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Isololiolide has phytotoxicity, it inhibited seedling growth of cress and barnyard grass. It also showed in vitro activity against both trypomastigote and intracellular amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi, with IC50 values of 32 μM and 40 μM, respectively. Isololiolide is an antioxidant response element (ARE) inducer, it has anti-inflammatory activity. It can exert a selective cytotoxic activity on hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells as well as induce apoptosis through the modulation of apoptosis-related proteins.
Isololiolide has phytotoxicity, it inhibited seedling growth of cress and barnyard grass. It also showed in vitro activity against both trypomastigote and intracellular amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi, with IC50 values of 32 μM and 40 μM, respectively. Isololiolide is an antioxidant response element (ARE) inducer, it has anti-inflammatory activity. It can exert a selective cytotoxic activity on hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells as well as induce apoptosis through the modulation of apoptosis-related proteins.
规格 | 价格 | 库存 | 数量 |
5 mg | ¥ 5,130 | 期货 | |
1 mL x 10 mM (in DMSO) | ¥ 5,230 | 期货 |
产品描述 | Isololiolide has phytotoxicity, it inhibited seedling growth of cress and barnyard grass. It also showed in vitro activity against both trypomastigote and intracellular amastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi, with IC50 values of 32 μM and 40 μM, respectively. Isololiolide is an antioxidant response element (ARE) inducer, it has anti-inflammatory activity. It can exert a selective cytotoxic activity on hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells as well as induce apoptosis through the modulation of apoptosis-related proteins. |
体外活性 | Organic agriculture emphasized using of biologically originated herbicides and phytotoxic substances are being considered as a replacement to chemical herbicides. Marsilea crenata is an aquatic perennial fern distributed in the South-East Asian countries and is well known for various biological properties. However, to date, there has been no report that addresses the phytotoxicity of Marsilea crenata. METHODS AND RESULTS: Therefore, we explored phytotoxic properties and phytotoxic substances from Marsilea crenata. An aqueous methanol extracts of Marsilea crenata showed inhibition on the seedling growth of cress, lettuce, alfalfa, barnyard grass, Italian ryegrass, and foxtail fescue. Inhibition increased with increasing extract concentration. The extract was purified by several chromatographic steps and two phytotoxic substances were isolated and identified by spectroscopic analysis as loliolide and Isololiolide. At the concentration of 30 μM, loliolide and Isololiolide inhibited seedling growth of cress and barnyard grass by 41.3 to 51.1%, and 58.15 to 87.5% of control seedlings, respectively. The concentrations required for 50% inhibition of cress and barnyard grass seedlings ranged from 32.1 to 128.5 μM for loliolide, 37.0 to 176.2 μM for Isololiolide. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest these compounds may be responsible for phytotoxic effects of Marsilea crenata extract and could be an important part of organic agriculture. |
分子量 | 196.24 |
分子式 | C11H16O3 |
CAS No. | 38274-00-9 |
密度 | 1.16 g/cm3 (Predicted) |
存储 | Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice. |
中药材名称 | 中药材拉丁名 | 性 | 味 | 归经 |
裙带菜 | Undaria pinnatifida Suringar | |||
紫花地丁 | Viola yedoensis Makino | 寒 | 苦, 辛 | 心, 肝 |
中成药名称 | 处方组成 | 中成药类型 |
丹白颗粒 | 牡丹皮,大血藤,紫花地丁,三棱,莪术,败酱草,川芎,白芍,土茯苓,白英,白花蛇舌草,墓头回,椿皮,当归 | 祛瘀药 |
沉香安神胶囊 | 沉香,紫檀香,红花,豆蔻,诃子,旋复花,细辛,制草乌,木棉花,胡黄连,黑云香,枫香脂,山沉香,檀香,石膏,肉豆蔻,草果,栀子,白头翁,瞿麦,石榴,北沙参,丁香,木香,紫花地丁,苦参,川楝子,悬钩子木,山柰,广枣,兔心,土木香,麝香,降香,马钱子(制) | 清热药 |
沉香安神散 | 沉香,紫檀香,红花,白豆蔻,诃子,旋复花,细辛,制草乌,木棉花,胡黄连,黑云香,枫香脂,山沉香,檀香,石膏,肉豆蔻,草果,栀子,白头翁,瞿麦,石榴,北沙参,丁香,木香,紫花地丁,苦参,川楝子,悬钩子木,山柰,广枣,兔心,土木香,人工麝香,降香,马钱子(制) | 清热药 |
妇平胶囊 | 金荞麦,紫花地丁,莪术,败酱草,杠板归,大血藤,一枝黄花 | 清热药 |
风湿二十五味丸(琪素-25) | 驴血粉,檀香,紫檀香,苦参,栀子,闹羊花,人工牛黄,西红花,草果,白豆蔻,紫花地丁,诃子,川楝子,人工麝香,漏芦花,石膏,玉簪花,肉豆蔻,苘麻子,枫香脂,草决明,木棉花蕊,木棉花瓣,丁香,杜仲 | 祛湿药 |
肤痔清软膏 | 金果榄,土大黄,苦参,黄柏,野菊花,紫花地丁,朱砂根,雪胆,重楼,黄药子,姜黄,地榆 | 清热药 |
复方南板蓝根胶囊 | 南板蓝根,蒲公英,紫花地丁 | 清热药 |
复方瓜子金片 | 瓜子金,大青叶,白花蛇舌草,野菊花,紫花地丁,海金沙 | 清热药 |
复方瓜子金颗粒(降糖) | 瓜子金,大青叶,野菊花,海金沙,白花蛇舌草,紫花地丁, | 清热药 |
二丁颗粒 | 紫花地丁,半边莲,蒲公英,板蓝根 | 清热药 |
儿童清咽解热口服液 | 柴胡,黄芩苷,紫花地丁,人工牛黄,苣荬菜,鱼腥草,芦根,赤小豆 | 清热药 |
复方瓜子金胶囊 | 瓜子金,大青叶,野菊花,海金沙,白花蛇舌草,紫花地丁 | 清热药 |
德都红花七味丸 | 红花,麻黄,石膏,木通,紫花地丁,诃子,蓝盆花 | 清热药 |
二丁胶囊 | 紫花地丁,蒲公英,板蓝根,半边莲 | 清热药 |
妇康口服液 | 忍冬藤,鳖甲,连翘,草红藤,蒲公英,紫花地丁,大青叶,升麻,蒲黄,椿皮,茵陈,海金沙 | 理血药 |
二丁片 | 紫花地丁,蒲公英,半边莲,板蓝根 | 清热药 |
德都红花七味散 | 红花,麻黄,石膏,木通,紫花地丁,诃子,蓝盆花 | 清热药 |
柏洁洗剂 | 紫花地丁,黄柏,黄连,苦参 | 清热药 |
除湿止痒软膏 | 蛇床子,黄连,黄柏,白藓皮,苦参,虎杖,紫花地丁,地肤子,扁蓄,茵陈,苍术,花椒,冰片 | 清热药 |
除湿止痒洗液 | 蛇床子,黄连,黄柏,白鲜皮,苦参,虎杖,紫花地丁,地肤子,萹蓄,茵陈,苍术,花椒,冰片 | 清热药 |
方剂名称 | 处方组成 | 剂型 | 处方来源 |
一见消1 | 金银花,蒲公英,赤芍,黄芪,紫花地丁,红花,薜荔,地榆,黄柏,羌活,半夏,紫草,麻黄,瓜蒌,白芷,当归,栀子,独活,太白参,花粉,苍术,钩藤,木通,大黄,柴胡,甘草,皂角,连翘,防风,牛蒡子,全蝎,白僵蚕,广木香,蝉蜕,没药,麝香 | 膏剂 | 《惠直堂方》卷四。 |
加味三花汤 | 当归,川芎,天花粉,紫花地丁,甘菊 | 汤剂 | 《洞天奥旨》卷五。 |
木连散痈汤 | 黄芪,当归,木连,豨莶草,苍耳子,紫花地丁,生地黄,玄参,牵牛,柴胡,赤芍 | 汤剂 | 《洞天奥旨》卷六。 |
忍冬解毒汤 | 金银花,土贝母,甘菊,荆芥,牛蒡,红花,甘草,木通,连翘,紫花地丁,胡桃 | 汤剂 | 《救偏琐言·备用良方》。 |
五神汤1 | 茯苓,车前子,金银花,牛膝,紫花地丁 | 汤剂 | 《辨证录》卷十三。 |
一字丹 | 紫花地丁,重楼,山慈姑 | 散剂 | 《万氏家抄方》卷六。 |
地丁膏 | 黄花地丁,紫花地丁 | 膏剂 | 《惠直堂方》卷三。 |
六丁饮 | 紫花地丁,甘菊,甘草,牛膝,天花粉 | 汤剂 | 《洞天奥旨》卷七。 |
必胜汤 | 大黄,青皮,桃仁,红花,赤芍,木通,荆芥,葛根,生地,牛蒡子,白项地龙,紫花地丁,蝉蜕,山楂,芦根 | 汤剂 | 《救偏琐言》卷十。 |
托里清补汤 | 人参,黄芪,当归,川芎,厚朴,防风,桔梗,白芍,白芷,木香,牛蒡子,紫花地丁,黄芩,甘草 | 汤剂 | 《痘科辨要》卷四。 |
天下第一消发背方 | 紫花地丁,金银花,黄连,黄花地丁,槐花 | 汤剂 | 《疡医大全》卷七。 |
九灵汤 | 熟地黄,山茱萸,白术,防己,紫花地丁,荆芥,生地黄,牡丹皮,甘草 | 汤剂 | 《洞天奥旨》卷六。 |
五味消毒饮 | 金银花,野菊花,蒲公英,紫花地丁,天葵子 | 汤剂 | 《金鉴》卷七十二。 |
托里金银地丁散 | 金银花,黄连,当归,紫花地丁,赤芍,黄芪,人参,甘草,桔梗,大黄,乳香,白檀香,没药,连翘,黄芩,栀子,玄参,麦冬,前胡,甘草 | 散剂 | 《奇效良方》卷五十四。 |
二紫蒲公汤 | 茯苓,薏苡仁,紫花地丁,牛膝,蒲公英,贝母,天葵,当归,甘草 | 汤剂 | 《洞天奥旨》卷七。 |
龙射破棺散 | 藿香,紫花地丁,瓜蒌,红藤,甘草,紫草,黄芪,当归 | 散剂 | 《普济方》卷二八七。 |
当归汤9 | 当归,菊花,紫花地丁 | 汤剂 | 《集成良方三百种》。 |
妙贴止疼散 | 白及,乳香,桔梗,紫花地丁,白蔹 | 散剂 | 《疮疡经验全书》卷四。 |
四虫丹 | 芙蓉叶,紫花地丁,千金子,蛴螬,桑,生姜,大蒜,葱汁 | 散剂 | 《种福堂方》卷四。 |
两间汤 | 薏苡仁,甘草,当归,锦地罗,紫花地丁,槐米,天花粉 | 汤剂 | 《洞天奥旨》卷十五。 |