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FERULIC ACID METHYL ESTER (Methyl ferulate) 是从大百部中分到的阿魏酸衍生物,具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。在原发性骨髓源性巨噬细胞中,它抑制 COX-2 的表达,降低 p-p38和 p-JNK 的水平。它能够透过细胞膜和血脑屏障,清除自由基,可研究神经退行性疾病。
FERULIC ACID METHYL ESTER (Methyl ferulate) 是从大百部中分到的阿魏酸衍生物,具有抗氧化和抗炎作用。在原发性骨髓源性巨噬细胞中,它抑制 COX-2 的表达,降低 p-p38和 p-JNK 的水平。它能够透过细胞膜和血脑屏障,清除自由基,可研究神经退行性疾病。
规格 | 价格 | 库存 | 数量 |
50 mg | ¥ 99 | 现货 | |
1 mL x 10 mM (in DMSO) | ¥ 156 | 现货 |
产品描述 | FERULIC ACID METHYL ESTER (Methyl ferulate) is a hydroxycinnamic acid that is abundant in plants and originally derived from giant fennel (F. communis). This naturally-occurring phenolic has antioxidant activities that provide protection against inflammation and cancer. Ferulic acid methyl ester is a lipophilic derivative of ferulic acid, demonstrating increased ability to cross cell membranes. |
体外活性 | FERULIC ACID METHYL ESTER的抗氧化能力不如阿魏酸在神经PC12细胞中的表现(IC50值:阿魏酸乙酯为74.7 μM,而阿魏酸为44.6 μM,通过2,2-二苯基-1-吡啶肼自由基清除作用衡量)。在10-25 μg/ml的浓度下,FERULIC ACID METHYL ESTER能够抑制炎症反应,具体表现为抑制脂多糖(LPS)激活的巨噬细胞产生的促炎细胞因子的释放,阻止环氧合酶-2(COX-2)的表达,以及减少一氧化氮的生成。 |
激酶实验 | DPPH radical scavenging activity of caffeic acid and ferulic acid derivatives was assessed as previously described withsome modifications. Briefly, the test compound was dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide and 4 different concentrations weremixed with a methanolic solution of DPPH 100 mM in duplicate. After 30 min of incubation at room temperature in the dark, theabsorbance at 517 nm was measured by a spectrophotometer . The concentrations (in the range 1-100 μM) were carefully chosen for each compound in order to produce a suitable doseeresponse curve. The percent inhibition of the radical was calculated based on the absorbance of the mixture compared to the absorbance of DPPH solution alone. |
细胞实验 | Hydrogen peroxide (8.8 M solution) stored at 4 C was firstdiluted in PBS to prepare a 100 mM solution on the day of theexperiment. This was further diluted in growth medium to preparethe final working solution. PC12 cells were plated in collagencoated96-well microplates at a density of 5 105 cells/ml(100 μl per well). Blank wells contained only growth medium forbackground correction. After 48 h of incubation to allow for cellattachment, 20 μl of growth medium supplemented with differentconcentrations of HCAs were added in triplicate wells and preincubatedfor 1 h. Maximum concentration of DMSO in the wellswas kept below 0.2%. Afterwards, 20 μl of H2O2 solution was added.The concentration of H2O2 in the well was 75 μM. After anotherhour, the medium was replaced with fresh one and cells wereincubated overnight. In the end, the medium was replaced with30 μl of MTT 0.5 mg/ml dissolved in RPMI without phenol red.Formazan crystals were solubilised in 200 μl DMSO after 1.5 h ofincubation at 37 C. |
别名 | 阿魏酸甲酯, Methyl ferulate, Methyl 4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxycinnamate |
分子量 | 208.21 |
分子式 | C11H12O4 |
CAS No. | 2309-07-1 |
Smiles | COC(=O)\C=C\c1ccc(O)c(OC)c1 |
密度 | 1.204 g/cm3 |
存储 | Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
溶解度信息 | DMSO: 50 mg/mL (240.14 mM) ![]() Ethanol: 20 mg/mL | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
溶液配制表 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
中药材名称 | 中药材拉丁名 | 性 | 味 | 归经 |
鸡血藤 | Spatholobus suberectus Dunn | 温 | 苦, 甘 | 肝, 肾 |
中成药名称 | 处方组成 | 中成药类型 |
参红祛瘀散结胶囊 | 人参,红花,黄氏,党参,当归,鸡血藤,延胡索(醋制),木香,枸杞子,龙眼肉,酸枣仁,白术,海藻,昆布,黄连,天花粉 | 扶正药 |
调经活血胶囊 | 木香,川芎,延胡索(醋制),当地,熟地黄,吴茱萸(甘草水制),泽兰,鸡血藤,菟丝子 | 理血药 |
丹黄祛瘀片 | 黄芪,丹参,党参,山药,土茯苓,当归,鸡血藤,芡实,鱼腥草,三棱,莪术,全蝎,败酱草,肉桂,白术,炮姜,土鳖虫,延胡索,川楝子,苦参 | 理气药 |
补肾固齿丸 | 熟地黄,紫河车,骨碎补(盐水炙),枸杞子,鸡血藤,野菊花,牡丹皮,郁金(醋炙),丹参(酒炙) | 扶正药 |
丹珍头痛胶囊 | 高原丹参,夏枯草,熟地黄,珍珠母,鸡血藤,川芎,当归,白芍,菊花,蒺藜,钩藤,细辛 | 治风药 |
丹郁骨康丸 | 丹参,郁金,三七,鸡血藤,牛膝,枸杞子 | 祛瘀药 |
安多霖胶囊 | 抗辐射植物提取物,鸡血藤 | 扶正药 |
风湿祛痛胶囊 | 川黄柏,苍术,威灵仙,鸡血藤,蜂房,乌梢蛇,金钱白花蛇,蕲蛇,红花,土鳖虫,乳香,没药,全蝎,蜈蚣,地龙 | 活血通络药 |
参蓉健腰酒 | 人参,黄芪,黄精,玉竹,熟地黄,制何首乌,杜仲,枸杞子,肉苁蓉,菟丝子,狗肾(制),木香,陈皮,佛手,鸡血藤 | 扶正药 |
定坤丹 | 人参,鹿茸,西红花,鸡血藤,白芍,熟地黄,当归,黄芩,香附,茺蔚子,川芎,延胡索 | 扶正药 |
丹黄祛瘀胶囊 | 黄芪,丹参,党参,山药,土茯苓,当归,鸡血藤,芡实,鱼腥草,三棱,莪术,全蝎,败酱草,肉桂,白术,炮姜,土鳖虫,延胡索,川楝子,苦参 | 理血药 |
妇科千金胶囊 | 穿心莲,单面针,当归,党参,功劳木,鸡血藤,金樱根,千斤拔 | 清热药 |
补血宁神片 | 熟地黄,鸡血藤,首乌藤,金樱子 | 扶正药 |
参灵通络胶囊 | 黄氏,人参,灵芝,冬虫夏草,地龙,当归,鸡血藤,红花,牛膝,桃仁,赤芍,丹参,桂枝,没药 | 扶正药 |
妇科千金丸 | 穿心莲,单面针,当归,党参,功劳木,鸡血藤,金樱根,千斤拔 | 清热药 |
安康欣胶囊 | 半枝莲,山豆根,蒲公英,鱼腥草,夏枯草,石上柏,枸杞子,穿破石,人参,黄芪,鸡血藤,灵芝,黄精,白术,党参,淫羊藿,兔丝子,丹参 | 安神药 |
虫草双参酒 | 冬虫夏草,人参,丹参,地黄,黄芪,淫羊藿,黄精,何首乌,枸杞子,山茱萸,鸡血藤 | 扶正药 |
安神养血口服液 | 钩藤,制首乌,鸡血藤 | 安神药 |
丹王颗粒 | 丹参,王不留行,土茯苓,三七,大蓟,玄参,蒲公英,桂枝,黄芩,皂角刺,没药,泽泻,鸡血藤,川牛膝 | 祛瘀药 |
风湿关节酒 | 乌梢蛇(酒炙),草乌(银花甘草炙),老鹳草,穿山龙,羌活,独活,铁丝威灵仙,香加皮,木瓜,苍术,防风,油松节,当归,川芎,桂枝,鸡血藤,牛膝,白芍,粉萆薢,佛手,人参,甘草,红曲 | 祛风活络药 |