GUN35758, also known as 4'-Carboxybenzo-18C6, is a novel transthyretin (ttr) amyloidogenesis inhibitor, stabilizing the ttr tetramer by binding to the allosteric sites on the molecular surface of the ttr tetramer. This product has no formal name at the moment. For the convenience of communication, a temporary code name was therefore proposed according to MedKoo Chemical Nomenclature (see web page:
产品编号 T71785Cas号 60835-75-8
GUN35758, also known as 4'-Carboxybenzo-18C6, is a novel transthyretin (ttr) amyloidogenesis inhibitor, stabilizing the ttr tetramer by binding to the allosteric sites on the molecular surface of the ttr tetramer. This product has no formal name at the moment. For the convenience of communication, a temporary code name was therefore proposed according to MedKoo Chemical Nomenclature (see web page:
GUN35758, also known as 4'-Carboxybenzo-18C6, is a novel transthyretin (ttr) amyloidogenesis inhibitor, stabilizing the ttr tetramer by binding to the allosteric sites on the molecular surface of the ttr tetramer. This product has no formal name at the moment. For the convenience of communication, a temporary code name was therefore proposed according to MedKoo Chemical Nomenclature (see web page: