Propylparaben sodium
产品编号 T40442Cas号 35285-69-9
别名 羟苯丙酯钠, Propylparahydroxybenzoatesodium, Propyl4-hydroxybenzoatesodium
Propylparaben sodium (propyl parahydroxybenzoate) is a naturally occurring antimicrobial preservative found in plants and bacteria. Widely utilized in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and foods, this compound impairs antral follicle growth and steroidogenic function by modifying the cell-cycle, apoptosis, and steroidogenesis pathways. Additionally, propylparaben sodium reduces sperm count and motility in rats.
Propylparaben sodium
产品编号 T40442 别名 羟苯丙酯钠, Propylparahydroxybenzoatesodium, Propyl4-hydroxybenzoatesodiumCas号 35285-69-9
Propylparaben sodium (propyl parahydroxybenzoate) is a naturally occurring antimicrobial preservative found in plants and bacteria. Widely utilized in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and foods, this compound impairs antral follicle growth and steroidogenic function by modifying the cell-cycle, apoptosis, and steroidogenesis pathways. Additionally, propylparaben sodium reduces sperm count and motility in rats.
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