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Saucerneol has significant cardiovascular effects such as vasorelaxant and negative inotropic actions.
Saucerneol has significant cardiovascular effects such as vasorelaxant and negative inotropic actions.
规格 | 价格 | 库存 | 数量 |
5 mg | ¥ 2,350 | 期货 | |
1 mL x 10 mM (in DMSO) | ¥ 2,710 | 期货 |
产品描述 | Saucerneol has significant cardiovascular effects such as vasorelaxant and negative inotropic actions. |
体外活性 | Saururus chinensis has been widely used as a traditional medicine for the treatment of beriberi, hypertension, pneumonia, edema, jaundice and gonorrhea. However, there is only limited information on the cardiovascular effects of S. chinensis extract or its single compounds. METHODS AND RESULTS: The present study was performed to investigate the effects of active lignans isolated from the extract of S. chinensis on vascular responses and heart functions. The vasorelaxant activity-guided fractionation of roots extract of S. chinensis led to the isolation of eight lignans as active principles. These lignans produced concentration-dependent relaxations of the endothelium-intact aortic preparations of rat aorta. Particularly, Saucerneol (1), Saucerneol D (2) and machilin D (8) exhibited distinctive vasorelaxant activity (EC50 values: 2.2, 12.7 and 17.8 μM, respectively), which were significantly inhibited by removal of functional endothelium or pretreatment with N G-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester. Saucerneol (1) and Saucerneol D (2) caused a significant decrease in left ventricular pressure, +dP/dtmax and heart rate in isolated hearts. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that several lignans including Saucerneol (1), Saucerneol D (2) and machilin D (8), isolated from the ethanol extract of the roots of S. chinensis, have significant cardiovascular effects such as vasorelaxant and negative inotropic actions. |
分子量 | 538.637 |
分子式 | C31H38O8 |
CAS No. | 88497-86-3 |
密度 | 1.173 g/cm3 (Predicted) |
存储 | Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice. |
中药材名称 | 中药材拉丁名 | 性 | 味 | 归经 |
鱼腥草 | Houttuynia cordata Thunb. | 微寒 | 辛 | 肺 |
中成药名称 | 处方组成 | 中成药类型 |
黄龙咳喘片 | 黄芪,地龙,淫羊藿,山楂,桔梗,鱼腥草,射干,麻黄(,炙)葶苈子 | 扶正药 |
柴银口服液 | 柴胡,金银花,黄芩,葛根,荆芥,青蒿,连翘,桔梗,苦杏仁,薄荷,鱼腥草 | 清热药 |
复方鱼腥草软胶囊 | 鱼腥草,黄芪,板蓝根,连翘,金银花 | 清热药 |
复方樟脑软膏 | 人参,金银花,白芍,鱼腥草,益母草,党参,辛夷,丹参,茯苓,青蒿,黄芩,樟脑 | 清热药 |
丹葶肺心颗粒 | 麻黄,石膏,鱼腥草,前胡,苦杏仁,浙贝母,葶苈子,桑白皮,枳壳,丹参,川芎,太子参,甘草 | 化痰、止咳、平喘药 |
复方吉祥草含片 | 吉祥草,紫菀,麻黄,鱼腥草,桔梗,虎杖,罂粟壳,冰片,薄荷素油,梨膏 | 化痰、止咳、平喘药 |
安康欣胶囊 | 半枝莲,山豆根,蒲公英,鱼腥草,夏枯草,石上柏,枸杞子,穿破石,人参,黄芪,鸡血藤,灵芝,黄精,白术,党参,淫羊藿,兔丝子,丹参 | 安神药 |
复方鱼腥草胶囊 | 鱼腥草,黄芩,板蓝根,连翘,金银花 | 清热药 |
丹黄祛瘀胶囊 | 黄芪,丹参,党参,山药,土茯苓,当归,鸡血藤,芡实,鱼腥草,三棱,莪术,全蝎,败酱草,肉桂,白术,炮姜,土鳖虫,延胡索,川楝子,苦参 | 理血药 |
复方鱼腥草合剂 | 鱼腥草,黄芩,板蓝根,连翘,金银花 | 清热药 |
黄龙咳喘胶囊 | 黄芪,地龙,淫羊藿,山楂(生),桔梗,鱼腥草,射干,麻黄(炙),葶苈子 | 扶正药 |
复方鱼腥草颗粒 | 鱼腥草,黄芩,板蓝根,连翘,金银花 | 清热药 |
宝宝牛黄散 | 牛黄,鱼腥草,胆南星,僵蚕(制),地龙(制),钩藤,沉香,珍珠,冰片 | 治风药 |
复方鱼腥草滴丸 | 鱼腥草,黄芩,板蓝根,连翘,金银花 | 清热药 |
鼻康片 | 鹅不食草,鱼腥草,大蓟根,漆姑草,绣线菊,路路通,羊耳菊 | 清热药 |
复方鱼腥草糖浆 | 鱼腥草,黄芩,板蓝根,连翘,金银花 | 清热药 |
鼻康胶囊 | 羊耳菊,鱼腥草,绣线菊,大蓟根,漆姑草,路路通,鹅不食草 | 清热药 |
儿童清咽解热口服液 | 柴胡,黄芩苷,紫花地丁,人工牛黄,苣荬菜,鱼腥草,芦根,赤小豆 | 清热药 |
黄龙止咳颗粒 | 黄芪,地龙,淫羊藿,山楂,桔梗,鱼腥草,射干,麻黄(,炙)葶苈子 | 扶正药 |
丹黄祛瘀片 | 黄芪,丹参,党参,山药,土茯苓,当归,鸡血藤,芡实,鱼腥草,三棱,莪术,全蝎,败酱草,肉桂,白术,炮姜,土鳖虫,延胡索,川楝子,苦参 | 理气药 |
方剂名称 | 处方组成 | 剂型 | 处方来源 |
百花膏3 | 透骨草,忍冬藤,蒲公英,鹤虱,九龙藤,天麻,墨旱莲,半枝莲,地杨梅,豨莶草,苍耳草,紫花地丁,地锦草,鱼蓼,大小青,薄荷,灵芝,鱼腥草,血见愁,淡竹叶,南天竹,枸杞,头橘树头,枳叶,五加叶,接骨木,石楠,蜈蚣,萹蓄,马齿苋,石荠苎,蛇床叶,长青草,慎火草,太湖葱 | 膏剂 | 《解围元薮》卷四。 |
防苓汤 | 土茯苓,茯苓,防己,防风,木瓜,黄芪,当归,羊蹄,鱼腥草 | 汤剂 | 《医林纂要》卷十。 |
急构饮 | 积雪草,鱼腥草,青黛 | 汤剂 | 《观聚方要补》卷十。 |