GABAA receptor agonist 2 (compound 4c) is a highly potent GABAA receptor agonist which exhibits anti-depressive properties in classical mouse models of depression, such as the FST and TST. By binding to the GABA binding site on the GABAA receptor, GABAA receptor agonist 2 produces GABAergic effects. Notably, Compound 4c holds promise for depression research [1].
GABAA receptor agonist 2
GABAA receptor agonist 2
产品编号 T61625
GABAA receptor agonist 2 (compound 4c) is a highly potent GABAA receptor agonist which exhibits anti-depressive properties in classical mouse models of depression, such as the FST and TST. By binding to the GABA binding site on the GABAA receptor, GABAA receptor agonist 2 produces GABAergic effects. Notably, Compound 4c holds promise for depression research [1].
GABAA receptor agonist 2 (compound 4c) is a highly potent GABAA receptor agonist which exhibits anti-depressive properties in classical mouse models of depression, such as the FST and TST. By binding to the GABA binding site on the GABAA receptor, GABAA receptor agonist 2 produces GABAergic effects. Notably, Compound 4c holds promise for depression research [1].