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Irilone has immunomodulatory, and α-amylase inhibitory activities, it exhibits the selective inhibition toward CYP3 A4 rather than other major human CYPs. Irilone exhibited prominent antioxidant activities with the IC50 value of 10.46μM. Irilone potentiated the effect of progesterone in both endometrial and ovarian cancer cell lines, it protected dopaminergic neurons against LPS-induced injury through inhibition of microglia activation and proinflammatory factors generation.
Irilone has immunomodulatory, and α-amylase inhibitory activities, it exhibits the selective inhibition toward CYP3 A4 rather than other major human CYPs. Irilone exhibited prominent antioxidant activities with the IC50 value of 10.46μM. Irilone potentiated the effect of progesterone in both endometrial and ovarian cancer cell lines, it protected dopaminergic neurons against LPS-induced injury through inhibition of microglia activation and proinflammatory factors generation.
规格 | 价格 | 库存 | 数量 |
5 mg | ¥ 4,598 | 期货 | |
1 mL x 10 mM (in DMSO) | ¥ 5,500 | 期货 |
产品描述 | Irilone has immunomodulatory, and α-amylase inhibitory activities, it exhibits the selective inhibition toward CYP3 A4 rather than other major human CYPs. Irilone exhibited prominent antioxidant activities with the IC50 value of 10.46μM. Irilone potentiated the effect of progesterone in both endometrial and ovarian cancer cell lines, it protected dopaminergic neurons against LPS-induced injury through inhibition of microglia activation and proinflammatory factors generation. |
体外活性 | The use of botanical dietary supplements is becoming increasingly popular for the alleviation of hormonal-based conditions such as hot flashes, premenstrual syndrome, and fertility. Estrogen and progesterone receptors (ER and PR) play an essential role in these processes. However, despite the fact that many therapies used to alleviate gynecological conditions act through PR-mediated mechanisms, few studies have investigated or identified any herbal natural product components that act on this receptor. METHODS AND RESULTS:In the current study, we used a progesterone response element (PRE)-luciferase (Luc) reporter assay to identify four phytoprogestins present in a standardized red clover (Trifolium pratense) extract. We found that the component Irilone (1) potentiated the effect of progesterone in both endometrial and ovarian cancer cell lines. In these cancers, progesterone action is generally associated with positive outcomes; thus the potentiating effect of 1 may provide entirely new strategies for enhancing progesterone signaling as a means of mitigating conditions such as fibroids and endometriosis. Formononetin (3) and biochanin A (4) exhibited mixed agonist activity, while prunetin (2) acted only as an antagonist. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, these results suggest that the effects of red clover extract repeatedly observed in cultured cells and the inverse correlation between risk of various cancers and flavonoid intake may be due, in part, to altered progesterone signaling. |
分子量 | 298.25 |
分子式 | C16H10O6 |
CAS No. | 41653-81-0 |
密度 | 1.592 g/cm3 |
存储 | Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice. |
中药材名称 | 中药材拉丁名 | 性 | 味 | 归经 |
德国鸢尾 | Iris tectorum Maxim. | 平 | 苦, 辛 | |
红车轴草 | Trifolium pratense L | 微寒 | 甘, 苦 | |
葫芦巴 | Trigonella foenum-graecum L. | 温 | 苦 | 肾 |
射干 | Belamcanda chinensis (L.) DC. | 寒 | 苦 | 肺 |
鸢尾 | Iris tectorum Maxim. | 平 | 苦, 辛 |
中成药名称 | 处方组成 | 中成药类型 |
美声喉泰含片 | 射干,桔梗,麦冬,乌梅,胖大海,甘草,薄荷脑,冰片 | 清热药 |
芪天扶正胶囊 | 黄芪,百合,女贞子,北沙参,天冬,山茱萸(酒制),葫芦巴,陈皮 | 扶正药 |
黄龙咳喘胶囊 | 黄芪,地龙,淫羊藿,山楂(生),桔梗,鱼腥草,射干,麻黄(炙),葶苈子 | 扶正药 |
复方无花果含片 | 无花果,土牛膝,金银花,牡丹皮,射干,麦冬,南沙参,甘草 | 清热药 |
肤康搽剂 | 苦参,黄连,红花,川芎,丁香,人参,乌梅,槐米,白芍,五味子,射干,五倍子,白矾 | 清热药 |
复方雄蛾强肾胶囊 | 红参,淫羊藿,鹿茸,雄性柞蚕蛾,驴肾,延胡索,五味子,菟丝子,蛇床子,肉松蓉,韭菜子(盐),葫芦巴,牛膝,仙茅(酒),小茴香,肉桂 | 扶正药 |
甘桔冰梅片 | 诘梗,薄荷,射干,蜂虫兑,乌梅(去核),冰片,甘草,青果 | 清热药 |
金参润喉合剂 | 玄参,地黄,金银花,连翘,桔梗,射干,板蓝根,甘草,冰片 | 清热药 |
鳖甲煎丸 | 鳖甲胶,阿胶,蜂房(炒),鼠妇虫,土鳖虫(炒),蜣螂,硝石(精制),柴胡,黄芩,半夏(制),党参,干姜,厚朴(姜制),桂枝,白芍(炒),射干,桃仁,牡丹皮,大黄,凌霄花,葶苈子,石韦,瞿麦 | 祛瘀药 |
丹绿补肾胶囊 | 白花丹,绿包藤,射干,胡椒,干姜 | 扶正药 |
复方草玉梅含片 | 草玉梅,两面针,射干,百合,地黄,玄参,岗梅,甘草,薄荷脑,薄荷素油,磷酸氢钙,香兰素 | 清热药 |
黄龙止咳颗粒 | 黄芪,地龙,淫羊藿,山楂,桔梗,鱼腥草,射干,麻黄(,炙)葶苈子 | 扶正药 |
柴银感冒颗粒 | 柴胡,金银花,拳参,射干,僵蚕,大青叶,板蓝根,陈皮,甘草 | 清热药 |
京制咳嗽痰喘丸 | 前胡,白前,苦杏仁(去皮炒),桑叶,麻黄,半夏曲(麸炒),桔梗,川贝母,紫苏子(炒),化橘红(盐炙),紫菀,款冬花(蜜炙),旋覆花,海浮石(煅),马兜铃(蜜炙),茯苓,甘草(蜜炙),远志(炒焦),石膏,细辛,五味子(醋炙),桂枝(炒),浙贝母,白芍(酒炙),葶苈子,射干,百部(蜜炙),薤白,黄芩,党参,大枣,煅蛤壳粉,青黛,罂粟壳(蜜炙),生姜,枇杷叶 | 化痰、止咳、平喘药 |
金贝痰咳清颗粒 | 浙贝母,金银花,前胡,苦杏仁(炒),桑白皮,桔梗,射干,麻黄,川芎,甘草 | 化痰、止咳、平喘药 |
黄龙咳喘片 | 黄芪,地龙,淫羊藿,山楂,桔梗,鱼腥草,射干,麻黄(,炙)葶苈子 | 扶正药 |
桂林西瓜霜含片 | 西瓜霜,山豆根,射干,木汉果(炭),黄连,黄芩,黄柏,大黄,浙贝母,硼砂(煅),青黛,薄荷脑,甘草,冰片 | 清热药 |
七味清咽气雾剂 | 山豆根,射干,玄参,麦冬,蟾酥,麝香,冰片 | 扶正药 |
克感利咽颗粒 | 金银花,黄芩,荆芥,栀子(炒),连翘,玄参,僵蚕(姜制),地黄,射干,桔梗,薄荷,蝉蜕,防风,甘草 | 清热药 |
甘桔清咽颗粒 | 甘草,牛蒡子,玄参,桔梗,薄荷,赤芍,射干,蝉蜕,荆芥 | 清热药 |
方剂名称 | 处方组成 | 剂型 | 处方来源 |
五香汤1 | 木香,熏陆香,海藻,麝香,沉香,枳实,升麻,射干,大黄,竹沥 | 汤剂 | 《幼幼新书》卷三十五引《婴孺方》。 |
五香连翘汤 | 木香,独活,射干,连翘,甘草,桑寄生,升麻,沉香,鸡舌香,乳香,大黄,麝香 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷一二八。 |
五香连翘汤7 | 乳香,木香,沉香,丁香,香附,黄芪,射干,连翘,升麻,木通,独活,桑寄生,甘草 | 汤剂 | 《景岳全书》卷六十四。 |
五香汤 | 麝香,木香,丁香,沉香,乳香,芍药,枳实,射干,连翘,黄芩,麻黄,升麻,甘草,大黄 | 汤剂 | 《伤寒总病论》卷四。 |
升麻汤7 | 升麻,生姜,射干,橘皮 | 汤剂 | 《千金》卷五。 |
内固丸 | 八角茴香,木香,苦楝子,草豆蔻,干姜,吴茱萸,葫芦巴,补骨脂,炙甘草 | 丸剂 | 《圣济总录》卷五十四。 |
升桔汤 | 升麻,桔梗,昆布,连翘,胆草,射干 | 汤剂 | 《外科大成》卷三。 |
升麻丸7 | 升麻,甘草,射干 | 丸剂 | 《圣济总录》(人卫本)卷三十。 |
五香连翘汤11 | 连翘,升麻,熏陆香,竹沥,麝香,青木香,丁香,独活,寄生,射干,甘草,沉香,大黄,芒硝 | 汤剂 | 《外台》卷二十四引《崔氏方》。 |
五香连翘汤8 | 沉香,藿香,木香,丁香,麝香,连翘,射干,独活,升麻,炙甘草,寄生草,大黄 | 汤剂 | 《外科精义》卷下。 |
五香连翘汤10 | 木香,沉香,鸡舌香,麝香,熏陆香,射干,紫葛,升麻,独活,寄生,炙甘草,连翘,大黄,竹沥 | 汤剂 | 《肘后方》卷五。 |
五味子散12 | 五味子,细辛,贝母,柴胡,桑白皮,射干,陈皮,炙甘草 | 散剂 | 《圣惠》卷十四。 |
六味沉香饮 | 沉香,葫芦巴,苦楝子,八角茴香,木香,附子 | 汤剂 | 《圣济总录》卷五十二。 |
五香连翘散 | 木香,鸡舌香,沉香,熏陆香,麝香,连翘,射干,升麻,黄芪,木通,独活,桑寄生,甘草,大黄 | 散剂 | 《圣惠》卷六十一。 |
五香连翘汤9 | 青木香,沉香,熏陆香,丁香,麝香,射干,升麻,独活,寄生,连翘,通草,大黄 | 汤剂 | 《千金》卷二十二。 |
化丹汤 | 独活,射干,麻黄,青木香,甘草,黄芩,桂枝,石膏 | 汤剂 | 《活幼心书》卷下。 |
五香连翘汤2 | 木香,沉香,连翘,射干,升麻,黄芪,木通,甘草,丁香,乳香,大黄,麝,桑寄生,独活 | 汤剂 | 《集验背疽方》。 |
五香连翘汤6 | 沉香,乳香,甘草,木香,连翘,射干,升麻,独活,桑寄生,木通,丁香,大黄,麝香 | 汤剂 | 《卫生宝鉴》卷十三。 |
升桔汤1 | 升麻,桔梗,昆布,连翘,射干,甘草 | 汤剂 | 《外科大成》卷二。 |
升麻丸12 | 升麻,玄参,射干,百合,马兰,甘草,芒硝 | 丸剂 | 《圣惠》卷十五。 |