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Vanillyl Alcohol (3-Methoxy-4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol) 是一种酚类醇,具有抗血管生成、抗惊厥、抗炎、抗氧化、神经保护和抗伤害活性。它由香兰素衍生而来,在食品和饮料中用作调味剂。
Vanillyl Alcohol (3-Methoxy-4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol) 是一种酚类醇,具有抗血管生成、抗惊厥、抗炎、抗氧化、神经保护和抗伤害活性。它由香兰素衍生而来,在食品和饮料中用作调味剂。
规格 | 价格 | 库存 | 数量 |
20 mg | ¥ 108 | 现货 | |
1 mL x 10 mM (in DMSO) | ¥ 150 | 现货 |
产品描述 | Vanillyl Alcohol (3-Methoxy-4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol) possesses anti-angiogenic, anticonvulsive, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, neuroprotective, and anti-nociceptive activities. Vanillyl alcohol can effectively inhibit the cytotoxicity and improved cell viability in 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+)-induced MN9D dopaminergic cells, it also can attenuate the elevation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, decrease in the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase proteolysis. |
激酶实验 | For experiments with FAAH, rat liver homogenates, mouse brain homogenates and membranes from COS7 cells transfected with the human enzyme are used. Frozen (?80°C) livers from adult C57BL/6 mice and frozen brains (minus cerebella) from adult Wistar or Sprague-Dawley rats are thawed and homogenized in 20 mM HEPES, 1 mM MgCl2, pH 7. The homogenates are centrifuged at ~35000×g for 20 min at 4°C. After resuspension in buffer followed by recentrifugation and a second resuspension in buffer, the pellets are incubated at 37°C for 15 min. This incubation is undertaken in order to hydrolyse all endogenous FAAH substrates. The homogenates are then centrifuged as above, recentrifuged and resuspended in 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.4, containing 1 mM EDTA and 3 mM MgCl2. The homogenates are then frozen at ?80°C in aliquots until used for assay. FAAH is assayed in the homogenates and in the COS7 cell membranes using 0.5 μM (unless otherwise stated) [3H]AEA labelled in the ethanolamine part of the molecule. Blank values are obtained by the use of buffer rather than homogenate. In the experiments comparing effects of Biochanin A upon FAAH and FAAH-2, the same assay is used but with 16 nM [3H]oleoylethanolamide ([3H]OEA) as substrate and with an incubation phase at room temperature. The choice of OEA rather than AEA for FAAH-2 is motivated by the relative rates of hydrolysis: OEA is metabolized four times faster than AEA by FAAH-2, whereas for FAAH the rate of hydrolysis of OEA is about a third of that for AEA. When 0.5 μM [3H]AEA is used as substrate, assay conditions for rat brain and mouse liver are chosen so that <10% of added substrate is metabolized. For the human FAAH samples, <5% of the [3H]AEA is metabolized in all cases. For 16 nM [3H]OEA, a limited supply of an expensive ligand meant that optimization is not possible, and the amount of substrate utilized is higher (34±1 and 0.5±0.1% for FAAH and its corresponding mock-transfected, respectively; 40±2 and 21±0.4 for FAAH-2 and its corresponding mock-transfected respectively)[1]. |
别名 | 香兰醇, Vanillin alcohol, Vanillic alcohol, 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl alcohol, 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzenemethanol, 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol |
分子量 | 154.16 |
分子式 | C8H10O3 |
CAS No. | 498-00-0 |
Smiles | O(C)C1=CC(CO)=CC=C1O |
密度 | 1.226 g/cm3 |
存储 | Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
溶解度信息 | DMSO: 45 mg/mL (291.9 mM) ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
溶液配制表 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
中药材名称 | 中药材拉丁名 | 性 | 味 | 归经 |
天麻 | Gastrodia elata Bl. | 平 | 甘 | 肝 |
中成药名称 | 处方组成 | 中成药类型 |
参芪十一味颗粒 | 人参(去芦),黄芪,当归,天麻,熟地黄,泽泻,决明子,鹿角,菟丝子,细辛,枸杞子 | 扶正药 |
大川芎片 | 川芎,天麻 | 祛瘀药 |
保安万灵丹 | 荆芥,防风,羌活,麻黄,细辛,川芎,制川乌,制草乌,天麻,当归,苍术,甘草,石斛,制何首乌,全蝎,雄黄,朱砂 | 治风药 |
大川芎口服液 | 川芎,天麻 | 祛瘀药 |
复方追风膏 | 牛膝,白芷,熟地黄,红大戟,红花,冰片,乌药,地黄,乳香,海风藤,肉桂,当归,威灵仙,人工麝香,穿山甲,川乌,麻黄,独活,血,竭,羌活,苏木,桃仁,高良姜,续断,天麻,蛇蜕,没药,丁香,赤芍,雄黄,草乌,蜈蚣,檀香,细辛,五加皮 | 活血化瘀药 |
丹膝颗粒 | 丹参,牛膝,天麻,牡丹皮,赤芍,川芎,地黄,淫羊藿,桑寄生,栀子,决明子,火麻仁 | 扶正药 |
参芪益气酒 | 人参,黄芪,天麻,甘草,何首乌,麦冬,枸杞子,淫羊藿,冬虫夏草,大枣,党参 | 扶正药 |
参茯益气安神合剂 | 党参,黄芪,茯苓,甘草,当归,川芎,酸枣仁,半夏(姜制),僵蚕,天麻,钩藤,防风,薄荷 | 扶正药 |
参枣健脑口服液 | 人参,酸枣仁(炒),北合欢,淫羊藿,地黄,天麻,菊花,干姜,甘草 | 清热药 |
大活络胶囊 | 红参,白术,甘草,熟地黄,当归,何首乌,龟甲,乳香,没药,血竭,赤芍,肉桂,两头尖,麝香,冰片,安息香,沉香,木香,丁香,香附,水牛角浓缩粉,乌药,青皮,制草乌,麻黄,细辛,羌活,防风,蕲蛇,乌梢蛇,豹骨,松香,骨碎补,天麻,天南星 | 治风药 |
八宝镇惊丸 | 薄荷,天南星,猪牙皂,茯苓,木香,雄黄,钩藤,细辛,法半夏,僵蚕,琥珀,白附子,天竺黄,朱砂,防风,山药,胆南星,前胡,牛黄,白术,蝉蜕,天麻,白芍,冰片,广藿香,甘草 | 安神药 |
复方天麻胶囊 | 天麻,五味子,麦冬 | 安神药 |
大川芎颗粒 | 川芎,天麻 | 祛瘀药 |
复方天麻益阴酒 | 天麻,钩藤,制何首乌,枸杞,麦冬,白术(蒸),茯苓,当归,五味子,人参 | 扶正药 |
复方天麻片 | 天麻,五味子,麦冬 | 安神药 |
茯蚁参酒 | 茯苓,卷柏,当归,千年健,天麻,党参,黑蚂蚁,黄芪,竹节参,三七 | 扶正药 |
蚕茸柱天胶囊 | 蚕蛾(制),淫羊藿(羊油灸),巴戟天,熟地黄,山药,山茱萸,枸杞子,菟丝子(蒸),鹿茸,杜仲(炭),当归(炒),肉桂,附子(制),蜈蚣(酒制),天麻,人参,鹿鞭 | 清热药 |
保元丸 | 羌活,防风,麻黄,天麻,薄荷,天竺,黄钩藤,僵蚕(麸炒),全蝎胆南星(酒炙),猪牙皂,茯苓,陈皮,甘草,琥珀,冰片,人工麝香,人工牛黄,朱砂 | 化痰、止咳、平喘药 |
风湿追风膏 | 牛膝,当归,天麻,细辛,高良姜,海风藤,苏木,生地,续断,桃仁,草乌,独活,乌药,羌活,红花,蜈蚣,熟地黄,五加皮,麻黄,大戟,穿山甲,白芷,赤芍,蛇蜕,威灵仙,川乌,肉桂,没药,血竭,乳香,丁香,人工麝香,雄黄,冰片,松香 | 活血通络药 |
保安万灵丸 | 荆芥,防风,羌活,麻黄,细辛,川芎,制川乌,制草乌,天麻,当归,苍术,甘草,石斛,制何首乌,全蝎,雄黄,朱砂 | 治风药 |
方剂名称 | 处方组成 | 剂型 | 处方来源 |
化风丸3 | 薄荷,羌活,川芎,羚羊角,防风,天麻,人参,全蝎,天南星,白僵蚕,冰片,麝香 | 丸剂 | 《圣济总录》卷十二。 |
化风丹2 | 牛胆,羌活,独活,天麻,防风,甘草,荆芥,人参,川芎 | 丸剂 | 《活幼口议》卷十五。 |
天台散 | 麻黄,陈皮,乌药,白僵蚕,川芎,枳壳,桔梗,白芷,干姜,防风,羌活,天麻,当归,续断,威灵仙,乳香,没药,甘草,麝香 | 散剂 | 《古今医鉴》卷二。 |
化痰玉壶丸 | 天南星,半夏,天麻,头白面 | 丸剂 | 《局方》卷四。 |
天元二仙丹 | 天麻,地龙,滑石粉,人参,黄芪,附子 | 散剂 | 《准绳·幼科》卷六。 |
七宝散13 | 天麻,白僵蚕,羌活,麻黄,蝎梢,白附子,麝香 | 散剂 | 《普济方》卷三六九。 |
天南星丸6 | 天南星,天麻,白附子,羌活,白僵蚕,白花蛇,麻黄,犀牛角,槐角,槐胶,栀子,羚羊角 | 丸剂 | 《圣济总录》卷十三。 |
化风丹3 | 荆芥,黄芩,防风,羌活,独活,天麻,胆南星,川芎,朱砂,甘草 | 丸剂 | 《婴童百问》卷十。 |
双解散5 | 升麻,葛根,甘草,荆芥,蔓荆子,薄荷,天麻,白僵蚕,知母,贝母 | 散剂 | 《普济方》卷一四七引《经验良方》。 |
天竺黄散23 | 天竺黄,牡蛎,白芍,犀牛角,白附子,天麻,全蝎,人参 | 散剂 | 《普济方》卷三七八。 |
化风丹4 | 天南星,天麻,防风,荆芥,羌活,独活,人参,细辛,川芎,木香 | 丸剂 | 《古今医鉴》卷二。 |
化风丹 | 胆南星,羌活,独活,防风,天麻,人参,川芎,荆芥,甘草,全蝎 | 丸剂 | 《婴童百问》卷二。 |
天竺黄散19 | 天竺黄,大黄,天麻,侧柏枝节,蝉蜕,白附子,郁金,全蝎 | 散剂 | 《圣惠》卷八十五。 |
天附散 | 天麻,附子,防风,甘草 | 散剂 | 《普济方》卷三六七。 |
天南星丸 | 天南星,半夏,天麻,石膏,白附子,滑石 | 丸剂 | 《圣济总录》卷十六。 |
七宝膏 | 牛黄,麝香,冰片,朱砂,雄黄,白花蛇,天竺黄,白僵蚕,白附子,天麻,天南星,蝎梢,轻粉,朱砂,蛇黄,铁,自然铜,银矿,乳香,芦荟,犀牛角,铅霜,龙胆,川芎,人参,胡黄连,桑螵蛸,原蚕蜕 | 膏剂 | 《圣济总录》卷五。 |
化痰延寿丹 | 天麻,枸杞,白矾,半夏,干姜,人参 | 丸剂 | 《儒门事亲》卷十五。 |
七胜丸 | 威灵仙,当归,附子,天麻,桂枝,牛膝,干姜 | 丸剂 | 《圣济总录》卷五十一。 |
天竺黄散13 | 天竺黄,牛黄,胡黄连,犀牛角,天麻,蝉蜕 | 散剂 | 《圣惠》卷八十五。 |
天南星丸14 | 天南星,天麻,白附子,羌活,白僵蚕,麻黄,白花蛇,犀牛角,槐胶,栀子,槐角 | 丸剂 | 《圣惠》卷二十四。 |