PUN-96956 is a novel BAM complex inhibitor, interfering with BamA-related processes and affect folding and insertion of OMPs. This product has no formal name. For the convenience of scientific communication, we named it by combining its InChi Key (3 letters from the first letter of each section) with the last 5 digit of its CAS#) according to MedKoo Chemical Nomenclature (https://www.medkoo.com/page/naming).
产品编号 T71991Cas号 1144496-95-6
PUN-96956 is a novel BAM complex inhibitor, interfering with BamA-related processes and affect folding and insertion of OMPs. This product has no formal name. For the convenience of scientific communication, we named it by combining its InChi Key (3 letters from the first letter of each section) with the last 5 digit of its CAS#) according to MedKoo Chemical Nomenclature (https://www.medkoo.com/page/naming).
PUN-96956 is a novel BAM complex inhibitor, interfering with BamA-related processes and affect folding and insertion of OMPs. This product has no formal name. For the convenience of scientific communication, we named it by combining its InChi Key (3 letters from the first letter of each section) with the last 5 digit of its CAS#) according to MedKoo Chemical Nomenclature (https://www.medkoo.com/page/naming).