Bradykinin (1-5)
产品编号 TP1725Cas号 23815-89-6
Bradykinin (1-5) is a major stable metabolite of Bradykinin, formed by the proteolytic action of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). The Bradykinin (BK) fragment (1-5) (RPPGF) is one of the most stable naturally occurring metabolites and may be used as a marker for BK production in vivo.
Bradykinin (1-5)
产品编号 TP1725Cas号 23815-89-6
Bradykinin (1-5) is a major stable metabolite of Bradykinin, formed by the proteolytic action of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). The Bradykinin (BK) fragment (1-5) (RPPGF) is one of the most stable naturally occurring metabolites and may be used as a marker for BK production in vivo.
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