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S-23 ((S)-3-(4-chloro-3-fluorophenoxy)-N-(4-cyano-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)-2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanamide) 是口服选择性雄激素受体调节剂(Ki:1.7 nM)。它能够诱导 CV-1 细胞雄激素受体介导的转录激活,提高去势大鼠前列腺、精囊和肛提肌重量。
  • ¥ 185
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
2,5-dimethyl Celecoxib2,5-二甲基塞来考昔
2,5-dimethyl Celecoxib 是塞来昔布衍生物和微粒体前列腺素 E 合酶 1 (mPGES-1) 的靶向抑制剂,mPGES-1 是炎症介质 PGE2 合成途径中的关键酶。
  • ¥ 562
TargetMol | Inhibitor Sale
PP102为一种抗菌肽,针对革兰氏阴性及革兰氏阳性细菌展现出抗菌效能,具体作用于B. subtilis(MIC: 25 uM)、S. aureus(MIC: 13 uM)、S. lutea(MIC: 63 uM)和B. pumilu(MIC: 23 uM)。
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BAY-298 是一种口服有效且选择性的促黄体生成激素受体(LH-R)拮抗剂,分别针对hLH(人LH)、rLH(大鼠LH)和cLH(食蟹猴LH)展现出96 nM、23 nM和78 nM的IC50。作为一种纳摩尔级别的hLH-R拮抗剂,BAY-298 能够有效降低体内性激素水平。
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(S)-(+)-3-Hydroxytetrahydrofuran 是一种有用的有机化合物,可用于生命科学领域的相关研究。其产品编号为 T66897,CAS号为 86087-23-2。
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(5E)-7-Oxozeaenol is a resorcylic acid lactone that has been found in the fungus MSX 63935 and has enzyme inhibitory and anticancer activities.1,2 It inhibits TGF-β-activated kinase 1 (TAK-1; IC50 = 1.3 μM).1 (5E)-7-Oxozeaenol inhibits proliferation of MCF-7, H460, SF-268, HT-29, and MDA-MB-435 human cancer cells with IC50 values of 4.9, 1.2, 5.6, 4.4, and 5.5 μM, respectively.2 |1. Fakhouri, L., El-Elimat, T., Hurst, D.P., et al. Isolation, semisynthesis, covalent docking and transforming growth factor beta-activated kinase 1 (TAK1)-inhibitory activities of (5Z)-7-oxozeaenol analogues. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 23(21), 6993-6999 (2015).|2. Ayers, S., Graf, T.N., Adcock, A.F., et al. Resorcylic acid lactones with cytotoxic and NF-κB inhibitory activities and their structure-activity relationships. J. Nat. Prod. 74(5), 1126-1131 (2011).
  • ¥ 2670
WL47为一种高亲和力cavolin-1 (CAV1) 配体(Kd=23 nM),能有效破坏CAV1寡聚体。其对CAV1的选择性优于BSA、酪蛋白和HEWL。WL47长度仅为原始T20亲本序列的20%,适用于研究caveolin-1功能。
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NG 25 (hydrochloride hydrate)
NG 25 is a type II kinase inhibitor that inhibits MAP4K2 and TAK1 (IC50s = 21.7 and 149 nM, respectively).1It also inhibits the Src family kinases Src and LYN (IC50s = 113 and 12.9 nM, respectively) and Abl family kinases (IC50s = 75.2 nM), as well as CSK, FER, and p38α (IC50s = 56.4, 82.3, and 102 nM, respectively). NG 25 (100 nM) prevents TNF-α-induced IKKα/β phosphorylation and IκB-α degradation in L929 cells. It inhibits secretion of IFN-α and IFN-β induced by CpG type B and CL097, respectively, in Gen2.2 cells in a concentration-dependent manner.2NG 25 decreases cell viability of HCT116KRASWT, and to a greater degree of HCT116KRASG13D, colorectal cancer cells in a concentration-dependent manner.3It also reduces tumor growth and increases the number of TUNEL-positive tumor cells in a CT26KRASG12Dmouse orthotopic model of colorectal cancer. 1.Tan, L., Nomanbhoy, T., Gurbani, D., et al.Discovery of type II inhibitors of TGFβ-activated kinase 1 (TAK1) and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 2 (MAP4K2)J. Med. Chem.58(1)183-196(2015) 2.Pauls, E., Shpiro, N., Peggie, M., et al.Essential role for IKKβ in production of type 1 interferons by plasmacytoid dendritic cellsJ. Biol. Chem. 287(23)19216-19228(2012) 3.Ma, Q., Gu, L., Liao, S., et al.NG25, a novel inhibitor of TAK1, suppresses KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer growth in vitro and in vivoApoptosis24(1-2)83-94(2019)
  • ¥ 945
3-Hydroxyterphenyllin is a p-terphenyl fungal metabolite originally isolated from A. candidus that has diverse biological activities, including antioxidant, antiproliferative, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.1,2,3,4 It has a 96% scavenging effect on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radicals when used at a concentration of 100 μg/ml.2 3-Hydroxyterphenyllin inhibits the growth of HeLa cervical, A549 lung, and HepG2 liver cancer cells (IC50s = 23, 36, and 32 μM, respectively), as well as methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and V. vulnificus bacteria (MIC = 31 μg/ml for both).3 It also inhibits HIV-1 integrase in both coupled and strand transfer assays (IC50s = 2.8 and 12.1 μM, respectively).4References1. Kurobane, I., Vining, L.C., McInnes, A.G., et al. 3-Hydroxyterphenyllin, a new metabolite of Aspergillus candidus. Structure elucidation by 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J. Antibiot. (Tokyo) 32(6), 559-564 (1979).2. Yen, G.-C., Chang, Y.-C., Sheu, F., et al. Isolation and characterization of antioxidant compounds from Aspergillus candidus broth filtrate. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49(3), 1426-1431 (2001).3. Wang, W., Liao, Y., Tang, C., et al. Cytotoxic and antibacterial compounds from the coral-derived fungus Aspergillus tritici SP2-8-1. Mar. Drugs 15(11), E348 (2017).4. Singh, S.B., Jayasuriya, H., Dewey, R., et al. Isolation, structure, and HIV-1-integrase inhibitory activity of structurally diverse fungal metabolites. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 30(12), 721-731 (2003). 3-Hydroxyterphenyllin is a p-terphenyl fungal metabolite originally isolated from A. candidus that has diverse biological activities, including antioxidant, antiproliferative, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.1,2,3,4 It has a 96% scavenging effect on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radicals when used at a concentration of 100 μg/ml.2 3-Hydroxyterphenyllin inhibits the growth of HeLa cervical, A549 lung, and HepG2 liver cancer cells (IC50s = 23, 36, and 32 μM, respectively), as well as methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) and V. vulnificus bacteria (MIC = 31 μg/ml for both).3 It also inhibits HIV-1 integrase in both coupled and strand transfer assays (IC50s = 2.8 and 12.1 μM, respectively).4 References1. Kurobane, I., Vining, L.C., McInnes, A.G., et al. 3-Hydroxyterphenyllin, a new metabolite of Aspergillus candidus. Structure elucidation by 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J. Antibiot. (Tokyo) 32(6), 559-564 (1979).2. Yen, G.-C., Chang, Y.-C., Sheu, F., et al. Isolation and characterization of antioxidant compounds from Aspergillus candidus broth filtrate. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49(3), 1426-1431 (2001).3. Wang, W., Liao, Y., Tang, C., et al. Cytotoxic and antibacterial compounds from the coral-derived fungus Aspergillus tritici SP2-8-1. Mar. Drugs 15(11), E348 (2017).4. Singh, S.B., Jayasuriya, H., Dewey, R., et al. Isolation, structure, and HIV-1-integrase inhibitory activity of structurally diverse fungal metabolites. J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 30(12), 721-731 (2003).
  • ¥ 2970
Galbinic Acid
Galbinic acid is a depsidone lichen metabolite that has been found in U. undulata.1,2 It is active against the Gram-positive bacteria B. cereus, B. subtilis, and S. aureus, but not S. epidermidis (MICs = 62.5, 62.5, 250, and >250 μg/ml, respectively), as well as the Gram-negative bacterium E. coli, but not S. sonnei (MICs = 125 and >250 μg/ml, respectively).3 |1. Salgado, F., Albornoz, L., Cortéz, C., et al. Secondary metabolite profiling of species of the genus Usnea by UHPLC-ESI-OT-MS-MS. Molecules 23(1), E54 (2017).|2. Elix, J.A., and Engkaninan, U. The structure of galbinic acid. A depsidone from the lichen Usnea undulata. Aust. J. Chem. 28(8), 1793-1797 (1975).|3. Sultana, N., and Afolayan, A.J. A new depsidone and antibacterial activities of compounds from Usnea undulata Stirton. J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. 13(12), 1158-1164 (2011).
  • ¥ 3390
(S)-4-(4-Aminobenzyl)oxazolidin-2-one 是一种有用的有机化合物,可用于生命科学领域的相关研究。其产品编号为 T64733,CAS号为 152305-23-2。
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(S)-1-Benzyl 2-methyl pyrrolidine-1,2-dicarboxylate
(S)-1-Benzyl 2-methyl pyrrolidine-1,2-dicarboxylate 是一种有用的有机化合物,可用于生命科学领域的相关研究。其产品编号为 T65353,CAS号为 5211-23-4。
  • ¥ 307
3,3'-((2-Chlorophenyl)methylene)bis(4-hydroxy-2H-chromen-2-one) is a non-nucleotide inhibitor of ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 (ENPP1; Ki = 50 μM).1,2 It also inhibits urease (IC50 = 84.53 μM for the Jack bean enzyme).3 |1. Choudhary, M.I., Fatima, N., Khan, K.M., et al. New biscoumarin derivatives-cytotoxicity and enzyme inhibitory activities. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 14(23), 8066-8072 (2006).|2. Onyedibe, K.I., Wang, M., and Sintim, H.O. ENPP1, an old enzyme with new functions, and small molecule inhibitors - A STING in the tale of ENPP1. Molecules 24(22), E4192 (2019).|3. Khan, K.M., Iqbal, S., Lodhi, M.A., et al. Biscoumarin: New class of urease inhibitors; economical synthesis and activity. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 12(8), 1963-1968 (2004).
  • ¥ 647
(rel)-Asperparaline A
Aspergillimide is a fungal metabolite originally isolated from A. japonicus.1 It reduces nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) peak and slowly-desensitizing amplitudes induced by acetylcholine in silkworm (B. mori) larval neurons (IC50s = 20.2 and 39.6 nM, respectively) but has no effect on chicken α3β4-, α4β2-, and α7-containing nAChRs.2 Dietary administration of aspergillimide A (10 μg/g of diet) induces paralysis in silkworm fourth instar larvae.1 Aspergillimide A (10 and 20 mg/kg) reduces T. colubriformis fecal egg count in gerbils.3References1. Hayashi, H., Nishimoto, Y., Akiyama, K., et al. New paralytic alkaloids, asperparalines A, B and C, from Aspergillus japonicus JV-23. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 64(1), 111-115 (2000).2. Hirata, K., Kataoka, S., Furutani, S., et al. A fungal metabolite asperparaline a strongly and selectively blocks insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: The first report on the mode of action. PLoS One 6(4), e18354 (2011).3. Banks, R.M., Blanchflower, S.E., Everett, J.R., et al. Novel anthelmintic metabolites from an Aspergillus species; the aspergillimides. J. Antibiot. (Tokyo) 50(10), 840-846 (1997). Aspergillimide is a fungal metabolite originally isolated from A. japonicus.1 It reduces nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) peak and slowly-desensitizing amplitudes induced by acetylcholine in silkworm (B. mori) larval neurons (IC50s = 20.2 and 39.6 nM, respectively) but has no effect on chicken α3β4-, α4β2-, and α7-containing nAChRs.2 Dietary administration of aspergillimide A (10 μg/g of diet) induces paralysis in silkworm fourth instar larvae.1 Aspergillimide A (10 and 20 mg/kg) reduces T. colubriformis fecal egg count in gerbils.3 References1. Hayashi, H., Nishimoto, Y., Akiyama, K., et al. New paralytic alkaloids, asperparalines A, B and C, from Aspergillus japonicus JV-23. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 64(1), 111-115 (2000).2. Hirata, K., Kataoka, S., Furutani, S., et al. A fungal metabolite asperparaline a strongly and selectively blocks insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: The first report on the mode of action. PLoS One 6(4), e18354 (2011).3. Banks, R.M., Blanchflower, S.E., Everett, J.R., et al. Novel anthelmintic metabolites from an Aspergillus species; the aspergillimides. J. Antibiot. (Tokyo) 50(10), 840-846 (1997).
  • ¥ 1850
N-cis-hexadec-9Z-enoyl-L-Homoserine lactoneN-(2-oxotetrahydrofuran-3S-yl) Palmitoleyl Amide,N-cis-hexadec-9Z-enoyl-L-Homoserine lactone
Quorum sensing is a regulatory process used by bacteria for controlling gene expression in response to increasing cell density.[1] This regulatory process manifests itself with a variety of phenotypes including biofilm formation and virulence factor production.[2] Coordinated gene expression is achieved by the production, release, and detection of small diffusible signal molecules called autoinducers. The N-acylated homoserine lactones (AHLs) comprise one such class of autoinducers, each of which generally consists of a fatty acid coupled with homoserine lactone (HSL). AHLs vary in acyl group length (C4-C18), in the substitution of C3 (hydrogen, hydroxyl, or oxo group) and in the presence or absence of one or more carbon-carbon double bonds in the fatty acid chain. These differences confer signal specificity through the affinity of transcriptional regulators of the LuxR family.[3] C16:1-Δ9-(L)-HSL is a long-chain AHL that functions as a quorum sensing signaling molecule in strains of S. meliloti.[4],[5],[6],[7] Regulating bacterial quorum sensing signaling can be used to inhibit pathogenesis and thus, represents a new approach to antimicrobial therapy in the treatment of infectious diseases.[8] Reference:[1]. González, J.E., and Keshavan, N.D. Messing with bacterial quorum sensing. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 70(4), 859-875 (2006).[2]. Gould, T.A., Herman, J., Krank, J., et al. Specificity of acyl-homoserine lactone syntheses examined by mass spectrometry. J. Bacteriol. 188(2), 773-783 (2006).[3]. Penalver, C.G.N., Morin, D., Cantet, F., et al. Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 produces a novel type of acyl-homoserine lactone with a double unsaturated side chain under methylotrophic growth conditions. FEBS Lett. 580(2), 561-567 (2006).[4]. Teplitski, M., Eberhard, A., Gronquist, M.R., et al. Chemical identification of N-acyl homoserine lactone quorum-sensing signals produced by Sinorhizobium meliloti strains in defined medium. Archives of Microbiology 180, 494-497 (2003).[5]. Gao, M., Chen, H., Eberhard, A., et al. sinI- and expR-dependent quorum sensing in Sinorhizobium meliloti. Journal of Bacteriology 187(23), 7931-7944 (2005).[6]. Marketon, M.M., Glenn, S.A., Eberhard, A., et al. Quorum sensing controls exopolysaccharide production in Sinorhizobium meliloti. Journal of Bacteriology 185(1), 325-331 (2003).[7]. Marketon, M., Gronquist, M.R., Eberhard, A., et al. Characterization of the Sinorhizobium meliloti sinR sinI locus and the production of novel N-Acyl homoserine lactones. Journal of Bacteriology 184(20), 5686-5695 (2002).[8]. Cegelski, L., Marshall, G.R., Eldridge, G.R., et al. The biology and future prospects of antivirulence therapies. Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 6(1), 17-27 (2008).
  • ¥ 770
Neuromedin U-23 (rat) (trifluoroacetate salt)
Neuromedin U-23 (NMU-23) is a neuropeptide involved in diverse biological processes, including smooth muscle contraction, energy homeostasis, and nociception.1It is an agonist of neuromedin-U receptor 1 (NMUR1; EC50= 0.17 nM for the human receptor in a calcium mobilization assay using HEK293 cells) and NMUR2 (EC50= ~1.4-2 nM for arachidonic acid release in CHO cells expressing the human receptor).2,3NMU-23 (1 μM) induces contractions in isolated rat colon smooth muscle strips.4It decreases body weight and food intake and increases core body temperature in mice when administered at a dose of 36 μg/animal.5Intrathecal administration of NMU-23 decreases the mechanical pain threshold in the von Frey test in rats.6 1.Mitchell, J.D., Maguire, J.J., and Davenport, A.P.Emerging pharmacology and physiology of neuromedin U and the structurally related peptide neuromedin SBr. J. Pharmacol.158(1)87-103(2009) 2.Szekeres, P.G., Muir, A.I., Spinage, L.D., et al.Neuromedin U is a potent agonist at the orphan G protein-coupled receptor FM3J. Biol. Chem.275(27)20247-20250(2000) 3.Hosoya, M., Moriya, T., Kawamata, Y., et al.Identification and functional characterization of a novel subtype of neuromedin U receptorJ. Biol. Chem.275(38)29528-29532(2000) 4.Brighton, P.J., Wise, A., Dass, N.B., et al.Paradoxical behavior of neuromedin U in isolated smooth muscle cells and intact tissueJ. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther.325(1)154-164(2008) 5.Peier, A., Kosinski, J., Cox-York, K., et al.The antiobesity effects of centrally administered neuromedin U and neuromedin S are mediated predominantly by the neuromedin U receptor 2 (NMUR2)Endocrinology150(7)3101-3109(2009) 6.Yu, X.H., Cao, C.Q., Mennicken, F., et al.Pro-nociceptive effects of neuromedin U in ratNeuroscience120(2)467-474(2003)
  • ¥ 2100
Edoxaban impurity 6
Edoxaban impurity 6 is an impurity of Edoxaban. Edoxaban (DU-176) is a selective, potent and orally active factor Xa (FXa) inhibitor with Kis of 0.561 nM and 2.98 nM for free FXa and prothrombinase, respectively. Edoxaban is an anticoagulant agent and can be used for stroke prevention[1][2]. [1]. Furugohri T, et al. DU-176b, a potent and orally active factor Xa inhibitor: in vitro and in vivo pharmacological profiles. J Thromb Haemost. 2008 Sep;6(9):1542-9.[2]. Mendell J, Lee F, Chen S, The Effects of the Antiplatelet Agents, Aspirin and Naproxen, on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of the Anticoagulant Edoxaban, a Direct Factor Xa Inhibitor. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2013 Apr 23.
  • ¥ 3207
10-hydroxy Warfarin
10-hydroxy Warfarin is a metabolite of (R)-warfarin .1It is formed from (R)-warfarin by the cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoform CYP3A4. 10-hydroxy Warfarin is an inhibitor of CYP2C9 (IC50= 1.6 μM), the enzyme that converts (S)-warfarin to its 6-hydroxy warfarin and 7-hydroxy warfarin metabolites.2 1.Kaminsky, L.S., and Zhang, Z.-Y.Human P450 metabolism of warfarinPharmacol. Ther.73(1)67-74(1997) 2.Jones, D.R., Kim, S.-Y., Guderyon, M., et al.Hydroxywarfarin metabolites potently inhibit CYP2C9 metabolism of S-warfarinChem. Res. Toxicol.23(5)939-945(2010)
  • ¥ 1270
A-971432 is a sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 5 (S1P5) agonist that is selective for S1P5 over S1P1 and S1P3 (IC50s = 0.006, 0.362, and >10 µM, respectively). It inhibits forskolin-induced cAMP production in CHO cells expressing S1P5 (EC50 = 4.1 nM). A-971432 (1 µM) increases electrical resistance of hCMEC/D3 cells in an in vitro blood-brain barrier model, indicating enhanced barrier integrity, and attenuates blood-brain barrier leakage in an R6/2 transgenic mouse model of Huntington’s disease when administered at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg.[1] [2] A-971432 (0.1 mg/kg per day, i.p.) decreases the number of errors made in a horizontal ladder task and increases latency to fall in the rotarod test in R6/2 mice. It also increases spontaneous alternation in the t-maze in aged mice when administered at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg.[1] References [1].Hobson, A.D., Harris, C.M., van der Kam, E.L., et al. Discovery of A-971432, an orally bioavailable selective sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 5 (S1P5) agonist for the potential treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. J. Med. Chem. 58(23), 9154-9170 (2015).[2]. Di Pardo, A., Castaldo, S., Amico, E., et al. Stimulation of S1PR5 with A-971432, a selective agonist, preserves blood-brain barrier integrity and exerts therapeutic effect in an animal model of Huntington’s disease. Hum. Mol. Genet. 27(14), 2490-2501 (2018).
  • ¥ 560
  • 询价
FGFR4-IN-17 (Compound (S)-23) 为一种由吡啶基和哌嗪基二氟茚衍生的化合物。该化合物是一种FGFR抑制剂,其对FGFR1、FGFR2、FGFR3 和FGFR4的抑制半数有效浓度(IC50)分别为24.2 nM、16.1 nM、78.0 nM 和68.0 nM。此外,FGFR4-IN-17 还展现出抗肿瘤活性。
  • 询价
N-hexadecanoyl-L-Homoserine lactoneC16-HSL,N-palmitoyl-L-Homoserine,N-hexadecanoyl-L-Homoserine lactone
Quorum sensing is a regulatory system used by bacteria for controlling gene expression in response to increasing cell density.[1] This regulatory process manifests itself with a variety of phenotypes including biofilm formation and virulence factor production.[2] Coordinated gene expression is achieved by the production, release, and detection of small diffusible signal molecules called autoinducers. The N-acylated homoserine lactones (AHLs) comprise one such class of autoinducers, each of which generally consists of a fatty acid coupled with homoserine lactone (HSL). Regulation of bacterial quorum sensing signaling systems to inhibit pathogenesis represents a new approach to antimicrobial therapy in the treatment of infectious diseases.[3] AHLs vary in acyl group length (C4-C18), in the substitution of C3 (hydrogen, hydroxyl, or oxo group), and in the presence or absence of one or more carbon-carbon double bonds in the fatty acid chain. These differences confer signal specificity through the affinity of transcriptional regulators of the LuxR family.[4] C16-HSL is one of a number of lipophilic, long acyl side-chain bearing AHLs, including its monounsaturated analog C16:1-(L)-HSL, produced by the LuxI AHL synthase homolog SinI involved in quorum-sensing signaling in S. meliloti, a nitrogen-fixing bacterial symbiont of certain legumes.[5],[6] C16-HSL is the most abundant AHL produced by the proteobacterium R. capsulatus and activates genetic exchange between R. capsulatus cells.[7] N-Hexadecanoyl-L-homoserine lactone and other hydrophobic AHLs tend to localize in relatively lipophilic cellular environments of bacteria and cannot diffuse freely through the cell membrane. The long-chain N-acylhomoserine lactones may be exported from cells by efflux pumps or may be transported between communicating cells by way of extracellular outer membrane vesicles.[8],[9]Reference:[1]. González, J.E., and Keshavan, N.D. Messing with bacterial quorum sensing Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 70(4), 859-875 (2006).[2]. Gould, T.A., Herman, J., Krank, J., et al. Specificity of acyl-homoserine lactone syntheses examined by mass spectrometry Journal of Bacteriology 188(2), 773-783 (2006).[3]. Cegelski, L., Marshall, G.R., Eldridge, G.R., et al. The biology and future prospects of antivirulence therapies Nature Reviews.Microbiology 6(1), 17-27 (2008).[4]. Penalver, C.G.N., Morin, D., Cantet, F., et al. Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 produces a novel type of acyl-homoserine lactone with a double unsaturated side chain under methylotrophic growth conditions FEBS Letters 580, 561-567 (2006).[5]. Gao, M., Chen, H., Eberhard, A., et al. sinI- and expR-dependent quorum sensing in Sinorhizobium meliloti Journal of Bacteriology 187(23), 7931-7944 (2005).[6]. Teplitski, M., Eberhard, A., Gronquist, M.R., et al. Chemical identification of N-acyl homoserine lactone quorum-sensing signals produced by Sinorhizobium meliloti strains in defined medium Archives of Microbiology 180, 494-497 (2003).[7]. Schaefer, A.L., Taylor, T.A., Beatty, J.T., et al. Long-chain acyl-homoserine lactone quorum-sensing regulation of Rhodobacter capsulatus gene transfer agent production Journal of Bacteriology 184(23), 6515-6521 (2002).[8]. Pearson, J.P., Van Delden, C., and Iglewski, B.H. Active efflux and diffusion are involved in transport of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cell-to-cell signals Journal of Bacteriology 181(4), 1203-1210 (1999).[9]. Mashburn-Warren, L., and Whiteley, M. Special delivery: Vesicle trafficking in prokaryotes Molecular Microbiology 61(4), 839-846 (2006).
  • ¥ 665
Ro 31-8220
Ro 31-8220 是一种有效的PKC 抑制剂,对 PKCα,PKCβI,PKCβII,PKCγ,PKCε 和大鼠大脑 PKC 的IC50值为 5,24,14,27,24 和 23 nM。Ro 31-8220还显著抑制 MAPKAP-K1b,MSK1,S6K1 和 GSK3β,IC50值分别为3,8,15,38 nM,对 MKK3,MKK4,MKK6 和 MKK7 无作用。
  • ¥ 10600