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Memantine hydrochloride3,5-二甲基金刚胺盐酸盐,Namenda,盐酸美金刚,Memantine HCl,D-145 (hydrochloride)
Memantine hydrochloride (Memantine HCl) 是一种具有一些多巴胺能作用的金刚烷胺衍生物,是一种温和的 NMDA 受体非竞争性拮抗剂,能够抑制 CYP2B6 和 CYP2D6。它可作为抗帕金森剂。
  • ¥ 331
TargetMol | Citations 客户已引用
PAR2 (1-6) amide (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)PAR2 (1-6) amide (human) (trifluoroacetate salt)
PAR2 (1-6) amide is a synthetic peptide agonist of proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) that corresponds to residues 1-6 of the amino terminal tethered ligand sequence of human PAR2 and residues 37-42 of the full-length sequence.1It binds to NCTC 2544 cells expressing human PAR2 (Ki= 9.64 μM in a radioligand binding assay) and induces calcium mobilization in the same cells (EC50= 0.075 μM).2PAR2 (1-6) amide (100 μM) reduces colony formation of A549 lung cancer cells.1It induces superoxide production and degranulation in isolated human eosinophils when used at a concentration of 500 μM.3PAR2 (1-6) amide (5 μmol/kg) induces tear secretion in rats when used in combination with amastatin .4 1.Bohm, S.K., Kong, W., Bromme, D., et al.Molecular cloning, expression and potential functions of the human proteinase-activated receptor-2Biochem. J.314(Pt 3)1009-1016(1996) 2.Kanke, T., Ishiwata, H., Kabeya, M., et al.Binding of a highly potent protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) activating peptide, [3H]2-furoyl-LIGRL-NH2, to human PAR2Br. J. Pharmacol.145(2)255-263(2005) 3.Miike, S., McWilliam, A.S., and Kita, H.Trypsin induces activation and inflammatory mediator release from human eosinophils through protease-activated receptor-2J. Immunol.167(11)6615-6622(2001) 4.Nishikawa, H., Kawai, K., Tanaka, M., et al.Protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2)-related peptides induce tear secretion in rats: Involvement of PAR-2 and non-PAR-2 mechanismsJ. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther.312(2)324-331(2005)
  • ¥ 1080
Terpendole I
Terpendole I is a fungal metabolite that has been found in A. yamanashiensis.1 It is a weak inhibitor of acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT; IC50 = 145 μM) and is active against the bacteria B. cereus and B. subtilis (MICs = 100 μg/ml for both) but not S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, or K. pneumoniae (MICs = >200 μg/ml for all) or the fungus C. albicans (MIC = 200 μg/ml).1,2 It is cytotoxic to HeLa cells with an IC50 value of 52.6 μM.3 |1. Tomoda, H., Tabata, N., Yang, D.-J., et al. Terpendoles, novel ACAT inhibitors produced by Albophoma yamanashiensis. III. Production, isolation and structure elucidation of new components. J. Antibiot. (Tokyo) 48(8), 793-804 (1995).|2. Zhao, J.-C., Wang, Y.-L., Zhang, T.-Y., et al. Indole diterpenoids from the endophytic fungus Drechmeria sp. as natural antimicrobial agents. Phytochemistry 148, 21-28 (2018).|3. Nagumo, Y., Motoyama, T., Hayashi, T., et al. Structure-activity relationships of terpendole E and its natural derivatives. ChemistrySelect 2(4), 1533-1536 (2017).
  • ¥ 2670
D-DOPA is an enantiomer of the dopamine precursor L-DOPA . It can be converted to L-DOPAviasequential oxidation and transamination, which are mediated by D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO) and DOPA transaminase, respectively, in rat kidney homogenates.1It reduces the number of dopaminergic neurons in primary rat embryonic mesencephalic cultures in a concentration-dependent manner.2Intraventricular administration of D-DOPA (200 μg/animal) increases striatal dopamine levels in rats.3D-DOPA (20 mg/kg, i.p.) induces contralateral turns in a rat model of Parkinson's disease induced by 6-OHDA .4 1.Wu, M., Zhou, X.-J., Konno, R., et al.D-dopa is unidirectionally converted to L-dopa by D-amino acid oxidase, followed by dopa transaminaseClin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol.33(11)1042-1046(2006) 2.Ling, Z.-D., Pieri, S.C., and Carvey, P.M.Comparison of the neurotoxicity of dihydroxyphenylalanine stereoisomers in cultured dopamine neuronsClin. Neuropharmacol.19(4)360-365(1996) 3.Karoum, F., Freed, W.J., Chuang, L.-W., et al.D-dopa and L-dopa similarly elevate brain dopamine and produce turning behavior in ratsBrain Res.440(1)190-194(1988) 4.Moses, J., Siddiqui, A., and Silverman, P.B.Sodium benzoate differentially blocks circling induced by D-and L-dopa in the hemi-parkinsonian ratNeurosci. Lett.218(3)145-148(1996)
  • ¥ 997