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  • 抑制剂&激动剂
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PHGDH Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase,HEL-S-113,3PGDH,NLS1,PHGDHD,PGDH,NLS,SERA,PGAD,3-PGDH,PGD,PDG
PHGDH is a member of the D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase family. This new family consists of D-isomer-stereospecific enzymes. The conserved residues in this family appear to be the residues involved in the substrate binding and the catalytic reaction, and thus to be targets for site-directed mutagenesis. A number of NAD-dependent 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenases which seem to be specific for the D-isomer of their substrate have been shown to be functionally and structurally related. PHGDH catalyzes the transition of 3-phosphoglycerate into 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate, which is the first and rate-limiting step in the phosphorylated pathway of serine biosynthesis, using NAD+ NADH as a cofactor. Overexpression of PHGDH may cause certain breast cancers. Defects in PHGDH are the cause of phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase deficiency which is characterized by congenital microcephaly, psychomotor retardation, and seizures.
  • ¥ 4240
CHL2 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His)CHRDL2,chordin-like 2,chordin-like protein 2,BNF-1
Mouse Chordin-Like 2, also known as CHL2, is a novel chordin family member with structural homology to CHL1 which is implicated in tumor angiogenesis. The mouse CHL2 gene encodes a 426 amino acids (aa) protein with a 25 aa signal peptide. The mature chain of CHL2 protein contains two potential N-linked glycosylation sites, one putative NLS and three 63 aa cysteine-rich von Willebrand type C repeats (CRs). CHL2 gene is weakly expressed in the liver and kidney, partly expressed in the connective tissues of reproductive organs such as ligaments of the ovary and oviduct in females, and of testis, epididymis and certain male accessory sex glands in males. Recombinant mCHL2 protein interacted directly with five BMPs and one GDF thereby inhibiting, in vitro, several BMP GDF-dependent processes including, osteogenic differentiation of C2C12 mesenchymal progenitor cells by several BMPs, ATDC5 embryonal carcinoma cells by GDF5 and BMP4-dependent lymphohematopoietic (CD34+CD31hi and CD34+CD31lo) progenitor cell development from ES cells. CHL2 may inhibits BMPs activity by blocking their interaction with their receptors, and has a negative regulator effect on the cartilage formation regeneration from immature mesenchymal cells, by preventing or reducing the rate of matrix accumulation. Also, it may play a role during myoblast and osteoblast differentiation, and maturation.
  • ¥ 740
IkB alpha/NFKBIA Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)IkB α,IKBA,nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, α,NFKBI,nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, alpha,MAD-3,nuclear factor of κ light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, alpha
Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, alpha (IkB alpha, NFKBIA, or IKBA), is a member of the NF-kappa-B inhibitor family that function to inhibit the NF-kB transcription factor. NFKBIA inhibits NF-kB by masking the nuclear localization signals (NLS) of NF-kB proteins and keeping them sequestered in an inactive state in the cytoplasm. Also, NFKBIA blocks the ability of NF-κB transcription factors to bind to DNA, which is required for NF-kB's proper functioning. Signal-induced degradation of I kappa B alpha exposes the nuclear localization signal of NF-kappa B, thus allowing it to translocate into the nucleus and activate transcription from responsive genes. An autoregulatory loop is established when NF-kappa B induces expression of the I kappa B alpha gene and newly synthesized I kappa B alpha accumulates in the nucleus where it negatively regulates NF-kappa B-dependent transcription. As part of this post-induction repression, the nuclear export signal on I kappa B alpha mediates the transport of NF-kappa B-I kappa B alpha complexes from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Deletion of NFKBIA has an effect that is similar to the effect of EGFR amplification in the pathogenesis of glioblastoma and is associated with comparatively short survival. Polymorphisms in NFKBIA may be important in pre-disposition to and outcome after treatment, of multiple myeloma (MM). The NFKBIA gene product, IkappaBalpha, binds to NF-kappaB preventing its activation and is important in mediating resistance to apoptosis in B-cell lymphoproliferative diseases.
  • ¥ 3820
Neuroligin-3/NLGN3 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)neuroligin 3,HNL3
Neuroligin 3 (NLGN3) is a member of the type-B carboxylesterase lipase family. Neuroligins (NLGNs) are a family of presumptive postsynaptic cell adhesion molecules. Neuroligins (NLs) constitute a family of cell-surface proteins that interact with neurexins (beta-Nxs), another class of neuronal cell-surface proteins, one of each class functioning together in synapse formation. Neuroligins control the formation and functional balance of excitatory and inhibitory synapses in hippocampal neurons. NLGN1 and NLGN2 isoforms are concentrated at glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses, respectively, but the cellular expression and synaptic localization of the endogenous. NLGN3 was enriched in the brain, where NLGN3 protein levels increased during postnatal development, coinciding with the peak of synaptogenesis. The NLGN3 is a synaptic adhesion molecule that is a shared component of glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses. Mutations in the NLGN3 gene may be associated with autism and Asperger syndrome.
  • ¥ 4460
KPNB1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)Nuclear factor p97,Importin subunit β-1,NTF97,Karyopherin subunit β-1,Importin subunit beta-1,Karyopherin subunit beta-1,KPNB1,PTAC97,Importin-90,Pore targeting complex 97 kDa subunit
Importin subunit beta-1(KPNB1) is a member of the importin beta family. KPNB1 contains 1 importin N-terminal domain and 19 HEAT repeats. It is involved in nucleocytoplasmic transport, a signal- and energy-dependent process, takes place through nuclear pore complexes embedded in the nuclear envelope. Its functions in nuclear protein import, either in association with an adapter protein, like an importin-alpha subunit, which binds to nuclear localization signals (NLS) in cargo substrates, or by acting as autonomous nuclear transport receptor. The import of proteins containing a classical nuclear localization signal (NLS) requires the NLS import receptor, a heterodimer of importin alpha and beta subunits. Each of these subunits is part of the karyopherin family of proteins. Importin alpha binds the NLS-containing cargo in the cytoplasm and importin beta docks the complex at the cytoplasmic side of the nuclear pore complex. It mediates autonomously the nuclear import of ribosomal proteins RPL23A, RPS7 and RPL5.
  • ¥ 1170
KPNA1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His)Nucleoprotein interactor 1,SRP1-beta,Karyopherin subunit alpha-1,RAG cohort protein 2,Importin subunit alpha-5,KPNA1
Functions in nuclear protein import as an adapter protein for nuclear receptor KPNB1. Binds specifically and directly to substrates containing either a simple or bipartite NLS motif. Docking of the importin substrate complex to the nuclear pore complex (NPC) is mediated by KPNB1 through binding to nucleoporin FxFG repeats and the complex is subsequently translocated through the pore by an energy requiring, Ran-dependent mechanism. At the nucleoplasmic side of the NPC, Ran binds to importin-beta and the three components separate and importin-alpha and -beta are re-exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm where GTP hydrolysis releases Ran from importin. The directionality of nuclear import is thought to be conferred by an asymmetric distribution of the GTP- and GDP-bound forms of Ran between the cytoplasm and nucleus. In vitro, mediates the nuclear import of human cytomegalovirus UL84 by recognizing a non-classical NLS.
  • ¥ 1320