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Spinacetin has anti-inflammatory effects, it weakly inhibited nitric oxide production and reduced prostaglandin E2 levels to different extents. It shows the activities in preventing inflammatory processes, which might be at least partially attributed to the abolishment of Syk-dependent activation of IgE/Ag-mediated mast cells.
Spinacetin has anti-inflammatory effects, it weakly inhibited nitric oxide production and reduced prostaglandin E2 levels to different extents. It shows the activities in preventing inflammatory processes, which might be at least partially attributed to the abolishment of Syk-dependent activation of IgE/Ag-mediated mast cells.
规格 | 价格 | 库存 | 数量 |
5 mg | ¥ 3,040 | 期货 | |
1 mL x 10 mM (in DMSO) | ¥ 3,140 | 期货 |
产品描述 | Spinacetin has anti-inflammatory effects, it weakly inhibited nitric oxide production and reduced prostaglandin E2 levels to different extents. It shows the activities in preventing inflammatory processes, which might be at least partially attributed to the abolishment of Syk-dependent activation of IgE/Ag-mediated mast cells. |
体外活性 | We previously reported the anti-inflammatory and anti-asthmatic activities of the extract of the Inula japonica Thunb. Aiming for discovery of a novel anti-inflammatory compound, we isolated Spinacetin from the extract and investigated its in vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory effect and the related mechanism. METHODS AND RESULTS: Effect of Spinacetin on the Syk signaling pathway was studied in bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMCs), and that on the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) was investigated in Rat basophilic leukemia (RBL)-2H3 cells and human mast cell line (HMC-1). The in vivo anti-inflammatory activity was assessed with passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) reaction assay. Spinacetin significantly inhibited the release of histamine, and production of inflammatory mediators such as leukotriene C4 (LTC4) and interlukin-6 (IL-6) in IgE/Ag stimulated BMMCs. Analysis of the signaling pathways demonstrated that Spinacetin inhibited activation of Syk, linker of activated T cells (LAT), phospholipase Cγ (PLCγ), cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2), MAPKs, Akt/NF-κB, and intracellular Ca2+ mobilization but with no effect on Fyn and Lyn. On the other hand, Spinacetin suppressed IgE/Ag-induced activation of RBL-2H3 cells with inhibition against phosphorylation of extracellular signal regulated-protein kinase (ERK), c-Jun-NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), p38 MAPKs, PLCγ, translocation of cPLA2, and Akt/IκBα/NF-κB signal. However, Spinacetin had no effect on PMA and A23187-induced activation of HMC-1. Furthermore, oral administration of Spinacetin dose-dependently attenuated IgE/Ag-mediated PCA reaction in mouse model. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, Spinacetin showed the activities in preventing inflammatory processes, which might be at least partially attributed to the abolishment of Syk-dependent activation of IgE/Ag-mediated mast cells. |
分子量 | 346.29 |
分子式 | C17H14O8 |
CAS No. | 3153-83-1 |
密度 | 1.591 g/cm3 (Predicted) |
存储 | Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice. |
中药材名称 | 中药材拉丁名 | 性 | 味 | 归经 |
旋覆花 | Inula japonica Thunb., Inula britannica L. | 微温 | 苦, 咸, 辛 | 肺, 脾, 胃, 大肠 |
中成药名称 | 处方组成 | 中成药类型 |
肺安片 | 知母,橘红,桔梗,川贝母,阿胶,款冬花,葶苈子,姜半夏,苦杏仁,甘草膏,麻黄,旋覆花,马兜铃 | 燥湿药 |
黄连上清片 | 黄连,大黄,连翘,薄荷,旋覆花,黄芩,荆芥穗,栀子,防风,石膏,桔梗,黄柏,蔓荆子,白芷,甘草,川芎,菊花 | 清热药 |
黄连上清丸 | 黄连,栀子,连翘,蔓荆子,防风,荆芥穗,白芷,黄芩,菊花,薄荷,大黄,黄柏,桔梗,川芎,石膏,旋覆花,甘草 | 清热药 |
黄连上清胶囊 | 黄连,栀子(姜制),连翘,蔓荆子(炒),防风,荆芥穗,白芷,黄芩,菊花,薄荷,大黄(酒炙),黄柏(酒炒),桔梗,川芎,石膏,旋覆花,甘草 | 清热药 |
源吉林甘和茶 | 紫苏叶,青蒿,香薷,薄荷,葛根,前胡,防风,黄芩,连翘,桑叶,淡竹叶,广藿香,苦丁茶,水翁花,荷叶,川木通,栀子,茵陈,粉萆薢,槐花,威灵仙,苍术,厚朴,陈皮,乌药,布渣叶,山楂,槟榔,紫苏梗,龙胆,旋覆花,甘草,牡荆叶,千里光,玉叶金花 | 解表药 |
明目蒺藜丸 | 黄连,川芎,白芷,蒺藜,地黄,荆芥,旋覆花,菊花,薄荷,蔓荆子,黄柏,连翘,密蒙花,防风,赤芍,栀子,当归,甘草,决明子,黄芩,蝉蜕,石决明,木贼 | 清热药 |
葶贝胶囊 | 北葶苈子,蜜麻黄,川贝母,苦杏仁,瓜萎皮,鱼腥草,旋覆花,石膏,黄芩,赭石,白果,蛤蚧,桔梗,甘草 | 化痰、止咳、平喘药 |
黄连上清颗粒 | 黄连,栀子(姜制),连翘,蔓荆子(炒),防风,荆芥穗,白芷,黄芩,菊花,薄荷,大黄(酒炙),黄柏(酒炒),桔梗,川芎,石膏,旋覆花,甘草 | 清热药 |
宁嗽化痰丸 | 紫菀,知母,麦冬,黄芩,百合,玄参,当归,紫苏子,五味子,地黄,百部,橘红,款冬花,半夏曲,天冬,天花粉,桑白皮,川贝母,前胡,旋覆花,桔梗,甘草,栀子,苦杏仁 | 化痰药 |
气管炎丸 | 麻黄,苦杏仁,石膏,炙甘草,前胡,白前,百部,紫菀,款冬花,蛤壳,葶苈子,化橘红,桔梗,茯苓,半夏曲,远志,旋覆花,浮海石,紫苏子,党参,大枣,五味子,桂枝,薤白,白芍,桑叶,射干,黄芩,青黛,蒲公英 | 表里双解药 |
翁沥通片 | 薏苡仁,浙贝母,川木通,栀子(炒),金银花,旋覆花,泽兰,大黄,铜绿,甘草,黄芪(蜜炙) | 扶正药 |
鸡鸣丸 | 知母,阿胶,款冬花,五味子,马兜铃,麻黄,旋覆花,陈皮,炙甘草,桔梗,葶苈子,苦杏仁,清半夏 | 化痰药 |
翁沥通胶囊 | 薏苡仁,浙贝母,川木通,栀子(炒),金银花,旋覆花,泽兰,大黄,铜绿,甘草,黄芪(蜜炙) | 祛湿药 |
翁沥通颗粒 | 薏苡仁,浙贝母,川木通,栀子(炒),金银花,旋覆花,泽兰,大黄,铜绿,甘草,黄芪(蜜炙) | 扶正药 |
京制咳嗽痰喘丸 | 前胡,白前,苦杏仁(去皮炒),桑叶,麻黄,半夏曲(麸炒),桔梗,川贝母,紫苏子(炒),化橘红(盐炙),紫菀,款冬花(蜜炙),旋覆花,海浮石(煅),马兜铃(蜜炙),茯苓,甘草(蜜炙),远志(炒焦),石膏,细辛,五味子(醋炙),桂枝(炒),浙贝母,白芍(酒炙),葶苈子,射干,百部(蜜炙),薤白,黄芩,党参,大枣,煅蛤壳粉,青黛,罂粟壳(蜜炙),生姜,枇杷叶 | 化痰、止咳、平喘药 |
小儿百日咳散 | 牛蒡子,川贝母,旋覆花,紫苏子,桑白皮,枳壳,陈皮,山楂,葶苈子,百部,桔梗,法半夏,青蒿,麻黄 | 化痰药 |
方剂名称 | 处方组成 | 剂型 | 处方来源 |
天麻白术丸 | 天麻,白术,天南星,半夏,白附子,川芎,白僵蚕,寒水石,薄荷,赤茯苓,旋覆花 | 丸剂 | 《杨氏家藏方》卷八。 |
木香丸35 | 木香,海蛤壳,桂枝,槟榔,诃子,汉防己,桑白皮,旋覆花,郁李仁 | 丸剂 | 《圣惠》卷五十四。 |
天南星丸20 | 天南星,细辛,附子,防风,天麻,半夏,白附子,旋覆花,川芎 | 丸剂 | 《圣惠》卷二十。 |
木乳散2 | 木乳,旋覆花,枳壳,石膏,甘菊,防风,川芎,甘草,荆芥 | 散剂 | 《圣惠》卷二十。 |
天门冬散2 | 天冬,旋覆花,桑白皮,紫菀,干地黄,甘草 | 散剂 | 《圣惠》卷三十一。 |
木通饮5 | 木通,羚羊角,旋覆花,芦根,桑白皮,黄连,赤芍,大黄,甘草 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷一○六。 |
化滞丸 | 三棱,莪术,桔梗,大黄,陈皮,半夏,白术,旋覆花,鳖甲,葶苈子,紫苏叶,木香,沉香,麦芽,槟榔,茴香,硼砂 | 丸剂 | 《普济方》卷一六九引《家藏经验方》。 |
五膈丸1 | 桑白皮,紫苏叶,赤茯苓,陈皮,槟榔,生姜,厚朴,旋覆花 | 丸剂 | 《圣济总录》卷六十二。 |
木香枳壳汤 | 木香,枳壳,黄连,麻黄,贝母,百合,紫菀,款冬花,桑白皮,天雄,白石脂,昆布,黄芩,旋覆花,杏仁 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷六十六。 |
分气散1 | 旋覆花,麻黄,款冬花,甘草,陈皮,白术,前胡,丹参,桔梗,大枣,防葵,黄芪,五味子,枳壳,贝母,桃仁,葳蕤,葛根 | 散剂 | 《圣济总录》卷八十七。 |
太乙金锁丸 | 龙骨,覆盆子,莲子,芡实,旋覆花 | 丸剂 | 《惠直堂方》卷一。 |
半夏煮散 | 半夏,木通,前胡,旋覆花,陈皮,槟榔,肉桂,枳壳,茯苓,白术 | 散剂 | 《博济》卷三。 |
木香散127 | 木香,旋覆花,赤茯苓,陈皮,槟榔,紫苏 | 散剂 | 《圣惠》卷十三。 |
五味子汤2 | 五味子,蒺藜,麻黄,桑白皮,白石脂,杏仁,百合,贝母,款冬花,枳壳,紫菀,柴胡,旋覆花,桂枝 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷六十五。 |
木香汤24 | 木香,枳壳,旋覆花,白术,桑白皮,半夏曲,人参,赤茯苓,槟榔,前胡,甘草,细辛 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷十七。 |
五倍丸1 | 巴戟天,枸杞,旋覆花,菊花,川椒 | 丸剂 | 《圣济总录》卷一○七。 |
五倍丸 | 巴戟天,枸杞,菊花,旋覆花,蕤核 | 丸剂 | 《圣济总录》卷一○二。 |
木香散10 | 木香,槟榔,半夏,犀牛角,旋覆花,赤茯苓,陈皮,紫苏,甘草 | 散剂 | 方出《圣惠》卷四十五,名见《普济方》卷二四六。 |
半夏温肺汤 | 细辛,橘皮,桂心,人参,旋覆花,甘草,桔梗,芍药,半夏,赤茯苓 | 汤剂 | 《医学发明》卷九。 |
九仙散2 | 柴胡,苍术,赤芍,荆芥,甘草,麻黄,川芎,薄荷,旋覆花 | 散剂 | 《活幼心书》卷下。 |