十三引《范汪方》。 |
六味地黄丸加黄柏知母方 | 熟地黄,山茱萸,山药,泽泻,牡丹皮,茯苓,黄柏,知母 | 丸剂 | 《医方考》卷五。 |
五痿汤 | 人参,白术,茯苓,炙甘草,当归,薏苡仁,麦冬,黄柏,知母 | 汤剂 | 《医学心悟》卷三。 |
五福化毒丹2 | 生地黄,天冬,玄参,甘草,硼砂,青黛,麦冬 | 丸剂 | 《摄生众妙方》卷十。 |
五痫汤 | 大黄,钩藤,蜂房,麻黄,柴胡,栀子,知母,芍药,升麻,蚱蝉,石膏,蛇蜕,杏仁 | 汤剂 | 《幼幼新书》卷十一引《婴孺方》。 |
六物丸 | 天花粉,麦冬,知母,人参,苦参,土瓜 | 丸剂 | 《普济方》卷一七六引《圣惠》。 |
五福延寿丹 | 五味子,肉苁蓉,牛膝,菟丝子,杜仲,天冬,广木香,巴戟天,山药,鹿茸,车前子,石菖蒲,泽泻,生地黄,熟地黄,人参,乳香,没药,枸杞,八角茴香,覆盆子,赤石脂,地骨皮,杏仁,山茱萸,柏子仁,川椒,川楝子,远志,龙骨,茯苓,当归 | 丸剂 | 《便览》卷三。 |
六成汤 | 当归,白芍,干地黄,天冬,肉苁蓉,麦冬 | 汤剂 | 《温疫论》卷上。 |
五福延龄丹 | 沉香,木香,五味子,菟丝子,肉苁蓉,天冬,巴戟天,杜仲,山药,鹿茸,车前子,石菖蒲,泽泻,生地黄,熟地黄,枸杞,人参,山茱萸,远志,赤石脂,茯苓,覆盆子,杏仁,柏子仁,当归,牛膝,川楝子,川椒 | 丸剂 | 《医方类聚》卷一五三引《经验秘方》。 |
五味子汤13 | 五味子,紫菀,桔梗,续断,竹茹,桑白皮,人参,知母,熟地黄,甘草 | 汤剂 | 《普济方》卷一三九。 |
五福延寿丹1 | 五味子,人参,远志,石菖蒲,山茱萸,八角茴香,生地黄,熟地黄,杜仲,茯苓,肉苁蓉,枸杞,菟丝子,山药,牛膝,川椒,缩砂仁,黄柏,知母,木瓜,覆盆子 | 丸剂 | 《济阳纲目》卷六十四。 |
五泻汤 | 黄柏,知母,木通,栀子,生地黄,甘草,太白参,桔梗,黄芩,防风 | 汤剂 | 《银海精微》卷上。 |